A Message from our Outgoing Executive Director

A Message From Our Outgoing Executive Director

Anyone walking with Jesus for a bit discovers that He is happy to interrupt your plans! God did so to me six years ago after I reluctantly drove to a Peninsula coffee shop to meet with Care Net Board Directors about possibly leading their pregnancy centers. The rest is history. My tenure for a fifth of this ministry’s legacy is a great privilege of my life.

Now God has newly interrupted my plans. Once again, I find myself in a coffee shop, this time across from a vibrant leader who is impressive in his qualifications, confidence of purpose, sense of humor, and humble spirit.

What God has done with your prayers and support in the years between is remarkable. The demand for our services by women in unexpected pregnancies has burgeoned; thousands of families have been touched. These women are effusive in their gratitude and give highest ratings for our safe place that didn’t judge them as they processed options. As we pursued excellence and growth and built a network of referral partners, our cities started taking notice. We stand on a threshold, in a culture of abortion, as a community-funded gem of a resource that changes lives and is needed more than ever. We are entering a new era.

So it surprised me a little when God whispered it was time to step aside. With grace upon grace, the Lord helped me fight for the unborn and their parents while fighting in my husband’s battle with cancer. I fought for those we serve while I fought to regain my footing as a widow without her faithful mate. The Holy Spirit is now clear that I am invited into a season of rest and restoration. I will seek God’s face in prayer until He reveals my next assignment.

What a joy you all are! I will be right beside you as we stand behind Ryan and his team and watch God pour out His life to the fullest through this noble work!

What Is An Options Counseling Session?

But there’s one service that seems to many of our donors as, well, mysterious. We use words like “safe space” and “lovingkindness” when we discuss our services, but what exactly is this thing we call an “Options Counseling Session?”

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Meet Our New Executive Director

Meet Our New Executive Director

After leading Care Net Peninsula for nearly six years, Kimberly Logsdon is stepping down this Spring. The Board of Directors performed much ‘due diligence’ in evaluating candidates and is delighted that Ryan Holloway answered God’s call to serve in this role. Ryan is the first male Executive Director in the ministry’s 33-year history.

Born and raised on the Peninsula, Ryan brings an MBA from Regent University, service on the mission field, and successful executive experience at multiple non-profits. Kimberly recently interviewed him over coffee.

Tell us about yourself. I have been married to Caroline for 11 years. We met at James Madison University. We have four children, James (8), Penny (5), Claire (2), and are currently expecting a baby. We are very involved at Coastal Community Church. It’s a big part of our life.

You’ve been an exec at a national health charity and a global ministry, but you started vocational life in the Dominican Republic. What did you do there? My wife and I served as full-time missionaries for Students International, which creates ministry sites to help local impoverished communities in a variety of ways. Then students from across the U.S. can come alongside on shorter missions, working beside the staff. I started a microfinance site and my wife led the social work ministry. I helped small entrepreneurs in the community (mostly women) start businesses out of their impoverished and broken homes.

How did that experience prepare you for this mission field? I arrived with this Word document business plan to start the ministry and was walking down a street with the document in my hand, this plan, and thinking in shock “How am I ever going to get this to work in the real world?!” But I had a good leader and good ‘river banks’ of encouragement to make it happen. I had to learn many different things, from Spanish to accounting to fill in the blank. I learned how to figure things out as I go and how to implement good ideas in positive ways. Those lessons have dramatically impacted the way I lead, my understanding of how nonprofits work, my ability to fundraise, all those things.

More significantly, it was a window into the lives of moms working hard to survive amid severely challenging difficulties.

Ryan starts at Care Net Peninsula on April 15, 2019

What Is An Options Counseling Session?

But there’s one service that seems to many of our donors as, well, mysterious. We use words like “safe space” and “lovingkindness” when we discuss our services, but what exactly is this thing we call an “Options Counseling Session?”

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Tischell’s Story

Tischell's Story

When I found out I was pregnant I felt nervous, overwhelmed and bad … totally stuck in the moment and wanting time to stop so I could figure out what was going on. I felt like I was in a blur for a few weeks. Confused, that’s the best word to describe it. I came to Care Net Peninsula because I knew that I was pregnant and wanted to make sure that I had an opportunity to speak with someone about what was going on.

When I came to Care Net they were very, very welcoming and friendly. The total mood in the center was excellent. When I saw the ultrasound, that was such a game-changing moment! I still wasn’t 100% sure how I would do, but that joy! …I can remember that. And now seeing my son’s face is like “WOW! That little dot that was on the screen is this little boy that’s full of joy now. That’s awesome.”

Since coming to Care Net, I was able to decide and commit to having my son and to continuing on with my pregnancy. I had a beautiful, healthy baby boy. My life is totally different. I am so excited about what God has done! My son is great. He is amazing!

He’s healthy! He’s smart! His name means “Jehovah has Healed” and his birth has just helped heal so many areas in our lives. I am so grateful to experience that joy and not the condemnation of going through and terminating a pregnancy. That’s honestly amazing!

What Is An Options Counseling Session?

But there’s one service that seems to many of our donors as, well, mysterious. We use words like “safe space” and “lovingkindness” when we discuss our services, but what exactly is this thing we call an “Options Counseling Session?”

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Executive Friend-Raising

Executive Friend-Raising

Meet Our New Development Director!

In the 1800’s, American barns were costly and required more labor to build than a typical family could provide. Barn raising enlisted members of the community (unpaid) to help build neighbors’ barns. Neighbors recruited others because the favor would eventually return to each participant.

We are thrilled to introduce our new Development Director, Anne Sych (rhymes with ‘stitch’). Anne’s role is similar to barn raising. Her job is to raise friends to collectively build and resource our pregnancy help mission. Anne has lived on the Peninsula for over 20 years and brings that many years of skill and experience in public relations, marketing strategy, event planning, and internet analytics (important to increasingly connect with all of us through our smart phones). She has been an ‘unpaid’ friend of our ministry for long time (helping ‘build the barn’ here) and she is now called by God to be on staff. Welcome, Anne!

Fun Facts About Anne:

  • Loves decorating and stages homes for fun
  • Born in England and named after Princess Anne
  • Lives in a 100-year-old house
  • Can fold anything back into it’s original package


What Is An Options Counseling Session?

But there’s one service that seems to many of our donors as, well, mysterious. We use words like “safe space” and “lovingkindness” when we discuss our services, but what exactly is this thing we call an “Options Counseling Session?”

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Compassion and Life

Compassion & Life

Dr. Lunsford, Pictured With Kinta Dye, RN, BSN And Meg Williams, RN, BSN

Dr. Elizabeth Lunsford is an obstetrician-gynecologist at Riverside Health who lives in Gloucester, Virginia. She received her medical degree from Eastern Virginia Medical School and serves as Medical Director for our pregnancy center. She explains in her own words why she volunteers her time and skills to the work of Care Net Peninsula.

“I chose medicine after I volunteered at a free clinic and I found many people needed better access to care. That’s why I decided to study medicine, because I could see the direct impact of my effort to improve people’s lives. I love helping people optimize their health and live healthy, productive lives to their fullest. As a physician, I am thankful to have medical skills to offer people, but I feel their greatest need is to find relationship with God through Jesus. When this spiritual relationship is restored, then all the other areas of their life ( health, finances, parenting, relationships, emotions ) come into balance as well. Jesus was the “Great Physician” who restored people to health and wholeness in all areas of their lives, and I seek to follow in His footsteps.

Care Net Peninsula provides clinic services at no charge to women facing an unintended pregnancy. This ministry offers an incredible opportunity to truly meet people in their place of need at a time when fear can overwhelm their mind causing them to make decisions they may regret in the future. The Care Net Peninsula center provides opportunity to not only provide pregnancy tests, but more importantly, to speak life and hope into people when they are making critical decisions about their lives and their unborn children. We provide all these services in a caring, respectful atmosphere.

I feel honored to be a part of this professional, compassionate ministry.”

What Is An Options Counseling Session?

But there’s one service that seems to many of our donors as, well, mysterious. We use words like “safe space” and “lovingkindness” when we discuss our services, but what exactly is this thing we call an “Options Counseling Session?”

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Audrey’s Story | A Weighty Decision

A Weighty Decision

Audrey and J.J.'s Story

When Audrey and her baby boy Justin (who she calls ‘JJ’) came to the center for photographs, we watched her lovingly interact with her son. This attentive mother told us about what she was learning to help encourage her baby’s healthy development. An observer would not have guessed that Audrey wasn’t sure about her decision when she unexpectedly became pregnant.

When I found out I was pregnant I was a live-in nanny and just received my esthetician license. I was trying to get my life in order and starting to transition from side jobs, weekend work, and full-time school. I was nowhere near a position to have a baby! (but then again who is ever prepared for children?!). When I found out I was pregnant, I was absolutely frazzled and stressed. I’ve never had a difficult time making decisions but the decision to keep, carry, or adopt were weighing their heaviest. I came to Care Net because I knew before I made any decision I had to know what was healthiest for me. I had to know everything that came with having an abortion.

Care Net greeted me with unwavering support. No matter what option I was going to make, [I felt] there was a group of people not judging me. Since coming to Care Net, I chose to carry a healthy baby boy. I delivered him at 33 weeks so we did a four-week stint in the NICU… with no worries, just passing the time for him to grow and go home.

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Building a Community

building a community

Connecting with the amazing people who support our work is important to us. We are happy to introduce Lauren, our new Community Relations Manager! Lauren loves learning what makes people tick, so we bet you will enjoy getting to know her as she gets to know you.

Fun Facts About Lauren:

  • Served ministries in Fiji and Australia
  • She Will soon get her motorcycle license
  • Loves being a Hokie and misses the mountains

What Is An Options Counseling Session?

But there’s one service that seems to many of our donors as, well, mysterious. We use words like “safe space” and “lovingkindness” when we discuss our services, but what exactly is this thing we call an “Options Counseling Session?”

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Board of Directors Update


We are pleased to announce the newest members to our strong leadership team! Thank you for your prayers for wisdom and favor for our Board of Directors and Staff members.

Dr. Hellman is a pathologist affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area. He serves as the Lab Director for Mary Immaculate Hospital. Dr. Hellman received his medical degree from George Washington University School of Medicine and has practiced for more than 20 years. He is married to Cynthia. God gave him an immediate “Yes!” when he prayed about joining Care Net’s Board.

Mr. Temple is an Attendance Officer with Newport News Public Schools and Acting Pastor of Immanuel Fellowship Church. He has served on multiple community Boards for the City of Newport News. He is married to Cynthia and enjoys 3 children and 1 grandson. He feels this ministry exemplifies Psalm 111 which sings “great are the works of the LORD.”

What Is An Options Counseling Session?

But there’s one service that seems to many of our donors as, well, mysterious. We use words like “safe space” and “lovingkindness” when we discuss our services, but what exactly is this thing we call an “Options Counseling Session?”

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Natasha’s Story


When I found out I was pregnant . . .  My life was very crazy, Unfortunately, I had just got out of a verbal and physical abusive relationship with my husband. I had just moved into my new home with my 5-month-old daughter. And two months later I was pregnant again. So when I found out I was pregnant again I was depressed and told myself I was not keeping the baby no matter what. Before I found out I was pregnant with my Son I was already depressed and dealing with PTSD and trying to stay strong and take care of my daughter.

When I found out I was pregnant, I felt . . . When I found out I was pregnant I felt lower than before. I was so scared and disappointed in myself. So many feelings and emotions and thoughts ran through my head.

I came to Care Net because . . . I have a healthy family worked that at the time I was seeing every week. She told me about Care Net. At first, I was going to Care Net for advice about abortion. Because once I found out about the baby abortion was my only option. In my head, abortion would set me free from all of this. All these feelings and emotions.

When I came to Care Net they . . . When I came to Care Net they talk to me and told me my options. They listen to me and helped me to think clear and stop thinking with fear. They help me to realize its not the end of the world. They made me feel like I wasn’t alone And they would be there for me. Chrissey is who I talked to that day and really talk to me and listened. She has supported me the whole pregnancy Checking up on me. Just making it clear I am not alone. She’s really helped me stay positive. I needed somebody to talk to more than anything. And Chrissey gave me that. I hope she knows how much it means to me.

Since coming to Care Net . . . Since coming to Care Net I am more positive about what I want in life. I realized that people do care about you and there is support out there for you. You’re never alone even when you feel like you are. These past few months I am more ready for my son than ever because of Care Net. I am excited about his arrival more than ever. I regret the day I wanted to get an abortion. I can’t wait for my daughter and me to meet him. My daughter is going to be a great big sis and I know I will continue to be a great mom.

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Ultrasound Ribbon Cutting

ultrasound ribbon cutting

Saturday, March 3 was a great day of celebration in our clinic as the Knights of Columbus cut the ribbon on the second ultrasound they have donated to the ministry in the past five years. Twelve parishes worked together to raise funds — matched by the national level Knights — necessary to purchase the $30,000 sonogram machine. New Covenant Church raised $1,500 over a weekend to donate the exam table. Our expanded clinic now has double the capacity to serve women in need! Thank you, generous community!

What Is An Options Counseling Session?

But there’s one service that seems to many of our donors as, well, mysterious. We use words like “safe space” and “lovingkindness” when we discuss our services, but what exactly is this thing we call an “Options Counseling Session?”

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