Local Single Mom Awarded University Scholarship

Local Single Mom Awarded University Scholarship

Newport News Resident Nominated by Care Net Peninsula

NEWPORT NEWS, VA – Tiffany Cusick received a four-year, full-tuition scholarship to Regent University during an emotional awards ceremony at the Care Net National Conference in San Antonio, TX on August 26, 2021. Cusick, 22, plans to study theology and Christian Ministry, beginning in the Fall of 2022.

“When I first went to Care Net I was afraid and unsure,” Cusick remembers from her early visits to Care Net Peninsula. “I am super thankful to have found Care Net.”

Cusick expressed gratitude for the scholarship and the free pregnancy-related services she received through Care Net Peninsula, thanking the women on staff: “Their confidence in me has really given me the courage to step out in faith and pursue this and I do believe the Lord has put those women, along with this opportunity, in my life.”

Originally from Gloucester, MA, Cusick moved to Newport News as a young teen. She graduated from Woodside High School in 2016. Now a mom to a 2-month baby girl, Cusick hopes to work in ministry, serving women and children, upon completion of her college degree.

Erin Forsythe, Care Net’s Vice President of Strategic Programs, and Kathleen Patterson, Director of the Doctorate of Strategic Leadership Program at Regent University and Care Net board member, presented the scholarship to Cusick on August 26th in front of pregnancy center leaders from across North America. She is the 10th client of a Care Net affiliated pregnancy center to receive the scholarship from Regent.

Sheri Coker, Advocacy Manager with Care Net Peninsula, nominated Cusick for the scholarship, stating, “In a culture where many view themselves as victims in their circumstances, Tiffany stands out. She works hard without complaining.”

“We know that as a single mom this is a rare opportunity for her to gain the academic knowledge to succeed in both business and ministry,” Coker adds. “We also believe it would set an example for her daughter, that you can accomplish great things in life when you set your mind to it. We believe Tiffany will change the world around her.”

During Cusick’s pregnancy, she experienced compassion, help, and hope at Care Net Peninsula, where she received a free pregnancy test and ultrasound, ongoing consultations with client advocates and nurses, parenting classes, and more. “These women have become my friends,” Cusick said in her application, “They have really been just such a positive impact on me. And even now I know that if I needed something I could call and they would do everything in their power to help me.”

Since opening in 1986, Care Net Peninsula has been the first call for thousands of local women facing unplanned pregnancies. Services include options consultations, pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, parenting support, and more. Through these services and ongoing support, pregnant women receive the help and hope they need at a time when many feel scared and alone. All of Care Net Peninsula’s services are provided at no cost, thanks to the generosity of donors in the community.

Care Net Peninsula is among more than 1,200 pregnancy centers in North America that are affiliated with Care Net. Through a competitive selection process, the Regent Scholarship has been awarded to a Care Net affiliated pregnancy center client for the last eight years. Ursula Penn, the first scholarship recipient to graduate from Regent, matriculated on May 6, 2016. Another scholarship recipient, Lizzie Burton, matriculated in May 2020.

Watch Tiffany receiving her scholarship.

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Prayer and Praises – August 2021

August 2021 Prayer and Praises
August 2021 Prayer and Praises

August Prayer & Praises

An old adage says “the only thing constant is change”. While we know that to be true it’s rarely ever easy.

Perhaps this month you are in a season of change. Kids going off to school. Managing a business in an ever-changing work environment. Trying to find the boundaries in a world that are changing by the moment. We are all going through this to some extent – individually and together.

As believers, we are steadied with the knowledge that God is our firm foundation – never changing and always faithful. He keeps us so that we will not stumble. He hears our prayers and makes a way for us in any wilderness that life brings. He is an ever-present help in the darkest times.

He changes not.

So as we turn a page on the calendar and walk into this new season we walk hand-in-hand with the lover of our soul, knowing that He goes before us and will be with us every step of the way. Shalom. 

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." - Romans 15:13

Pray that the Lord would work in the hearts of pregnant women to reach out to us when making a life-changing decision.

“May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ.” – 2 Thessalonians 3:5

Pray that the Lord would protect our staff in mind and body and that our clinic would remain healthy and safe. 

“But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you.” – Psalm 5:11

Pray for wisdom and favor as we plan for our Peninsula4Life Fundraising Banquet.

“Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.”  – Proverbs 16:3

What Is Plan C?

What Is Plan C?

“Plan C is the idea that there is one final option in a three-step plan.”

Most women have heard of Plan B (sometimes called the “Morning After Pill”). It’s the emergency contraception pill taken within 72 hours of unprotected sex. You don’t want to be pregnant, so you take a pill to make sure you aren’t. 

But Plan C? What’s that? 

Plan C is the idea that there is one final option in a three-step plan. When birth control (Plan A) and emergency contraception (Plan B) fail to prevent a pregnancy, you need a Plan C.

Plan C reduces all your options into one final option – abortion pills to be taken at home, with the entire process completed there in your home.

But hold on, before we rush into an ABC plan that is supposed to be a “one-size-fits-all” plan, let’s consider the actual options that are available to us. 

You deserve access to the full range of options because there isn’t just one final choice if your Plan A and your Plan B don’t go as planned. An unplanned pregnancy that exists, despite using birth control and taking a Plan B pill, has more than one final option. 

What’s more, Plan C – without in-person access to a provider – makes some pretty risky assumptions. It assumes you are actually pregnant and in the early stages of pregnancy. It assumes you are not in the process of a miscarriage. It assumes your pregnancy isn’t ectopic. 

You don’t need assumptions as part of your “Plan C”, you need accurate medical information so you can make the best decision for your reproductive health.

There’s a place you can receive medical services (like a pregnancy test and ultrasound), support, and a safe place right here in Newport News, Virginia. It’s called Alcove Health Women’s Clinic. What’s more, you can explore all of your options and get the medical services you need at no cost to you.

Don’t let anyone plan your life for you. Don’t settle for assumptions and a “good for all” single option. You deserve better.

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Changing The Mindset of Abortion on the Peninsula

Changing The Mindset Of Abortion On The Peninsula

Unplanned Pregnancy

For some women it is an untimely surprise that can quickly be embraced, but for many of the clients we serve at Alcove Health, a positive pregnancy test marks a deep dive into a new reality of fear and crisis.

Every day in our clinic the phones ring with women in this very situation. Women of different ages and backgrounds. Women who are married and women who are single. Women who are facing a first pregnancy and women who have already given life. Sadly, many share a common trait FEAR.

    • Having their dreams dashed
    • Being a single mother
    • Disappointing their parents, significant other, even their churches

For these women, abortion can seem like the only way out of an unplanned pregnancy. At Alcove Health we see each woman. We hear her story. And we are here to offer help and hope!

That’s an unexpected surprise (and great relief) to a woman who has been battling days of fear and hopelessness. It’s amazing how a simple act of heartfelt listening can provide a safe place to process even the scariest of fears.

During these tender conversations our client advocates provide practical resources for obtaining insurance, child care, housing, and so much more. We help with vitamins, maternity wear, and even parenting classes. And most importantly, we offer each woman a spiritual perspective on the weighty decision before her. For Diamond this was a life changer.

Diamond’s hopes were realized: She Is Not Alone.

As part of her visit with us our client meets with a highly trained nurse where she receives a lab quality pregnancy test, and if appropriate, an ultrasound and STI test. We continue to take time with her. Time to listen and answer questions. Time to inform her about the changes taking place in her body.

For so many of our clients the ultrasound is a real life changer. It is a glimpse of the life inside her womb. She leaves with a digital copy of her scan so that she can look at it later and share it with others. It was a life changer for Brittany it was the day she chose life for her unborn baby!

This year, 3,000 women on the Peninsula will face an unplanned pregnancy. Of those around 600 women will process their unplanned pregnancies with us at Alcove Health. You allow us to be here for every conversation. To pray with and speak into even the toughest situations. Your giving means women like Dehlia, Miriam, Diamond and Brittany have a safe place to process their fears and receive hope.

Thank you for investing in this life-saving work! Please continue to pray that the women we serve will choose life for their babies.

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¡Conoce a Karla!

¡Conoce a Karla!

As the needs of the women in our community continue to grow, we must do the same. One area where that growth takes place is in our clinic team. We’re excited to finally introduce you to our newest nurse, Karla Laskowski, RN, BSN.  

Karla has been part of our team for a little over six months now, joining us as a volunteer nurse and Spanish translator, a combo we didn’t have in our clinic and one that brought great comfort to our Spanish-speaking clients. We knew immediately we needed her on our team in a more permanent role, and the feeling was mutual.  

Our nurses each bring unique skills and knowledge to our team, and Karla is no different. Her passion for helping others, mixed with military life, has allowed her to care for many across different areas of medicine. She has trained in Audiology, Communicable Diseases, has worked in areas such as Telemetry, Dialysis, Medical Surgery, Home Health, Hospice, Case Manager, Public Health, Home Health Clinics, and as a charge nurse for an Urgent Care/ED.  

We’re proud to say she just finished her extensive training in Limited Diagnostic Imaging for Obstetrics Patients in Oregon and is one step closer to seeing clients on her own. Next up, she will be working alongside our Nurse Managers and Medical Director to finish some in-house training.  

God started preparing Karla for this role early on. She was born and raised in Costa Rica, alongside her quad siblings (yes, she is a quadruplet!!) and her two younger sisters. They were raised by a single mother whom Karla credits as being one of the strongest, fiercest, and most loving people she knows. Her mother’s faith and love for God were her family’s anchors through life’s struggles growing up. We see those same qualities in Karla every day, in and outside of the ultrasound room. 

While living in Honduras, Karla volunteered as a nurse translator and a new mom’s education facilitator at a local medical clinic for the uninsured. She has served as a nurse translator for two mission teams in Nicaragua.  

Karla and her husband have been married for almost twenty years now, and together they have one child. The military brought them to the Peninsula where they have settled in and found a faith community at Manna Church. Karla loves to spend her free time with her family and friends, exploring campgrounds in their new RV, or hunting for deals at local thrift stores, antique stores, and flea markets.

I asked Karla what drew her to Care Net and her response was: “The Care Net family’s strong love for unborn babies, their moms, and families. Their kingdom focus and strong faith to reach and love new moms in our communities.” 

We’re thankful for the people God keeps bringing to us and love seeing how he uses each of their gifts to protect the unborn and to care for their families. 

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