Local Women Find They Don't Need Abortion to Secure Their Futures - They Need YOU!
The front end is easy to see.
You believe in life. It’s sacred. It’s undeniably alive. So you protect it. You speak up, you give money to Care Net Peninsula, and you pray that pregnant women won’t default to abortion.
And that is what happens – women do choose life.
Women bring us their unplanned pregnancies – unsure of what to do; full of the fear that their unplanned pregnancies will give birth to unplanned babies. With the culture screaming in their ears it’s hard to imagine anything other than an inevitable end – unplanned babies will ruin their lives.
But then women find Care Net Peninsula and get the help and hope they need.
And then they choose life.
But in the back of your mind, you wonder. Then what?
If you’ve supported Care Net Peninsula’s mission to serve moms and save babies, you may hit a wall when you try to envision what happens after her pregnancy decision. After the birth of the baby. As the reality of that choice weighs fully – with a new life sleeping in the next room.
Pro-abortion advocates weave a pretty dismal story – a woman’s success and happiness hinges on her opportunity to abort her child. Without abortion, how will women survive?
But here at Care Net we are not story-writers. We’re story-tellers. We tell true stories. Stories that you – our donors – help our clients create.
We are privileged to see the women you help – months and years after they choose life for their babies. Incredible, successful, happy women. Doing life. Raising their children. Working hard. Proud, powerful women who defy the loud lie that abortion saves women.
Women like Kapria . . .
“I was confused, sad, and at rock bottom” Kapria remembers the weariness of trying to make a pregnancy decision. “I had to do something. I needed to be reminded in some way, somehow of Jesus being my anchor.”
So she turned to Care Net’s clinic, Alcove Health – questions and all.
She walked through our doors with confusing emotions of doubt and fear. Questions were flooding her mind – “Will I be a great mom?,” “Who will help me?” She even wondered, “Is God going to hear me?”

After meeting with her advocate, Sheri, the confusion started to clear. She allowed the truth to overrule the lies and calm her fears.
She was “confident and awakened.” She knew God wanted her to keep her child.
Kapria says her pregnancy was “stressful, hard work, encouraging, and transformational.”
Draw that picture in your mind. Kapria was not dragged kicking and screaming – fighting the pregnancy decision all the way to the delivery room. No, she found the truth and allowed it to change her. Her life was changed through her pregnancy.
Wearing not-yet-two-month-old Baby Emmanuel swaddled in front of her, she told her own story at Care Net Peninsula’s Walk 4 Life this year. Far from that day she first walked into our clinic, she told a different story. With her own voice.

With a mind full of gratitude and a heart full of love, Kapria spoke of her life. “I love my son. I love my children. I’m so very much grateful.”
“Thank you for reminding me that through God, all things are possible,” Kapria said.
Abortion proponents would say her life is ruined. She’s lost her power, her voice, and her ability to have a successful, happy life. After all, they say, women need abortion to secure their futures.
But women like Kapria – real women with their true stories – show us otherwise. Their lives stand in contrast to the idea that women need abortions. Women like Kapria choose their babies and themselves; their babies’ futures and their own futures.
At Care Net Peninsula, our services start with a moment – that first call to our clinic.
And then there are more moments – that first connection with an advocate, that first peek at the ultrasound screen, that first conversation with one of our Registered Nurses.
Every single life-changing event starts with one moment.
But these moments turn into lifetimes. Lifetimes not doomed to failure because a woman chose to protect her unborn child. Women not living lives full of regret about what could have been – if only they aborted.
No, we find women fully aware that they saved themselves when they saved their babies.
When you’re part of the Care Net family, you empower women to understand the truth. You help women see a real future – one that does not need to include an abortion procedure.
You see, the abortion industry may need women, but women do not need an abortion. Women live successful lives with their babies.
When you give to Care Net Peninsula, you become part of every one of these life-changing moments. Your generous support – providing pregnant women with the help and hope they need to choose life – turns these moments into successful lifetimes. For babies and moms.

December 13, 2021

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