

Telabortion is a research study that sells abortions without having any in-person care

Medical abortions account for 42% of abortions in our country, and they come with issues that are often not discussed. Very recent legal actions have changed the landscape of abortion today – allowing ‘telabortion study’ options. This study attracts the attention of a woman facing a crisis and is packaged as an easy solution. However, it is putting the health and safety of vulnerable young women at risk. Advertisements tout ease and simplicity, BUT ignore the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) warnings regarding the medications used in medical abortions (mifepristone and misoprostol).

There are very specific guidelines in place for the use of mifepristone and misoprostol. The FDA has classified mifepristone under the Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) program. REMS is meant for drugs known to have serious safety concerns. Also, there are necessary medical tests that should be completed before and after they are prescribed. The FDA website currently states: “Mifeprex may only be dispensed in clinics, medical offices, and hospitals by or under the supervision of a certified healthcare provider”.

Yet these drugs, risky as they may be, are being mailed out – to be taken at home, alone – without a physician to care for the patient.

Here’s the real deal: Telabortion is a research study that sells abortions without having any in-person care. There is a glaring absence of the “one on one” relationship with a medical provider covering all the protocols. Specific recommendations for medical abortion protocol should be based on established published scientific literature. The steps should include screening for eligibility, counseling, education, informed consent, medical history, physical examination, laboratory evaluation, medication, follow-up care, and conclusion of treatment. Don’t take any shortcuts with your reproductive health.


At our clinic Alcove Health, you will get the Real Deal. We are the only free clinic on the Virginia Peninsula that will meet with you one on one and cover all of the options available to you when making a pregnancy decision. We offer confidentiality, accurate medical information, resources, and trustworthy counsel. You’re not part of a “study” here. You get a human relationship with listening ears and options tailored to your needs. Your decision today can have a long-lasting impact. 

Get to Know Emalee

She’s been one of the driving forces behind a successful event season for our ministry, and we thought it was time we finally introduce you to our Development Coordinator, Emalee.

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Delivered Discreetly To Your Home

Delivered Discreetly to Your Home

Abortions Are An Unnecessary Risk

We can all agree there are times when our only option is a risky one. For instance, if I was being chased by someone with a knife, then I’d probably risk knocking on a stranger’s door for help. Or if I was stranded on a deserted island and a stranger offered to help me home, I’d probably risk accepting help from a stranger.

Because these risks would be worth it.

Because the alternatives would be riskier.

But then again, there are times when the risk isn’t worth it when it’s not even necessary.

Mail-to-home abortions fit into this last category.

The FDA requirements for medical abortions (by pill) require that a woman see a provider in-person to receive the medications. This requirement has been removed temporarily during the COVID pandemic.

While the restriction has been removed, the need it met has not been removed. There are good reasons – for our health as women – that a visit to the provider is required by the FDA. You see, good medical care often requires care that can only be provided in person. 

Like an ultrasound. It can’t be delivered to your mailbox. For years, an ultrasound was required standard of care prior to receiving an abortion in Virginia. Why? Because it gave a woman the information she needed. Because it protected her health. An ultrasound shows if a pregnancy is ectopic. An ultrasound reveals if there is even a viable pregnancy. We’re smart women – these details are important. 

Maybe not to the abortion provider. To the abortion provider these details – an ectopic or nonviable pregnancy – mean their services will not be purchased. 

But to a woman’s health, well, this information is vital.

And ultrasounds – here in Hampton Roads – are available. And free. Right at our clinic Alcove Health. No gimmicks. Just safe care because we care about the women in our community. 

Risky procedures don’t make sense when we have better options that are free.

There are times I’ll take some risks. 

But not with my health. Not when I don’t have to. Not when the safe answer is also the free answer.

Say no to risky procedures; say yes to safe medical care. 

Get to Know Emalee

She’s been one of the driving forces behind a successful event season for our ministry, and we thought it was time we finally introduce you to our Development Coordinator, Emalee.

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