Sharing the Truth: Pregnancy Center Medical Oversight & Intervention

Sharing the Truth:
Pregnancy Center Medical Oversight & Intervention

The overturning of Roe has caused new myths to pop up and old lies to resurface. Let’s examine two myths about deceptive clinic practices and eradicating critical intervention in particular circumstances.

myth #1

Pregnancy Centers operate without medical oversight.


Care Net Peninsula provides pregnancy-related medical services through an OB/GYN and staff nurses.

Our clinic has medical oversight provided by a licensed OB/GYN who, as our Medical Director, sets clinic policies and procedures and reviews all client ultrasounds. In addition, our staff nurses all hold the RN BSN credentials, receive specialized training in performing limited ultrasounds and adhere to continuing education overseen by our Medical Director. 

myth #2

New abortion laws will keep a woman facing an ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, or stillbirth from receiving the proper care she needs


Medical services for these conditions will continue and are not a part of abortion legislation

Ectopic pregnancies, miscarriages, and stillbirths (Intrauterine Fetal Demise) require different medical interventions. A woman in one of these situations will not be prohibited from receiving the critical care she needs. This is a heart-wrenching myth that is not true. 

Please take a moment to watch the video below from our Nurse Manager, Meg, and our Client Relations Manager, Sherri, as they go more in-depth about these myths.

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She’s been one of the driving forces behind a successful event season for our ministry, and we thought it was time we finally introduce you to our Development Coordinator, Emalee.

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Executive Director Update: Some Good News!

Executive Director Update:
Some Good News!

Hey Care Net Family – Ryan here with an update for you! I have some exciting news to share, but I want to give a shameless plug before I do.

About every month, I send an update out to our Defender4Life community. The idea is that our Defenders4Life are our regular investors in our ministry. So, we want to give them a behind-the-scenes look at what is going on here at Care Net Peninsula and our clinic – the good, the bad, and the ugly. These updates let you know how we use your investment and learn about prayer needs.

With so much going on since Roe’s overturning, updates have been going out to a much broader audience. If you have liked receiving those updates and are interested in what is happening behind the scenes here at CNP, I encourage you to pray about becoming part of the Defender4Life community.

Monthly givers are a critical funding source for our ministry, and this community serves as a great way to stay in touch with what is happening behind the scenes.

So with that – here is today’s update.

You’ve heard me share about the violence Pregnancy Centers are facing since the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Thankfully, we haven’t been hit yet! It seems all of this is in our rearview mirror, and we thank you for your prayers – but do ask that you keep praying for our safety and protection.

In addition, the more significant threat, in my opinion, was the number of politicians, including Senator Warner here in Virginia, writing and signing letters to Google’s CEO encouraging them to shut down pregnancy centers from the internet to eliminate us from search results entirely.

That is a big deal! If this were to happen, we would have a MAJOR problem on our hands.

To try to combat this, I have reached out to a few of you to see if there was a politician or someone you may know that I could connect with who might encourage Google not to do this, someone that would be willing to defend our rights to exist.

The Care Net Family came through … you connected me with Jason Miyares, the Attorney General of Virginia.

Mr. Miyares invited me to join a small gathering last week to discuss all that is happening. After this meeting, I was able to have some facetime with him to let him know just how important this issue is.

Not only did Mr. Miyares agree, he also agreed to defend the right for pregnancy centers to continue serving not just here on the Peninsula but across the country.

Mr. Miyares wrote his own letter to Google, and 14 other Attorney Generals signed on and sent this letter to Google yesterday – defending pregnancy centers and their ability to continue serving women in their communities.

On one level, does this really need to be defended?

But in fact – it does!

I was honored that Mr. Miyares would take our request seriously and that he took such swift and direct action.

To read the letter, click here. I thought it was powerful, it was well said, and it applies to our ministry and others outside the walls of pregnancy centers.

I don’t think any of us want Google to determine what is right or wrong for our community.

Praise God that this was an answer to prayer, but please continue to pray as this is an ongoing issue.

And one last little caveat, Care Net Peninsula has not gone any more political than we were before. We continue to serve moms and save babies, the same mission we’ve always had.

However, when politicians come after us, I see it as my responsibility to defend our ability to continue to serve in the community. And that is what we did here.

I was honored that Jason Miyares would take up our cause and fight with us. And I pray that he is successful and that we aren’t removed from the internet as Mark Warner called for us to be.

THANK YOU for your prayers. Please continue to join us in serving this ministry and our community.

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She’s been one of the driving forces behind a successful event season for our ministry, and we thought it was time we finally introduce you to our Development Coordinator, Emalee.

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Sharing the Truth: We Care About Moms and Babies

Sharing the Truth:
We Care About Moms & Babies

We keep hearing how Pro-Life means you are only Pro-Birth – but we all know that is the furthest thing from the truth . . . especially for every member of the Care Net Family. So let’s unpack this myth a little more below:

myth #1

Pregnancy Centers don't help women after their babies are born


Care Net Peninsula provides resources to support moms from the beginning of their pregnancies through birth and beyond.

Beginning with a positive pregnancy test, we offer services and resources to support women through their pregnancies and beyond. We are not only “pro-baby” but also “pro-woman” and set a continuum of care into motion to help women choose life.

Our clinic team will provide a woman with essential medical services during that first visit. These services include a pregnancy test, confirmation ultrasound, and, if needed, STI testing. During this visit, we can also connect each woman with a range of community partners who help meet her other needs, such as insurance (Medicaid), housing, food assistance, church connections, professional counseling, and resources for older children. We aim to ensure each woman we meet receives the proper assistance in her time of need.

Some women we serve will choose to life for their baby and later suffer a miscarriage or stillbirth. We are here to help connect each of them with local advocacy groups, ongoing support, and care – as much as they would like.

We want to ensure that each of our moms (and dads) is prepared and ready to parent, so we offer the option to enroll in our free parenting program, Learn, Equip, and Parent (LEAP). This program includes a wide array of class options and, as with all of our services, is entirely free to our clients (paid with the help of our generous donors).

After completing their classes, our moms will receive one of our Bundles4Babies – a basket or bathtub overflowing with diapers, wipes, baby clothes, toiletries, blankets, bibs, and much more (all thanks to YOU!). We even help with extra diapers and wipes for the first six months!!

We know that women facing an unplanned pregnancy often feel scared and alone. So one of our passions is to connect the women (and men) we serve to one of our local church partners.

We ask each of our clients if they would like to connect with a local mentor who can provide seasonal discipleship for a few months or even longer. We have pulled together a group of mentors (members of local churches) who are there to bring these women (and men) into the caring community of the local church. If the baby’s father is interested, we can also connect him with a mentor!

Our team cares about every woman who walks through our doors. We pray that each one will choose life, but we know some won’t. So we offer a Post-Abortion Recovery group for those who leave our clinic and choose abortion. Why? Because we still care about each of them.

Just like our donors are part of the Care Net Family, our clients are part of the Alcove Health Family. This is what a community in action looks like, and it wouldn’t be possible without each of you.

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Get to Know Emalee

She’s been one of the driving forces behind a successful event season for our ministry, and we thought it was time we finally introduce you to our Development Coordinator, Emalee.

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Exposing the Myths of Deceptive Clinic Practices

Exposing the Myths of Deceptive Clinic Practices

It is noisy out there . . . let’s take a deeper dive together into some of the false claims going around about Pregnancy Centers, like Care Net Peninsula, to help you separate myth from fact.

myth #1

Pregnancy Centers mislead women into thinking they perform abortions but do not.


We disclose in our online ads and telephone calls that we do not perform or refer for abortions.

Care Net Peninsula offers pregnancy-related education, including abortion consultations, but we do not perform or refer for abortions. Our online ads include this disclosure and our website, and every client is informed up-front from the very first conversation.

myth #2

Pregnancy Centers prey on vulnerable women.


We provide women with a safe space to process and learn all of their options.

One of our guiding principles here at Care Net Peninsula is “loving-kindness” this is expressed in every conversation with every woman, no matter her situation. We realize that unplanned pregnancies are complicated, so we work hard to make a safe space for women to process their pregnancies and get the essential medical services they need.

myth #3

Pregnancy Centers receive government funding.


Care Net Peninsula's services are funded by private sources - not through government support.

Care Net Peninsula is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that receives funding through individuals, churches, businesses, and private foundations. 

Please take a moment to watch the video below from our Clinic Director, Shantelle, and our Client Relations Manager, Sherri, as they go more in-depth about these myths. They share how we practice lovingkindness and what our clients say about our clinic.

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Get to Know Emalee

She’s been one of the driving forces behind a successful event season for our ministry, and we thought it was time we finally introduce you to our Development Coordinator, Emalee.

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