Missed Period Pills
“This concept was developed as a way to provide early abortions to women who are uncomfortable with the idea of terminating a pregnancy.”
Ever heard of “Missed Period Pills”?
It’s a new option abortion providers are researching to use the same prescription medications from a medical abortion on a woman who has not even tested to know if she is pregnant or not. That’s right, if you’ve missed your monthly period and the stress of even taking a pregnancy test is more than you can bear, you can participate in another research study that uses medical abortion drugs to manipulate your body.
This concept was developed as a way to provide early abortions to women who are uncomfortable with the idea of terminating a pregnancy.
As early as 28 days from your last period and without taking a pregnancy test, these prescription abortifacients are being touted as safe and effective. Instead of questioning why your period might be late—stress, dietary changes, sexually transmitted infection, or pregnancy- they are even offering people discounts to participate in this study. Some women experience missed periods for reasons unrelated to pregnancy and should be further evaluated for their reproductive health.
Doesn’t it make more sense to get a free pregnancy test instead of just taking a missed period pill?
At Alcove Health, we believe knowledge is power. Why expose yourself to hormone disruptive drugs without obtaining a full picture of what’s going on with your body? Your personal reproductive health history is important enough to pursue without any fear of monetary gain from an industry not looking out for your best interest.
The ethical problems this raises by exposing women to drugs that have numerous side effects and adverse health reactions are overwhelming. The medications used, Mifepristone and Misoprostol, will empty the contents of the uterus and the bleeding experienced can “bring on the missed period”. Because a pregnancy test is never performed, it is unknown which function is completed. The patient’s right to understand the implications of these medications on her body is never fully revealed to her.
At Alcove Health Women’s Clinic in Newport News, we provide a safe space for you to process your options, along with the medically accurate information you need to make an informed decision. Call us today at 757-591-8141 to schedule your free appointment.

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