Laverne’s Story

I Would Still Be Mourning Now


My life before finding out I was pregnant was hectic. I had a 13-year-old who had gotten into legal trouble because of mental health issues and an energetic 4-year-old. I was working part-time and going to school full-time. I lived with my children in my home and recently started a new relationship.

When I found out I was pregnant, I honestly felt miserable. I cried every moment of the day. My anxiety and depression got so much worse. I was an emotional time bomb. I felt numb. I hated myself. I disliked my partner. But honestly, I was just ashamed…like I had let myself down.

I came to Care Net because I wanted to confirm my pregnancy and hear all my choices, even though my main focus was to get an abortion and put this all behind me.

“. . . my main focus was to get an abortion and put this all behind me.”

The people at Care Net were really friendly, which shocked me. No one was judgmental and everyone made my experience wonderful. I worked with Ms. Shantelle and she was just what I needed to help me get through and provide me with avenues of support.

The services Care Net provided me were beyond helpful. My conversations with my counselor made me feel understood and I was able to process my pregnancy, instead of stay in denial and make a decision that I would still be mourning now. Words will never be able to express how much I appreciate Care Net’s support.

Laverne is a woman who received help and experienced transformation because of your support of Care Net Peninsula. She gave birth to a healthy baby boy in April 2016.

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Jennifer’s Story


When I found out I was pregnant, I was 34 years old. I was just splitting from my husband who was in and out of court. I had moved in with my mom and my fourteen-year-old son.

I was not in the best place.

When I found out I was pregnant, I felt like I had been hit with a ton of bricks. I was overwhelmed and a little angry.  I came to Care Net because my doctor had recommended them when I told him I wanted to have an abortion.

When I found out I was pregnant, I felt like I had been hit with a ton of bricks. I was overwhelmed and a little angry.  I came to Care Net because my doctor had recommended them when I told him I wanted to have an abortion.

When I came to Care Net, they were welcoming, understanding, with a warm and comfortable atmosphere. It was nothing like I was expecting.

Things have changed since that first day I came to Care Net. My husband and I are currently in the process of working things out under the same roof. I am having the baby now…where before I thought I was 100% sure that this was not something to even consider.


I am also not so afraid of sitting down with a complete stranger and asking for help.


Because of your support, Jennifer also participated in free parenting and life skills classes. Jennifer delivered her baby a few months ago. Your prayers for this mother and her infant are valuable. 


*Name changed for confidentiality

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Candace’s Story


When Candace came to Care Net, she was homeless and living in her car.  In her words, “When I found out I was pregnant I felt scared, alone, and unsure. I was battling with the idea of abortion. I wanted to be able to provide the best life possible for my baby. I went to Care Net because I needed advice. When I came to Care Net they gave me a pregnancy test, an ultrasound, and counseled me about my options other than abortion.” 

Candace’s counselor spoke with her frequently in the early weeks of her pregnancy when the challenges of homelessness seemed insurmountable and abortion often felt like the easy answer. The first decision Candace made was to deliver her child, even if she wasn’t sure if she would make an adoption plan. “After coming to Care Net I felt good about my decision to carry my baby.  Even then, I wasn’t sure if I would have been able to keep her, but I felt in my heart that God wanted me to have her even if it meant allowing someone else to raise her.”

“After coming to Care Net I felt good about my decision to carry my baby.  Even then, I wasn’t sure if I would have been able to keep her, but I felt in my heart that God wanted me to have her even if it meant allowing someone else to raise her.”

Care Net provided medical and community referrals to Candace, including working alongside organizations to help her apply for emergency housing and directing her to food banks. We provided her maternity clothes and, when the baby girl arrived, infant clothing and diapers.  Ten months after the birth of her child, she told us, “I don’t regret my choice. Now I have a place to live for me and my daughter. My daughter is a blessing. She is an angel and I can’t imagine if I had chosen abortion.” 

*Name changed for confidentiality

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Tanisha’s Story

Tanisha and Daughter
Tanisha and Daughter

Tanisha's Story

When I found out I was pregnant, I was 19 years old. My boyfriend and I had just gotten into a huge argument and I was staying house-to-house trying to get stable. I felt hurt when I found out I was pregnant. I didn’t have a place of my own so I was thinking “How can I bring someone else on this earth?” I felt sad because my child’s father and I were not on good terms. I thought “How can I tell him?” It was just a mixture of emotions going on.

I came to Care Net because this lady told me how she got help from them and how sweet they were. I wasn’t working at the time. I needed help. When I came to Care Net, they listened to my problems as if they were their own problems. My counselor prayed with me and gave me a better understanding about the Bible. Also, she made me feel kind of like I had known her for years and that I could tell her anything. Care Net makes you feel loved. Since coming to Care Net, I have matured and have stopped letting things get the best of me. I now have my daughter and I am trying to make things work with my child’s father.

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Jocelyn’s Story

Jocelyn and Callie at the Walk4Life
Jocelyn and Callie at the Walk4Life

Jocelyn's Story

I first went to Care Net to get my first ultrasound to confirm that I was pregnant. [Later] I was informed about their parenting program and I immediately signed up. I learned so much thanks to the classes I took and received many necessities for my daughter, Callie, from clothes to blankets, and even a diaper bag. I benefited from the classes, especially since I was a first-time mom. While I was pregnant Care Net even helped me out with maternity clothes. My daughter is a year old and I am still able to call my counselor at Care Net if ever I am in need.  I have come to think of my [client advocate] as a counselor and mentor because I know I can always call her just to talk to her about issues or problems I may be having in my life. I greatly recommend Care Net for anyone who is pregnant, especially for first-time moms. I am so thankful and grateful for everything that they have done for me and my daughter.

Jocelyn came into our centers in 2012 to get an ultrasound when she was just 10 ½ weeks along. Care Net not only helped her through her pregnancy decision but walked with her through her entire pregnancy and after. She received ultrasound services, counseling services, and material support through Care Net. Pictured is Jocelyn and her 1-year-old daughter, Callie, at the 2014 Walk4Life.

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