Praise and Prayers: A look at two years since the overturning of Roe v. Wade 

Praise and Prayers:

A look at two years since the overturning of Roe v. Wade

Today marks two years since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, ending the constitutional right to abortion. The National Right to Life estimates that up to 89,000 lives have been saved due to this ruling (1). Praise the Lord! And while we are grateful for each of these precious lives saved, we cannot relax in our fight for life.

Despite the favorable Supreme Court ruling, abortion is on the rise.  

In 2023, the US recorded the highest number of abortions in over a decade (2). Nationally, the abortion pill, which in 2020 accounted for 53% of abortions, increased last year to 63% of abortions (3). This means that each year hundreds of thousands of women are having their abortions at home. Abortions with no medical oversight, and many with only a tele-health consultation. 

Here in Virginia where abortion remains legal until the third trimester, the news is not better. In addition to the swell in abortion pill use, clinic-provided abortions increased 85% since 2020. Last year alone, that accounted for 34,700 medical abortions in our state (4). 


Because of your support we are here to give life-saving help and hope to women experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. Already this year we have seen a record number of women in our new clinic. Women arrive feeling scared and alone leave with hope and resources to support them in choosing life for their unborn baby. 

Together We Praise and Pray:

So, as we celebrate the anniversary of this life-saving ruling and the lives that have been saved as a result, let us continue to pray. 

  • Pray for life-giving legislation on a federal and state level.
  • Pray for Care Net Peninsula, and other pregnancy centers who are on the frontlines giving help and hope to women in crisis
  • Pray that women will find us and choose life before they default to an abortion.

As always, we invite you to visit our new center to meet our team and see this life-giving work first-hand. Feel free to give us a call at 757-591-0303 or email me, Anne, at

Monday, June 24, 2024

Local Business Leader Micah Miller to Chair Peninsula4Life Benefit Dinner​

Local Business Leader Micah Miller Named Chairperson for CNP's Peninsula4Life Benefit Dinner

Local businessman Micah Miller to serve as chairperson at this year’s annual Peninsula4Life Benefit Dinner taking place on October 11th at the Hampton Roads Convention Center.

Newport News, VA – This October 11th over 900 guests will gather at the Hampton Roads Convention Center in Hampton, Virginia for the 38th annual Peninsula4Life Dinner benefitting Alcove Health, the Peninsula’s only no-cost women’s pregnancy health center. This annual event brings together local businesses, churches, and individuals to raise awareness and funds for the pregnancy clinic’s medical services and resources.

“Having witnessed the invaluable work of Care Net Peninsula firsthand, I am honored to chair this year’s Peninsula4Life Benefit Dinner,” said Miller. “The clinic serves as a beacon of hope for women facing unplanned pregnancies, and I am privileged to play a role in furthering its mission.”

The keynote speaker for the evening will be New York Times best-selling author, Lee Strobel.  For more information attending the dinner or to donate online, please visit

About Care Net Peninsula
Care Net Peninsula, founded in 1986 as Peninsula Crisis Pregnancy Center, is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that provides no-costs services to women experiencing unplanned pregnancy. Care Net Peninsula operates a medical clinic in Newport News offering options counseling, ultrasounds, parenting support and more.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Get to Know Rachel!

Introducing Our New Community Relations Coordinator!

Over the years, God has been very gracious to our team by bringing the right people to the mission at just the right time, and we’re excited for you to meet our newest team member, Rachel González.

Rachel joined our ministry last spring as a development volunteer when she moved to the area after marrying her husband, Bobby, in March. Her vast skills and experience in donor relations made her an asset to our team, and in December, she came on board officially as our new Community Relations Coordinator.

As the Community Relations Coordinator, Rachel will assist Anne and the Development team with our Defenders4Life monthly giving program and donor care. She’s a face you’ll quickly get used to seeing, and we know you’ll love her just as much as we do!

You’ll enjoy hearing about Rachel’s unique background as you get to know her. She grew up a Pastor’s kid, one of four daughters to be exact, and as her faith grew, so did her desire to protect the unborn.

She spent several years living on Prince Edward Island in Canada for ministry purposes, and, while there, volunteered at a local pregnancy center. She is no stranger to taking a stand for life by walking for life in her previous hometown and marching for life in DC.

When she’s not at CNP, you might find Rachel occasionally working as a wedding planner but most certainly out enjoying life. She and her husband Bobby love traveling (she’s visited 43 out of 50 states so far), being outdoors, game nights, movies, mini golf, bowling, singing, and so much more!

So drop by sometime, say hey to our newest team member, and welcome her to the CNP Family!

February 19, 2024

Finding Help and Hope In The Arms of the CNP Family

Finding Help & Hope In the Arms of the Care Net Peninsula Family

When I think about courage, my instinct is to conjure up images of heroes like William Wallace or Rocky Balboa. But is there a clearer picture of courage than women like GaBria, who chose life for her baby despite incredibly difficult circumstances?
Our clients often face pressure to abort from the father, their parents, their friends, the culture, and even themselves. But God, in his goodness and mercy, gives some the unbelievable courage to stand against it all and choose life for their baby.
In this context, our role (yours and mine) is to equip these heroes for what lies ahead. At the clinic, we do this in many ways:         
• Options Counseling      
• Confirmation Ultrasounds      
• Pregnancy Tests      
• STI Tests      
• Parenting Support      
• Spiritual Mentorship      
• Post-Abortion Support
When a client chooses life, we stand ready to help her navigate the path forward. For GaBria, we were thrilled to walk with her through her pregnancy and to meet her beautiful son Ai’Luan. But her courageous spirit didn’t stop there. In May, at our Walk4Life, she walked onto a stage, baby in tow, and shared with 1,200 people about her experience with our ministry.Please pray that all our clients would have courage like GaBria. And that we serve and equip every woman God sends our way.       
For Life,
Executive Director
Life was challenging for 24-year-oldGaBria. Raising a one-year-old daughter while living with her mother was not the life she planned. Recently recovering from a car accident and in the process of trying to get her own apartment, life was hard enough. Adding another child into her already shaky world would be too much to handle. “When I looked at that positive pregnancy test, I was overwhelmed, frantic, and in complete disbelief.” Abortion was the only way GaBria saw out of this situation.”
GaBria found Alcove Health online and made an appointment. “I made the appointment thinking of and wanting to talk about abortion.” At Alcove, GaBria found a safe place to process her feelings surrounding her pregnancy – information about abortion and her concerns about raising multiple children as a single mother.
At Alcove, GaBria encountered much more than a listening ear. She received resources and partners that couple help her if she chose to carry her baby. From parenting classes to help with material needs, GaBria grasped onto hope as she considered options she never knew she had. “I decided I could do this, and I was going to have my son.”
Beyond practical resources, GaBria encountered a caring team that walked with her throughout her pregnancy. She experienced the love of God through the warmth and affirmation she received from her client advocate, Sylvia.  “That day I made the decision to carry my baby, I told Sylvia that I would not be doing this alone. That she would be going with me through the whole pregnancy.” And she did!
Nurse Meg also served on GaBria’s care team, providing her with prenatal education, diagnostic testing, and an ultrasound.  “The whole team was so kind. Meg made me laugh and feel so comfortable, she knew so much about ultrasounds. It made such a difference.”
GaBria found the support she needed in the Alcove team.  “From the smiling face of Candra at the front desk to advocate Jenn, Alcove was just what I needed. I received support, answers to my questions, education, and, most of all, non-judgemental kindness. The parenting classes helped me prepare for my little man while having a 1-year-old daughter, and I received lots of practical baby items too.”
And she continued,  “My pregnancy was not easy. My car broke down, there were medical concerns about my baby’s development, and when I needed someone to talk to, I knew I had someone to turn to for advice and direction. Sometimes it was simply knowing someone was praying for me. Other times it was a kind word or a resource I could turn to for help. I knew I was not alone, and I had somewhere to turn.”
Born five weeks early at 4 pounds 11 ounces, baby Ai’Luan arrived healthy into the arms of a family that is so grateful for his life. Every day is not always easy for GaBria, but it is joyful.  “Today, I am in my own home with both of my children, my life is more positive, and I have so much support. I am thankful to Alcove for the love, kindness, resources, and practical help that helped make it all possible.”
GaBria continues to receive support and material needs from her Alcove family. What a joy it is that God uses us to serve GaBria and these precious little ones.
Help women like GaBria by make a gift today!

Friday, August 11, 2023

Colleen Holcomb to Chair Care Net Peninsula’s 37th Annual Peninsula4Life Benefit Dinner

Colleen Holcomb to Chair Care Net Peninsula's 37th Annual Peninsula4Life Benefit Dinner

Local attorney Colleen Holcomb to serve as chairperson at this year’s annual Peninsula4Life Benefit Dinner taking place on October 20th at the Hampton Roads Convention Center.

Newport News, VA – This October 20th, more than 700 guests will gather at the Hampton Roads Convention Center in Hampton, Virginia, for the 37th annual Peninsula4Life Dinner benefitting Alcove Health, the Peninsula’s only no-cost women’s pregnancy health center. This annual event brings together local businesses, churches, and individuals to raise awareness and funds for the pregnancy clinic’s medical services and resources.

The 2023 banquet will be chaired by Colleen Holcomb, a partner at Holcomb Law, P.C. Colleen’s passion for the unborn has moved her to serve in multiple leadership roles with Care Net Peninsula and as the Executive Director of the Republican National Coalition for Life.

Coretta Scott King said that ‘the greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.’ The Peninsula4Life Banquet has become a cherished tradition for the Peninsula community because it reflects that greatness,” said Holcomb. “The Care Net Peninsula team is serving on the frontlines, bringing hope and practical care to women facing crisis pregnancies. This banquet enables the community to share in and celebrate this vital work.”

The keynote speaker for the evening will be former NFL tight end Benjamin Watson of The Watson Seven. For more information or to donate online, please visit

About Care Net Peninsula: Care Net Peninsula, founded in 1986 as Peninsula Crisis Pregnancy Center, is a 501(c)3 non-profit that provides no-costs services to women experiencing unplanned pregnancy. Care Net Peninsula operates a medical clinic in Newport News offering options counseling, ultrasounds, parenting support and more.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Serving Moms and Saving Babies in a POST-ROE WORLD

Serving Moms and Saving Babies

In A Post-Roe World

2022 Impact Report

Remember the end of a world in Super Mario? You’d defeat Bowser only to find Toad saying “Thank you Mario, but our princess is in another castle.” That’s a bit like the pregnancy center movement right now.

On June 24th, 2022, Roe was aborted! This was great news. The Dobbs decision meant the abortion question would be answered at the state level. In many states, thousands of babies have been saved as a result. But not here in Virginia. In fact, our state as a “purple state” has caused national players on both sides of this issue to label Virginia as a battleground state in post-Roe America. On to the next castle we go.

For Care Net Peninsula, our mission has not changed. We’re doing everything we can to save babies from abortion by caring for pregnant women in crisis. We served nearly 900 clients in 2022. To handle this growth, we purchased 11101 Warwick Boulevard, the future home of our ministry. We’re also constantly adapting to changes in the abortion pill market and trying to stay ahead of Google’s algorithm that filters us out of certain searches now.

Thank you so much for partnering with us in 2022, and please keep the women and babies we serve in your prayers. 

Who Is The Abortion Minded Woman

She could be anyone! Your sister, friend, maybe even the woman sitting next to you in church. It’s easy, in our culture, to believe that abortion is the only way out of an unplanned pregnancy.

Unplanned Pregnancies and Abortions

3,016 unplanned pregnancies
1,435 abortions

*Most recent data available is 2021

According to the Virginia Department of Health, 22% of preborn babies on the Peninsula are aborted. In reality, it’s even higher! That’s because Virginia, like most states, only tracks facility-based abortions. Online abortion companies are mailing abortion pills (for abortions up to 11 weeks) to local women every day without accountability. These companies are strategically located in states that do not track abortion stats, so we have no way of knowing how many babies they’re killing in our community. 

Your Impact in 2022


Pregnancy Tests




STI Tests


Church Mentors



Ashley, a client you served, and her daughter Ani, visiting Karen, a Client Advocate, and the clinic team.

Casey's Story

“IT FELT LIKE A CRUEL JOKE” – Casey saw those two pink lines and was once again overwhelmed with grief and bitterness.

Casey was married with two children, but then had two unplanned pregnancies. Both ended in abortion. Her decisions to abort weighed heavy on her heart in ways she hadn’t fully processed. And yet, here she was, pregnant again. These same lies from before were starting to take over. Would this pregnancy end the same way?

After my second abortion, I was left feeling empty and unloved. My life was becoming a train wreck that caught fire and exploded. I struggled with anxiety and depression and allowed the wrong people into my life. I even convinced myself that my husband didn’t love me anymore, so I left. I turned to drugs and alcohol to escape from the pain.

“One night, blinded and overwhelmed by grief, I was ready to end it all. If my daughter had not walked out to me when she did, snapping me back to reality, my children would have woken up and found me dead in the morning.”

It was only two weeks after this incident when those two pink lines appeared. Casey was working on mending her marriage and family, but she feared a new baby would hurt their progress. Then, she began to experience early pregnancy complications that reminded her vividly of her past abortion decisions and how quickly this could all be over with. But could she live with that decision for this a third time? Casey didn’t want to let another child down, so she made a call to Alcove Health. 

“It wasn’t my first time at Alcove, but this time it was different. There was no hiding. They met me with open arms, and I felt like they genuinely wanted to help me. I met with Sylvia and Shantelle, who understood my situation and talked to me without judgment or ridicule. They gave me hope things would work out.”

“In a time where I felt so alone, scared, and just overwhelmingly sad, Alcove was a bright light of hope.”

“Alcove provided me programs, like LEAP (their parenting program) to help me get started. They connected me with a mentor group that helped keep me grounded and growing in The Word. I returned to my faith, sobered up, and gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. I will never forget that moment 6 months later when I was baptized with my children, family, and nebworn daughter there to witness.”

God is doing awesome work in Casey’s life . . . and you’re part of her story! Your support provides a safe place for women like Casey to process and learn the truth about abortion. And in a post-Roe world, the truth is more important than ever. For Casey, that meant her daughter was saved from a physical death and she herself from a spiritual death and into a new life with Christ – one that frees her of the guilt, shame, and regret she felt, and helps heal the wounds she carries. 

Client Story Written By Amanda Franks

We're Building a Permanent Space to Serve Local Moms

In June 2022, we bought 11101 Warwick Boulevard. You gave over and above your regular giving to turn this 1970’s office building into the future home of our ministry. We’re at nearly 100% of our $600,000 Capitol Campaign goal and we hope to start construction in April 2023.

The care net team

Board of Directors

Garrett Maroon


Wayne Holcomb, Esq


Pastor Shaun Brown


Dyan Gurley

Board Member

Teresa Chalsma

Board Member

Pastor Riley Halliday

Board Member

Carrie Cecil

Board Member

Staff memberS

Ryan Holloway

Executive Director

Dr. Jerrid Neeley, D.O.

Medical Director

Shantelle Giles

Clinic Director

Anne Sych

Director of Development

Linda Mesibov

Operations Manager

Amanda Franks

Marketing Manager

Kinta Dye, RN, BSN

Nurse Manager

Meg Williams, RN, BSN

Nurse Manager

Karla Laskowski, RN, BSN


Patty Shuster, RN


Sherri Pigue

Client Relations Manager

Katelyn Carpenter

Development Coordinator

Sylvia Pottle

Advocacy Manager

Karen Reynolds

Client Advocate

Jenn Nicholson

Client Advocate

Candra Smith

Clinic Admin Assistant

Joyce Stackhouse

Administrative Assistant

Friday, May 5, 2023

Meet Our New Development Coordinator

Meet Our New Development Coordinator

Katelyn Carpenter

Hey Care New Family – We are excited to introduce you to our newest team member, Katelyn Carpenter. Katelyn joins us as our Development Coordinator, and she is someone you will get very used to seeing and talking to as the year goes on.

As the Development Coordinator, Katelyn will juggle the logistics of our Walk4Life, Peninsula4Life Dinner, and Bottles4Life Campaigns. If January was any indication of how she’ll do at this job, the ministry and you all are in great hands!!

Katelyn joined our team in January after relocating to the area last year. Why the move? Because she got married! She tied the knot in 2022 to Pastor Matthew, the Associate Pastor at Reformation Christian Fellowship. Together they enjoy exploring new places and hiking.

So while Katelyn may be new to Care Net Peninsula, she is no stranger to pregnancy centers and ministry work. She has served in ministry for about ten years and holds a Bachelor’s in Next Generation Ministries (Children’s Ministry) from Liberty University.

An interesting fact about Katelyn that plays a role in her passion for protecting the unborn, she’s a quintuplet! Even though they knew the dangers and risks that came with the pregnancy, her parents chose life for her and her four siblings.

We know Katelyn is just as excited as we are to be part of this family, and we’re looking forward to how God will use her to serve moms and save babies in our community.

February 8, 2023

Leesa Conley to Chair Care Net Peninsula’s 37th Annual Walk4Life


Local businesswoman Leesa Conley is to serve as chair at this year’s annual Walk4Life Community Event on May 13, 2023, at Newport News Park.

Newport News, VA – This May 13th over 1,000 people will gather at Newport News Park for the 37th annual Walk4Life benefitting Alcove Health, the Peninsula’s only no-cost women’s pregnancy health center. This annual event brings together local businesses, churches, and individuals to raise awareness and funds for the pregnancy clinic’s medical services and resources.

The 2023 Walk will be chaired by local businesswoman Leesa Conley, Retirement Services Officer at Old Point Wealth Management. Leesa’s passion for the unborn, devoted history with Care Net Peninsula, and deep community relationships make her the ideal chairperson for this impactful community event

“My father was the bi-product of a woman in the 50’s who decided to choose life for her unborn baby. Her decision to choose life for my father has birthed in me a deep passion and love for the ministry of Care Net. I am honored to be able to carry on the legacy and chair the 2023 Walk4life.”

Registration opens at 8:30 am and the event will begin at 9:30 am at shelters 19 & 20 and will include a community walk through Newport News Park, music, family activities, and refreshments. For more information or to donate online, please visit

About Care Net Peninsula Care Net Peninsula, founded in 1986 as Peninsula Crisis Pregnancy Center, is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that provides no-costs services to women experiencing unplanned pregnancy. Care Net Peninsula operates a medical clinic in Newport News offering options counseling, ultrasounds, parenting support and more.

February 9, 2023

2022 Summer Newsletter

Summer 2022 Newsletter

Recently a friend of mine shared a personal story of how abortion impacted her. A relative was facing an unplanned pregnancy, and she had the opportunity to counsel her about what to do.

Her relative shared she was planning to have an abortion because she wasn’t ready to be a mom. However, she also shared that she wasn’t sure if that was the right choice and that her faith was part of the decision. 

My friend listened and then encouraged her to keep the baby and to consider adoption if she wasn’t ready to be a mom. She noted the potential for guilt and anxiety if she went through with a decision she had doubts about. She also counseled her to consider her faith and what the Bible says about babies in the womb.

Her relative ended up choosing to keep the baby. My friend threw her a baby shower, invited her to church, and offered to continue to help however she could.

Here’s how the media would report about my friend:

Fake Therapist Targets Vulnerable Woman With Misinformation


Forced-Birth Activist Claims Abortion Causes Mental Disorders

Biased and outright false critiques of pregnancy centers have been around for a long time. The difference right now is that the critics are holding the microphone.

Normally, I would dismiss it as noise and plow ahead. After all, I look to Christ for validation, not NBC News.

But the sheer volume of recent critiques paired with the crafty, nice-sounding ways they’re presented is enough for me to pause to respond to the most common myths you might be hearing.

I pray that every member of the Care Net Family: you, me, volunteers, and staff would remain steadfast and “not grow weary of doing good, for in due season will reap, if we do not give up.”

MYTH #1:

Overturning Roe ended abortion in Virginia

Overturning Roe will save thousands of babies this year, but not here in Virginia. The Supreme Court did not end abortion in America. Instead, they returned the decision to the states. In Virginia, abortion is still legal until the 25th week of pregnancy with almost NO restrictions. 

MYTH #2:

"Crisis Pregnancy Centers mislead and deceive patients seeking abortion care."

This tweet from Senator Elizabeth Warren is not true. Nowhere on our website or in our marketing do we make false claims about the services we provide. We do not perform or refer for abortion; we state this clearly and unequivocally when clients ask about our services. Additionally, in 2019 Google started including a disclaimer with all of our ads that says, “does not provide abortions“.

We are proud to provide counseling to women seeking abortions. You can counsel effectively and honestly about something without encouraging it. Anyone who’s had “The Talk” with their teenager has had such a conversation. 

We are so effective at this that even the abortion clinic down the street refers clients to us who aren’t sure if they want an abortion.

MYTH #3:

"Crisis Pregnancy Centers exist solely to intercept and dissuade pregnant people from making fully informed decisions about their healthcare such as the choice to obtain an abortion."

This myth is a direct quote from a letter written by the New York Attorney General to Google’s CEO urging them to erase us from all search results. In reality, our licensed, registered nurses provide pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, and factual abortion information to clients at NO COST to them.

The women we serve voluntarily seek our counsel because they view the decision to abort their baby as complex: impacting them physically, emotionally, relationally, and spiritually.

This myth relies on the premise that sharing information that may reveal the humanity of unborn children (like an ultrasound) or any conversation that implies a moral component to an abortion decision is peddling misinformation. At Care Net Peninsula, we reject that premise!

It was pro-abortion legislators in Virginia who, in 2020, voted to eliminate the ultrasound requirement and 24-hour waiting period that gave pregnant women the time and information they needed to “make a fully informed decision about their healthcare.”

MYTH #4:

Crisis Pregnancy Centers' staff are not licensed, medical professionals.

FALSE! A licensed OB/GYN oversees clinic operations as our Medical Director. In addition, our Registered Nurses are trained to perform limited ultrasounds to confirm pregnancies.

Dr. Jerrid Neeley, DO, OB/GYN

Medical Director

Kinta Dye, RN, BSN

Nurse Manager

Meg Williams, RN, BSN

Nurse Manager

Karla Laskowski, RN, BSN

Staff Nurse

Patty Shuster, RN

volunteer nurse

MYTH #5:

Government money is used to help fund CPCs

Care Net Peninsula does not receive funding from the government. We even decline the Medicaid payments we’re entitled to for the medical services we provide to clients.

All our funding is from local individuals and churches who stand with us to provide help and hope to local women and babies in our community. 

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Sharing the Truth: We Care About Moms and Babies

Sharing the Truth:
We Care About Moms & Babies

We keep hearing how Pro-Life means you are only Pro-Birth – but we all know that is the furthest thing from the truth . . . especially for every member of the Care Net Family. So let’s unpack this myth a little more below:

myth #1

Pregnancy Centers don't help women after their babies are born


Care Net Peninsula provides resources to support moms from the beginning of their pregnancies through birth and beyond.

Beginning with a positive pregnancy test, we offer services and resources to support women through their pregnancies and beyond. We are not only “pro-baby” but also “pro-woman” and set a continuum of care into motion to help women choose life.

Our clinic team will provide a woman with essential medical services during that first visit. These services include a pregnancy test, confirmation ultrasound, and, if needed, STI testing. During this visit, we can also connect each woman with a range of community partners who help meet her other needs, such as insurance (Medicaid), housing, food assistance, church connections, professional counseling, and resources for older children. We aim to ensure each woman we meet receives the proper assistance in her time of need.

Some women we serve will choose to life for their baby and later suffer a miscarriage or stillbirth. We are here to help connect each of them with local advocacy groups, ongoing support, and care – as much as they would like.

We want to ensure that each of our moms (and dads) is prepared and ready to parent, so we offer the option to enroll in our free parenting program, Learn, Equip, and Parent (LEAP). This program includes a wide array of class options and, as with all of our services, is entirely free to our clients (paid with the help of our generous donors).

After completing their classes, our moms will receive one of our Bundles4Babies – a basket or bathtub overflowing with diapers, wipes, baby clothes, toiletries, blankets, bibs, and much more (all thanks to YOU!). We even help with extra diapers and wipes for the first six months!!

We know that women facing an unplanned pregnancy often feel scared and alone. So one of our passions is to connect the women (and men) we serve to one of our local church partners.

We ask each of our clients if they would like to connect with a local mentor who can provide seasonal discipleship for a few months or even longer. We have pulled together a group of mentors (members of local churches) who are there to bring these women (and men) into the caring community of the local church. If the baby’s father is interested, we can also connect him with a mentor!

Our team cares about every woman who walks through our doors. We pray that each one will choose life, but we know some won’t. So we offer a Post-Abortion Recovery group for those who leave our clinic and choose abortion. Why? Because we still care about each of them.

Just like our donors are part of the Care Net Family, our clients are part of the Alcove Health Family. This is what a community in action looks like, and it wouldn’t be possible without each of you.

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