Planned Parenthood’s Roo
What Can’t Roo Do?
You’ve got questions. Maybe you missed your period,and you are wondering if you should get a free pregnancy test? Maybe you are also worried you need a free STI test. Where can you go for both? Do you need both?
A friend suggested you ask Roo. Roo who? Roo is the sexual health chatbot from Planned Parenthood. According to their website Roo “answers all your awkward questions about sexual health, relationships, growing up, and more”. Sounds great, right?
If you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy, that might sound like a great place to start. After all, many unplanned pregnancies end in abortion and Planned Parenthood is the number one abortion provider in the nation. So getting information from the number one abortion provider might make sense.
Or does it? Perhaps what you need most is accurate medical information so you can process all of your options.
Here are just a few questions Roo can’t answer…
Is my pregnancy in the right place? Because if it’s not, that’s known as an ectopic pregnancy and it requires immediate medical attention.
Is there a heartbeat? If your pregnancy isn’t viable, you might end up paying for an abortion while you are actually in the process of a miscarriage. For women who know they are pregnant, statistics show 10 to 15% end in miscarriage. For those who don’t yet know, the number is estimated to be as high as 50%.
How far along am I really? While the last menstrual period is a good indication of how far along you might be, it is not always accurate. An ultrasound is the only way to be completely sure. Accurate dating is of vital importance no matter what option you might be considering.
At Alcove Health Women’s Clinic, we provide a safe space for you to process your options. In addition, our Registered Nurses can provide you with the valuable medical information you need to make an informed decision. And we can provide all of these services at no-cost to you. Give us a call today at 757-591-8141 and schedule an appointment.

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