Non-Profit of the Year

Non-Profit of the Year

Our nomination by the City of Newport News Human Rights Commission, alongside other highly respected nominees, surprised us. In the largest social media response we have ever seen, YOU voted us as the winner and voiced that pre-born humans in the wombs have rights, too. WAY TO GO!

You did it! You voted Care Net Peninsula Non-Profit of the Year

Critical Year-End Ministry Update

Tragically, 15 children in Virginia died from Covid-19. But since March 2020, 300 times that number of babies died from abortion . . . on the Peninsula. That’s over 4,000 preborn lives taken from our community in less than 3 years. But it would have been more.

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Executive Friend-Raising

Executive Friend-Raising

Meet Our New Development Director!

In the 1800’s, American barns were costly and required more labor to build than a typical family could provide. Barn raising enlisted members of the community (unpaid) to help build neighbors’ barns. Neighbors recruited others because the favor would eventually return to each participant.

We are thrilled to introduce our new Development Director, Anne Sych (rhymes with ‘stitch’). Anne’s role is similar to barn raising. Her job is to raise friends to collectively build and resource our pregnancy help mission. Anne has lived on the Peninsula for over 20 years and brings that many years of skill and experience in public relations, marketing strategy, event planning, and internet analytics (important to increasingly connect with all of us through our smart phones). She has been an ‘unpaid’ friend of our ministry for long time (helping ‘build the barn’ here) and she is now called by God to be on staff. Welcome, Anne!

Fun Facts About Anne:

  • Loves decorating and stages homes for fun
  • Born in England and named after Princess Anne
  • Lives in a 100-year-old house
  • Can fold anything back into it’s original package


Critical Year-End Ministry Update

Tragically, 15 children in Virginia died from Covid-19. But since March 2020, 300 times that number of babies died from abortion . . . on the Peninsula. That’s over 4,000 preborn lives taken from our community in less than 3 years. But it would have been more.

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Compassion and Life

Compassion & Life

Dr. Lunsford, Pictured With Kinta Dye, RN, BSN And Meg Williams, RN, BSN

Dr. Elizabeth Lunsford is an obstetrician-gynecologist at Riverside Health who lives in Gloucester, Virginia. She received her medical degree from Eastern Virginia Medical School and serves as Medical Director for our pregnancy center. She explains in her own words why she volunteers her time and skills to the work of Care Net Peninsula.

“I chose medicine after I volunteered at a free clinic and I found many people needed better access to care. That’s why I decided to study medicine, because I could see the direct impact of my effort to improve people’s lives. I love helping people optimize their health and live healthy, productive lives to their fullest. As a physician, I am thankful to have medical skills to offer people, but I feel their greatest need is to find relationship with God through Jesus. When this spiritual relationship is restored, then all the other areas of their life ( health, finances, parenting, relationships, emotions ) come into balance as well. Jesus was the “Great Physician” who restored people to health and wholeness in all areas of their lives, and I seek to follow in His footsteps.

Care Net Peninsula provides clinic services at no charge to women facing an unintended pregnancy. This ministry offers an incredible opportunity to truly meet people in their place of need at a time when fear can overwhelm their mind causing them to make decisions they may regret in the future. The Care Net Peninsula center provides opportunity to not only provide pregnancy tests, but more importantly, to speak life and hope into people when they are making critical decisions about their lives and their unborn children. We provide all these services in a caring, respectful atmosphere.

I feel honored to be a part of this professional, compassionate ministry.”

Critical Year-End Ministry Update

Tragically, 15 children in Virginia died from Covid-19. But since March 2020, 300 times that number of babies died from abortion . . . on the Peninsula. That’s over 4,000 preborn lives taken from our community in less than 3 years. But it would have been more.

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A Word from our Development Director

A Word From Our Development Director

Those of you who have followed Care Net Peninsula for the past 32 years know that, like any organization, change has and will continue to happen. Change often takes us out of our ‘comfort zones’, but when we are focused on honoring the Lord, it makes all of the difference.

As the Development Director for almost 5 years at Care Net, it has been a blessing to see all the amazing growth the Lord has produced.

We have gone from offering life-saving sonograms 2.5 days a week with one nurse and one ultrasound machine to 5 days a week with 2 full-time nurses and 2 ultrasound machines! The number of women we have served has more than doubled during my time here. Best of all, many women made decisions to let their babies live.

It is bittersweet for me to move on from this role. I am leaving to stay at home full-time with my 2-year-old son. My heart will always remain here and I look forward to seeing where the Lord takes Care Net in the coming years. I remain committed to the mission to bring practical help and hope in Jesus to women facing pregnancy decisions on the Virginia Peninsula. In fact, having the opportunity to see how the ‘engine runs’ has excited me more to continue my personal partnership in this fight for Life.

The sacrifices you make — as donors, volunteers, and community members — so that we can offer these services to the community are precious to us and the Lord. This ministry would not exist without you. I have been truly blown away by your generosity to achieve the incredible accomplishments that have been made here in the past 5 years. God bless you!

Critical Year-End Ministry Update

Tragically, 15 children in Virginia died from Covid-19. But since March 2020, 300 times that number of babies died from abortion . . . on the Peninsula. That’s over 4,000 preborn lives taken from our community in less than 3 years. But it would have been more.

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Building a Community

building a community

Connecting with the amazing people who support our work is important to us. We are happy to introduce Lauren, our new Community Relations Manager! Lauren loves learning what makes people tick, so we bet you will enjoy getting to know her as she gets to know you.

Fun Facts About Lauren:

  • Served ministries in Fiji and Australia
  • She Will soon get her motorcycle license
  • Loves being a Hokie and misses the mountains

Critical Year-End Ministry Update

Tragically, 15 children in Virginia died from Covid-19. But since March 2020, 300 times that number of babies died from abortion . . . on the Peninsula. That’s over 4,000 preborn lives taken from our community in less than 3 years. But it would have been more.

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Board of Directors Update


We are pleased to announce the newest members to our strong leadership team! Thank you for your prayers for wisdom and favor for our Board of Directors and Staff members.

Dr. Hellman is a pathologist affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area. He serves as the Lab Director for Mary Immaculate Hospital. Dr. Hellman received his medical degree from George Washington University School of Medicine and has practiced for more than 20 years. He is married to Cynthia. God gave him an immediate “Yes!” when he prayed about joining Care Net’s Board.

Mr. Temple is an Attendance Officer with Newport News Public Schools and Acting Pastor of Immanuel Fellowship Church. He has served on multiple community Boards for the City of Newport News. He is married to Cynthia and enjoys 3 children and 1 grandson. He feels this ministry exemplifies Psalm 111 which sings “great are the works of the LORD.”

Critical Year-End Ministry Update

Tragically, 15 children in Virginia died from Covid-19. But since March 2020, 300 times that number of babies died from abortion . . . on the Peninsula. That’s over 4,000 preborn lives taken from our community in less than 3 years. But it would have been more.

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Ultrasound Ribbon Cutting

ultrasound ribbon cutting

Saturday, March 3 was a great day of celebration in our clinic as the Knights of Columbus cut the ribbon on the second ultrasound they have donated to the ministry in the past five years. Twelve parishes worked together to raise funds — matched by the national level Knights — necessary to purchase the $30,000 sonogram machine. New Covenant Church raised $1,500 over a weekend to donate the exam table. Our expanded clinic now has double the capacity to serve women in need! Thank you, generous community!

Critical Year-End Ministry Update

Tragically, 15 children in Virginia died from Covid-19. But since March 2020, 300 times that number of babies died from abortion . . . on the Peninsula. That’s over 4,000 preborn lives taken from our community in less than 3 years. But it would have been more.

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Welcome Carla!

Welcome Carla!

As demand for services grows, so does our need for trained RN-Sonographers. This bright face belongs to our newest Nurse Manager, Carla Branson.

Carla joins our team after years of working as a Labor and Delivery nurse for a local hospital. She welcomes the change to the day shift, and we welcome her expertise and knowledge. We know many clients will be blessed by their conversations with her. Carla has already completed all of her training, including an extensive week-long out-of-state training with Care Net national, and is ready to dive into seeing clients! 

When she’s not working, Carla enjoys spending time with her husband and three children. 

Join us in welcoming Carla to our team!

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Critical Year-End Ministry Update

Tragically, 15 children in Virginia died from Covid-19. But since March 2020, 300 times that number of babies died from abortion . . . on the Peninsula. That’s over 4,000 preborn lives taken from our community in less than 3 years. But it would have been more.

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Our New Media Specialist

Our New Media Specialist

Amanda is the graphic designer behind some of our latest marketing materials and last year’s Christmas card, among so much more! For the past year, she has donated not only her design skills to our ministry but served weekly as a Client Intake Volunteer in our clinic. We are delighted to announce that Amanda has joined our team as our Media Specialist. 

She holds a B.S. in Graphic Design from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh and has worked as a freelance designer focusing on branding from small to large organizations, and is passionate about spreading the Gospel through her work. Amanda, her husband Nick, and their bulldog Mags reside in Hampton and are members of Grace Baptist Chapel. ALSO – they’re expecting their first child this Spring!! 

Join us in welcoming Amanda to her new role! 

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Critical Year-End Ministry Update

Tragically, 15 children in Virginia died from Covid-19. But since March 2020, 300 times that number of babies died from abortion . . . on the Peninsula. That’s over 4,000 preborn lives taken from our community in less than 3 years. But it would have been more.

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Welcome Donnetta

Welcome Donnetta!

As we expand our service capacity, our need for trained options counselors grows. We are excited that Donnetta Corry has joined our team as our newest Client Advocate, relocating from Charlotte, NC. She brings experience working in a variety of ministry settings, including helping women in domestic violence situations.

Donnetta completed undergraduate work in psychology and accounting disciplines, holds Bachelor’s degrees in Theology and Christian Counseling, and attained a Master’s of Theology.

She is quick to laugh and is willing to serve in any way. Please pray for Donnetta as she completes training/certification and assumes her duties with the women we help!


Joined a daughter, son-in-law and grandkids locally

Loves listening to smooth jazz

Can lug a dolly of diapers in high-heels (gracefully)

Often flies a kite after work to relax

Read More News Updates

Critical Year-End Ministry Update

Tragically, 15 children in Virginia died from Covid-19. But since March 2020, 300 times that number of babies died from abortion . . . on the Peninsula. That’s over 4,000 preborn lives taken from our community in less than 3 years. But it would have been more.

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