No Roe? Now What?

No Roe? Now What?

Did Overturning Roe End Abortion In Virginia?

Today is an extraordinary day in the fight for life of preborn babies.

In a 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Dobbs in Dobbs vs Jackson Women’s Health (5-4 decision in overturning Roe). The decision was broad in scope and overruled previous Supreme Court decisions that erroneously identified a constitutional right to abortion.

At Care Net Peninsula, we are thrilled to celebrate this monumental step toward life and justice for preborn babies. However, we want to clarify the ramifications of this decision for our community.

Overturning Roe will save thousands of babies this year, but not here in Virginia.

The Supreme Court did not end abortion in America. It returned the decision to the states. In Virginia, abortion is still legal up to the 25th week of pregnancy with almost no restrictions.

In fact, recent laws have made aborting a baby in our community easier than ever.

In 2020, Virginia State Legislature passed a bill removing virtually all protections for pre-born babies in our state. Then in 2021, President Biden signed an executive order allowing women to receive at-home chemical abortions up to 11 weeks without requiring an in-person appointment.

If we misunderstand the impact of overturning Roe in Virginia, we leave pregnant women and their babies without help and hope at a time when they need it most. That’s why it’s critical to stay informed and share with others about the true impact of these decisions.

No matter the political climate, Care Net Peninsula will continue to provide pregnant women in our community with a safe place to go for care.

Unfortunately, there is a second major concern resulting from this ruling. The domestic terrorist group Jane’s Revenge has declared war against pregnancy centers. They have already attacked and vandalized numerous facilities and publicly shared a ‘call to arms’ to escalate violence against crisis pregnancy centers nationwide.

We have increased security at our facility and taken numerous precautions to safeguard our staff, volunteers and clients. We’re also in regular communication with state and local law enforcement about the situation.

So, today we celebrate this incredible win for our movement, but ask for your continued prayer for pre-born babies in our community and for the safety of our staff, volunteers, and clients. Thank you for being part of the Care Net family.

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Why I Am Pro-Life. Why I work for LIFE

Why I Am Pro-Life
Why I Am Pro-Life

Why I am Pro-Life

Why I am Pro-Life.
Why I work for LIFE.
I work to preserve life because life is precious, all life is precious.

I never want another woman to find herself in a room surrounded by people pressuring her to end her baby’s life. I had been married for a few years and we were expecting my first baby. The OB ran the usual tests and one of them came back . . . suspect. He sent me to specialists at Eastern Virginia Medical School. My husband and I went for the appointment. They confirmed my baby had Down Syndrome, Trisomy 21.

The “specialists” at EVMS painted a grim picture of what her life would look like. What our life with her would be like. How she would need extra care. She would not learn at the same pace as the other children and would need special education. How she might never learn to care for herself. They told us that her life span would probably be 50 to 60 years and that she would most likely outlive my husband and me and would need someone to care for her. She would have been our first child – so we would have to consider how we could provide for her beyond the end of our lives. Someone suggested we would need to have other children to ensure there would be someone to care for her beyond our life.

These experts kept telling us the extreme difficulties we would face if we kept her. Not once did they say that there was help out there for families of Down Syndrome babies. Not once did they offer to connect us with resources to help us. Terminating the pregnancy was the only route they suggested.

Emotionally I was spiraling out of control. I needed someone to tell me I could do it – that I could care for her. That everything was going to be alright. That there were people and organizations out there that would provide support. I needed to slow down and process.

My husband was convinced that we needed to terminate our daughter’s life and every one of the “experts” was pushing for the “logical choice” to terminate my baby’s life. I felt alone and pressured to end her life. And I had no time to make the “decision,” it was imperative that the decision be made immediately.

I am ashamed, and I live every day regretting the decision I made.

More than anything, I want women who are afraid to have the help and hope they need to choose life for their baby.

I think if there had been a safe place to process and strong Christian counselors to help me slow down and process, to remember the goodness of God, to find the support I would need to care for my daughter, I would have made a different decision.

I want other women who are afraid and are only hearing how they should end their baby’s life to hear that they are able, that God can strengthen them and provide for them and their baby. I want them to know that God created the baby they are carrying, and He has a plan. I want them to hear the truth, and I want the truth to drown out ALL the lies and speculations the world and the “experts” are telling them.

I pray daily that God would open a way to provide counseling for women like me. Women who are sent into the “specialist’s” office, where the only thing they will hear is that they should terminate their baby’s life.

I am pro-life.
I work to save LIFE.
I work to preserve life because life is precious, ALL life is precious.

May 10, 2022

The Care Net Peninsula Family is built up of so many amazing individuals. You encourage us with the ways you fight abortion in our community and work to provide help and hope to local women so they choose life for their babies. You each have a unique story of how God brought you to this moment to take up this charge and we would love to hear it. 

If you would like to share your story with the Care Net Family send an email to


33 Women

33 Women
33 Women

33 Women

An Update from Our Client Relations Manager

I knew there were women. But I wanted to know how many women. So, I looked through our files. The number is 33. Throughout 2021, 33 women entered our clinic doors either determined to abort their babies or strongly considering the abortion option.

Now to be clear, there were a lot more women who entered our doors also planning to abort. But what makes these 33 women significant is what they learned during their appointments at Alcove Health Women’s Clinic.

Through our medical services, each of these women found that either they weren’t pregnant (meaning their pregnancy test at home was either invalid or there was an error in the use/reading of the test) or they did not have a viable pregnancy (meaning there was no heartbeat).

These 33 were considering, if not planning, to leave our clinic and contact an abortion provider. And they didn’t even have a pregnancy to abort.

Here at Alcove Health Women’s Clinic, you help us serve moms and save babies. For these 33 moms, you served them so – rather than fast-tracking it to an abortion clinic or mail-to-home abortion provider – they slowed down and got the information they needed to make a wise and safe choice.

Now you may be thinking, so what? No babies would’ve been harmed in these abortions. Why is this blog-worthy material?

Two reasons.

First, because God protected these women and He is always blog-worthy. We can all celebrate that.

For these 33, the medical services they received here at Alcove Health Women’s Clinic were a safeguard – over their bodies, their hearts, and their futures. You see, an abortion – even one on a baby that doesn’t exist or isn’t alive – is still an abortion to the woman. God – in His goodness – sheltered each of these women from the life-long impact of thinking she had an abortion. So they did not suffer physical complications, or post-abortion symptoms, or relational difficulties, or spiritual heartache. All because these 33 individual women were given an opportunity to learn the truth before they took any action.

You can see God’s hand of protection all over these women’s stories.

Ten years from now, these 33 will not be contacting us asking for post-abortion recovery. For these women, you – our supporters – didn’t save babies, but you sure did serve women. God provided a way for them to know truth. And that one truth will affect them their entire lives.

Secondly, this is note-worthy because we know that you may be the first contact a woman has when she is considering an abortion. Be it a friend, a church member, a co-worker, or a family member.

We want you to know that even the woman who is 100% confident she will only consider an abortion still cannot have 100% confidence that she even knows what’s going on inside her body – or if she’s even pregnant – until she visits Alcove Health to get the important information our services provide. For free.

As our community of support, you are also the voice in our community. Perhaps you will meet a woman determined to abort. Remind her we’re here for her to provide the same services that served these 33.

Remind her of these 33 women. She could be one of them.

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2021 Impact Report


2021 Impact Report

Despite paradigm-shifting changes to the abortion industry, Care Net Peninsula is leading in the fight for life.

“It’s simple, receive the abortion pill in 1-3 days after a quick video visit.” This ad from Carafem was illegal in 2020. Now national At-Home Abortion companies aggressively market to women on the Peninsula and across the country. In fact, the pill is responsible for over half of the 800,000+ babies killed by abortion each year.

What exactly is an At-Home Abortion? It’s when a ‘pregnant person’ answers a few questions on a video call, and a company mails her the abortion pill for about $200. No ultrasound. No leaving home. She passes the baby in her toilet. It’s horrific. It’s also a threat to the future of our ministry and the women and babies we serve together.

But the Care Net Family is ready for the fight. For the first time, you gave over $1 million. We launched STI testing to reach more women in person. We leveled up (again) our digital communication, and our online leads TRIPLED! That means more women than ever learned about our services. Your investment paid off. We served 630 clients in 2021-our most ever. 391 babies were born. 143 women–and 4 men–were connected to a church mentor. 19 women made a confession of faith in the clinic. To God be the glory!

Thank you so much for your faithful giving, advocating, volunteering, and praying. We are well-equipped for the next chapter in the fight for life on the Peninsula, and that would not be true without YOU.

Pray for wisdom as we adapt and grow aggressively to serve as many moms and save as many babies as God would bring to us.

Ryan Holloway, Executive Director

Is This Data Still Accurate?

At-Home Abortions were made permanently legal by the FDA in 2021. Now, national companies are lining up to sell Peninsula women mail-order abortion pills after a ‘quick video visit.’

This means even more competition in the fight for life on the Peninsula. It also calls into question the validity of abortion stats provided by the VDH via local abortion facilities. For now, we’ll continue to report the available data.

2021 Clinic Stats

“Don’t do this” – The words that would change Tiffany’s life forever rang through her mind, as she sat in the parking lot of Planned Parenthood. Just a few weeks prior, Tiffany had received a positive pregnancy test, shattering her dreams of a “traditional” wedding with her fiancé and an uncomplicated first year of marriage. Add to that the pressures from multiple loved ones to “just get an abortion,” and Tiffany felt cornered with the temptation to take what felt like the easy way out.

But instead of listening to these voices, Tiffany said “yes” to God’s voice, and, as a result, she lost many relationships including her engagement. Scared and unsure she could parent a child alone, Tiffany came to our clinic and received the help she needed to care for her unborn baby. Her extraordinary courage caught our attention. So, our team nominated Tiffany to Care Net National, who in partnership with Regent University, awarded Tiffany a 4 year, full-tuition scholarship. Praise God!

Now Tiffany wants to use her story to help other women say “yes” to life in a culture shouting the opposite. She wants everyone to know that God used what seemed like a catastrophe in her life to give her the biggest blessings she could ever imagine: a beautiful little girl and a future filled with promise.

Read more about Tiffany here.


2021 Expenses

staff members

Ryan Holloway

Executive Director

Dr. Elizabeth Lunsford

Medical Director

Shantelle Giles

Clinic Director

Anne Sych

Development Director

Linda Mesibov

Operations Manager

Meg Williams, RN, BSN

Nurse Manager

Kinta Dye, RN, BSN

Nurse Manager

Karla Laskowski, RN, BSN

Staff Nurse

Sherri Pigue

Client Relations Manager

Sheri Coker

Advocacy Manager

Karen Reynolds

Client Advocate

Sylvia Pottle

Client Advocate

Maggie Jervey

Community Relations Manager

Amanda Franks

Media Specialist

Joyce Stackhouse

Administrative Assistant

board members

Garrett Maroon


Wayne Holcomb, J.D.


Pastor Shaun Brown


Dyan Gurley

Board Member

Teresa Chalsma

Board Member

Dr. Jerrid Neeley

Board Member

Carrie Cecil

Board Member

Make a Gift Today to Provide Help and Hope to Local Women on the Peninsula.

Meet Carrie Cecil

Meet Carrie Cecil
Meet Carrie Cecil

Meet Our Board of Directors

Carrie Cecil

At the beginning of the year, we welcomed Carrie Cecil to our Board of Directors.  

Born and raised on the Peninsula, Carrie met her husband while attending Thomas Nelson Community College. Together they have three small children, whom Carrie spends her days nurturing and schooling. They are members of Reformation Christian Fellowship in Newport News, where Carrie first heard of Care Net Peninsula through a Bottles4Life Campaign the church was hosting.  

God began cultivating a passion in Carrie’s heart for moms in need during her own pregnancies where she suffered from Hyperemesis Gravidarum. It was during that time she came to understand firsthand how a pregnancy, planned or unplanned, is often accompanied by fear and suffering.  

“Care Net Peninsula provides hope and help to the fearful and the suffering moms in our community and I am proud to be part of this ministry!” 

We are excited to have Carrie as part of the Care Net Family and look forward to serving alongside her in the years to come and seeing how God is going to use her within the ministry. And watch out . . . she has a blackbelt in Tae Kwan Do!!  

March 31, 2022

Missed Period Pills

missed period pills
missed period pills

Missed Period Pills

“This concept was developed as a way to provide early abortions to women who are uncomfortable with the idea of terminating a pregnancy.”

Ever heard of “Missed Period Pills”?

It’s a new option abortion providers are researching to use the same prescription medications from a medical abortion on a woman who has not even tested to know if she is pregnant or not. That’s right, if you’ve missed your monthly period and the stress of even taking a pregnancy test is more than you can bear, you can participate in another research study that uses medical abortion drugs to manipulate your body.  

This concept was developed as a way to provide early abortions to women who are uncomfortable with the idea of terminating a pregnancy.  

As early as 28 days from your last period and without taking a pregnancy test, these prescription abortifacients are being touted as safe and effective. Instead of questioning why your period might be late—stress, dietary changes, sexually transmitted infection, or pregnancy- they are even offering people discounts to participate in this study. Some women experience missed periods for reasons unrelated to pregnancy and should be further evaluated for their reproductive health. 

Doesn’t it make more sense to get a free pregnancy test instead of just taking a missed period pill?

At Alcove Health, we believe knowledge is power. Why expose yourself to hormone disruptive drugs without obtaining a full picture of what’s going on with your body? Your personal reproductive health history is important enough to pursue without any fear of monetary gain from an industry not looking out for your best interest. 

The ethical problems this raises by exposing women to drugs that have numerous side effects and adverse health reactions are overwhelming. The medications used, Mifepristone and Misoprostol, will empty the contents of the uterus and the bleeding experienced can “bring on the missed period”. Because a pregnancy test is never performed, it is unknown which function is completed. The patient’s right to understand the implications of these medications on her body is never fully revealed to her.   

At Alcove Health Women’s Clinic in Newport News, we provide a safe space for you to process your options, along with the medically accurate information you need to make an informed decision.  Call us today at 757-591-8141 to schedule your free appointment.

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2023 Year-End Letter from Our Executive Director

Together, we can continue to be that place of miracles and transformation for countless women and families in need. When you make a year-end gift to Care Net Peninsula, you are providing the help and hope that women need to choose life for their baby.

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Critical Year-End Ministry Update

Tragically, 15 children in Virginia died from Covid-19. But since March 2020, 300 times that number of babies died from abortion . . . on the Peninsula. That’s over 4,000 preborn lives taken from our community in less than 3 years. But it would have been more.

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Meet Teresa Chalsma

Teresa Chalsma
Teresa Chalsma

Meet Our Board of Directors

Teresa Chalsma

At the end of 2021, we welcomed long-time Care Net Family member, Teresa Chalsma, onto our Board of Directors.  

Teresa, alongside her husband Brian, has been a faithful supporter of the ministry since 2010. During that time, she has worn many hats in our ministry, and we have loved serving alongside her.  

As a Client Intake Volunteer (CIV), Teresa was able to see first-hand the work being done in our clinic each week. She played a vital role in aiding our clinic team during her shift and ensured clients were provided a warm and welcoming atmosphere.  

Her ability to connect with others and passion to share about the mission and work of our ministry made Teresa the first choice when setting up our Executive Leadership Team for our Peninsula4Life Dinners. In 2020 she took up the charge to chair the team and assisted us in navigating a fundraising dinner through a global pandemic.  

Aside from being “boots on the ground” within the ministry, Teresa, along with her partners at The Roofing Company, generously sponsor our events each year to help ensure all funds raised go directly back into our clinic.  

“I started volunteering and supporting Care Net Peninsula because I felt it was a positive way to serve moms and save babies. I love that all the services are free to women. The staff at the clinic is phenomenal!” 

Teresa holds a bachelor’s degree from Radford University in business and marketing – we look forward to seeing how God can use her skills and knowledge in those areas in the years to come.  

In her free time, Teresa enjoys being with her family. She has been married to her husband Brian for 31 years, and together they share 3 daughters. Teresa and Brian enjoy traveling in their RV, including a yearly trip with their entire family. The Chalsma family are members of Lifehouse Church and spend their time supporting not only local missions like Care Net, but they love to help spread the Gospel through mission trips abroad.  

We know this new season and new role within Care Net for Teresa will continue to bless our moms and babies and help to spread the message of help and hope to so many women across the community who need it.  


Teresa Chalsma and Family

March 14, 2022

Planned Parenthood’s Roo

Planned Parenthood’s Roo
Planned Parenthood’s Roo

Planned Parenthood’s Roo

What Can’t Roo Do?

You’ve got questions. Maybe you missed your period,and you are wondering if you should get a free pregnancy test? Maybe you are also worried you need a free STI test. Where can you go for both? Do you need both?

A friend suggested you ask Roo. Roo who? Roo is the sexual health chatbot from Planned Parenthood. According to their website Roo “answers all your awkward questions about sexual health, relationships, growing up, and more”. Sounds great, right?

If you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy, that might sound like a great place to start. After all, many unplanned pregnancies end in abortion and Planned Parenthood is the number one abortion provider in the nation. So getting information from the number one abortion provider might make sense.

Or does it? Perhaps what you need most is accurate medical information so you can process all of your options.

Here are just a few questions Roo can’t answer…

Is my pregnancy in the right place? Because if it’s not, that’s known as an ectopic pregnancy and it requires immediate medical attention.

Is there a heartbeat? If your pregnancy isn’t viable, you might end up paying for an abortion while you are actually in the process of a miscarriage. For women who know they are pregnant, statistics show 10 to 15% end in miscarriage. For those who don’t yet know, the number is estimated to be as high as 50%. 

How far along am I really? While the last menstrual period is a good indication of how far along you might be, it is not always accurate. An ultrasound is the only way to be completely sure. Accurate dating is of vital importance no matter what option you might be considering.

At Alcove Health Women’s Clinic, we provide a safe space for you to process your options. In addition, our Registered Nurses can provide you with the valuable medical information you need to make an informed decision. And we can provide all of these services at no-cost to you. Give us a call today at 757-591-8141 and schedule an appointment.

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2023 Year-End Letter from Our Executive Director

Together, we can continue to be that place of miracles and transformation for countless women and families in need. When you make a year-end gift to Care Net Peninsula, you are providing the help and hope that women need to choose life for their baby.

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Critical Year-End Ministry Update

Tragically, 15 children in Virginia died from Covid-19. But since March 2020, 300 times that number of babies died from abortion . . . on the Peninsula. That’s over 4,000 preborn lives taken from our community in less than 3 years. But it would have been more.

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Prayer and Praises – February 2022

February Prayer & Praises

“Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.”
1 John 4:7-8

Why Be Gracious? Because of the immeasurable grace we have each received. When we recognize the grace and mercy that has been poured out on our lives through Jesus’ finished work on the cross, we are able to extend grace and kindness to others. His sacrifice was perfect in every way and able to present us blameless before a Holy and perfect God.

It seems unfathomable to know that God sees us with all of our sin and shame, and yet He still loves us and forgives us. Thanks be to God!

Let us encourage one another to be gracious to mothers who are trying to make the right choice for their babies. They need our compassion and for us to share the love of Christ with them by demonstrating it through our actions, prayers, and resources.

Please pray for them and everyone who interacts with them through the clinic, that the mothers would be well cared for and given the necessary tools and encouragement to protect the sanctity of their baby’s life.

"...and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God." - Ephesians 5:2

Prayer for health & strength for the Care Net staff as they continue to serve more women than ever in this ministry’s history.

“Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.” – 3 John 1:2

Pray that more women than ever before will choose life for their unborn children and find salvation through Jesus Christ by visiting our center.

“Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart, one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.” – Romans 10:9-10

Pray for healing for woman who have walked the path of abortion as we begin a new post-abortion support group this month.

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” – Isaiah 41:10

In A World Filled With Lies . . .

Too often in our culture, narratives don’t reflect reality. This is true on both sides of the political aisle and within all our different subcultures. Sometimes the lies don’t matter much – “Wow, Santa came and ate all those cookies! — Definitely NOT Dad!!” Other times, lives are at stake. If I’ve learned anything in my time at Care Net, it’s that the abortion industry lies, and then lies about lying.

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Urgent Prayer Need

You may have heard about a very important case being heard by the Supreme Court this Wednesday, Dec. 1st – the case of Dobbs vs Jackson Women’s Health.

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