Bringing Hope To The Women We Serve

Bringing Hope to the Women We Serve

For four years after college, I was a missionary in the Dominican Republic. It was life-changing, and there are still days I’m convinced the mountains of the DR are my most natural habitat.

The experience informed how I think about culture, religion, and politics: those problems every society faces that I try to solve in my head on a morning run.

In the DR, as in most of Latin America and the Caribbean, abortion is illegal and culturally unacceptable. Nothing grieves my heart more than when immigrants feel emboldened by our culture of death to kill their own children. Tragically, this is happening more often. We will serve twice as many Hispanic women considering abortion this year than any previous year.

The great news is that God has gifted our team with multiple bilingual staff and volunteers and our Hispanic clients are 40% more likely than our average client to change their mind and choose life for their baby.

Please pray with me that we would stop exporting our abortion views to other cultures. Pray that our team would be well-equipped to handle clients from any background or language. As always, thank you for your partnership with our ministry.

For Life,
Executive Director
2024 Care Net Peninsula Summer Newsletter - Camela's Story

“God has been extremely good to me” – Camela told her church family at World Outreach Worship Center. She had mustered up the courage to share her testimony on Sanctity of Human Life Sunday.

“When I arrived in the U.S. from Jamaica, I said, ‘Okay, this is a whole new life!’ I started working and soon had the opportunity to go back for my two children I had to leave behind. While there, I married my daughter’s father, but he couldn’t return with us. While transitioning back to life in the U.S., now with two kids, I realized – I was pregnant.

Camela’s reaction to the news was a plea to God –

“The thought of abortion came to me, so I went online looking for help. I found Alcove Health and said, ‘Wow! It’s a free clinic!’ and I made an appointment. Upon arriving at my appointment, I realized it was a Christian clinic, and right then and there, I said, ‘Oh, this is not going to work for me.’ But I still went in.

God was bringing Camela the help and hope she needed, and at that moment, the Holy Spirit was working in her heart to combat the lies in her head about why it wouldn’t work to bring this new life into her life.

“When I met with Nurse Kinta, I told her what I wanted to do. She hugged me and said, ‘No, you’re not going to do that’. Then, on the ultrasound screen, she showed me my little baby. And I said to myself, ‘This is a life inside of me. God, I can’t do it.’

I had given up everything when I found out I was pregnant; I had given up on myself. Care Net Peninsula came into my life, and they brought my hope back. They brought me a mentor, and this is where my spiritual mother came into my life”.

That spiritual mother was Pastor Terrie Council, of WOWC, whom Camela met through our Spiritual Mentorship Program.

“She has been a tower of strength for me and was only supposed to be with me for six weeks. But here we are, almost a year later, as she holds my precious little angel. I was raised in a Godly home by a Pastor and teacher; I knew God. But sometimes, we lose our way. This tremendous woman of God came into my life and mentored me, shared with me, and guided me, never letting me make excuses for myself.

God showed Pastor Terrie something in me that I didn’t even see in myself. She has been there for me when I needed it most and is like a mom to me. God is good. I’ll never leave, and I’ll always be in his sanctuary.”

Because of your support and partnership, we can meet our clients’ physical, mental, and spiritual needs. When a woman comes to us about her unplanned pregnancy, she is presented with an opportunity during that visit to connect with a local Christian woman. This mentor steps into her life and walks alongside her spiritually, showing how great our God is, even in the most challenging of seasons.

Make a Gift Today to Serve Women Like Camela

Get to Know Emalee

She’s been one of the driving forces behind a successful event season for our ministry, and we thought it was time we finally introduce you to our Development Coordinator, Emalee.

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Olympians Are Not The Only Ones Setting Records

An update from Care Net Peninsula in Newport News, Virginia (Va) - Olympians aren't the only ones setting records

Olympians are not the only ones setting records

Summer doesn’t take a break from unplanned pregnancies and neither do we here at Care Net Peninsula. Our clinic is busier than ever before. In fact, we served an all-time record number of women in just the first 7 months of this year (657 to be exact)! We are so grateful to be able to bring lifesaving help and hope to women facing an unplanned pregnancy. 

Many of the women who come through our doors are not making their decision alone. She is often faced with family members and friends counseling her to have an abortion regardless of her desire to carry her baby to birth. As she examines her options, she may be risking many relationships if she chooses life – perhaps even with the father. 

This was the case of a brave woman we served last week who went against culture AND family coercion to choose life for her baby.

We understand that it’s complicated, but we are unshakable in our stand for LIFE. We are so proud of this woman and the many women who choose LIFE regardless of the pressure around her!

So when you pray for this ministry and the women we serve, please also remember to pray for the families and friends who are part of the decision. Pray that they will have hearts towards life; for the mom and for the baby. Your prayers are powerful and are making a difference.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Get to Know Emalee

She’s been one of the driving forces behind a successful event season for our ministry, and we thought it was time we finally introduce you to our Development Coordinator, Emalee.

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Meet Lee Strobel – Our 2024 Peninsula4Life Dinner Guest Speaker

2024 Care Net Peninsula Peninsula4Life Dinner in Newport News, VA Keynote Speaker Lee Strobel

Meet Lee Strobel

Author. Apologist. Evangelist.

Care Net Peninsula's 2024 Peninsula4Life Guest Speaker

Atheist-turned-Christian Lee Strobel, the former award-winning legal editor of The Chicago Tribune, is a New York Times best-selling author of more than forty books and curricula that have sold fourteen million copies in total.

After probing the evidence for Jesus for nearly two years, Lee became a Christian in 1981, inspiring his best-selling book, The Case for Christ. In 2017, Lee’s spiritual journey was depicted in an award-winning motion picture which was shown in theaters around the world.

Lee has been described in the Washington Post as “one of the evangelical community’s most popular apologists.” He was educated at the University of Missouri and Yale Law School. He was a journalist for fourteen years at The Chicago Tribune and other newspapers, winning Illinois’ highest honors for both investigative reporting and public service journalism from United Press International.

Lee currently serves as Founding Director of the Lee Strobel Center for Evangelism and Applied Apologetics at Colorado Christian University.

Learn more about Lee:

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Get to Know Emalee

She’s been one of the driving forces behind a successful event season for our ministry, and we thought it was time we finally introduce you to our Development Coordinator, Emalee.

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Praise and Prayers: A look at two years since the overturning of Roe v. Wade 

Overturning Roe v. Wade - Two Years Later - Care Net Peninsula - Newport News, Virginia (VA)
Overturning Roe v. Wade - Two Years Later - Care Net Peninsula - Newport News, Virginia (VA)

Praise and Prayers:

A look at two years since the overturning of Roe v. Wade

Today marks two years since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, ending the constitutional right to abortion. The National Right to Life estimates that up to 89,000 lives have been saved due to this ruling (1). Praise the Lord! And while we are grateful for each of these precious lives saved, we cannot relax in our fight for life.

Despite the favorable Supreme Court ruling, abortion is on the rise.  

In 2023, the US recorded the highest number of abortions in over a decade (2). Nationally, the abortion pill, which in 2020 accounted for 53% of abortions, increased last year to 63% of abortions (3). This means that each year hundreds of thousands of women are having their abortions at home. Abortions with no medical oversight, and many with only a tele-health consultation. 

Here in Virginia where abortion remains legal until the third trimester, the news is not better. In addition to the swell in abortion pill use, clinic-provided abortions increased 85% since 2020. Last year alone, that accounted for 34,700 medical abortions in our state (4). 


Because of your support we are here to give life-saving help and hope to women experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. Already this year we have seen a record number of women in our new clinic. Women arrive feeling scared and alone leave with hope and resources to support them in choosing life for their unborn baby. 

Together We Praise and Pray:

So, as we celebrate the anniversary of this life-saving ruling and the lives that have been saved as a result, let us continue to pray. 

  • Pray for life-giving legislation on a federal and state level.
  • Pray for Care Net Peninsula, and other pregnancy centers who are on the frontlines giving help and hope to women in crisis
  • Pray that women will find us and choose life before they default to an abortion.

As always, we invite you to visit our new center to meet our team and see this life-giving work first-hand. Feel free to give us a call at 757-591-0303 or email me, Anne, at

Monday, June 24, 2024

Get to Know Emalee

She’s been one of the driving forces behind a successful event season for our ministry, and we thought it was time we finally introduce you to our Development Coordinator, Emalee.

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Local Business Leader Micah Miller to Chair Peninsula4Life Benefit Dinner​

Local Business Leader Micah Miller Named Chairperson for CNP's Peninsula4Life Benefit Dinner

Local businessman Micah Miller to serve as chairperson at this year’s annual Peninsula4Life Benefit Dinner taking place on October 11th at the Hampton Roads Convention Center.

Newport News, VA – This October 11th over 900 guests will gather at the Hampton Roads Convention Center in Hampton, Virginia for the 38th annual Peninsula4Life Dinner benefitting Alcove Health, the Peninsula’s only no-cost women’s pregnancy health center. This annual event brings together local businesses, churches, and individuals to raise awareness and funds for the pregnancy clinic’s medical services and resources.

“Having witnessed the invaluable work of Care Net Peninsula firsthand, I am honored to chair this year’s Peninsula4Life Benefit Dinner,” said Miller. “The clinic serves as a beacon of hope for women facing unplanned pregnancies, and I am privileged to play a role in furthering its mission.”

The keynote speaker for the evening will be New York Times best-selling author, Lee Strobel.  For more information attending the dinner or to donate online, please visit

About Care Net Peninsula
Care Net Peninsula, founded in 1986 as Peninsula Crisis Pregnancy Center, is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that provides no-costs services to women experiencing unplanned pregnancy. Care Net Peninsula operates a medical clinic in Newport News offering options counseling, ultrasounds, parenting support and more.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Get to Know Emalee

She’s been one of the driving forces behind a successful event season for our ministry, and we thought it was time we finally introduce you to our Development Coordinator, Emalee.

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See Your 2023 Impact On The Peninsula

The Next Chapter

The ultrasound photo below tells a beautiful story. The pinnacle of God’s design on display in all its glory. A baby boy being formed in his mother’s womb. A stunningly clear three-dimensional image that showcases God’s ingenuity and human ingenuity in the same picture. The story of a mom defying the deadly lies of a sick culture and choosing life for her son. And of a community that gives sacrificially so that local women facing an unplanned pregnancy have a safe place to get the help they need – at no cost to them.

On top of your usual generosity, you gave so that Care Net Peninsula could build a permanent place to serve vulnerable moms and babies in our community. After 38 years of serving well over 10,000 clients we no have a beautiful, welcoming, state-of-the-art clinic that is a reflection of your love and passion for the women and babies we serve.

My commitment to you is that we will do whatever we can to leverage our new facility to serve as many moms and save as many babies as possible Please continue to give generously to this mission and pray regularly for our clients, their babies, and our staff. 

The Next Chapter

The ultrasound photo below tells a beautiful story. The pinnacle of God’s design on display in all its glory. A baby boy being formed in his mother’s womb. A stunningly clear three-dimensional image that showcases God’s ingenuity and human 

ingenuity in the same picture. The story of a mom defying the deadly lies of a sick culture and choosing life for her son. And of a community that gives sacrificially so that local women facing an unplanned pregnancy have a safe place to get the help they need – at no cost to them.

On top of your usual generosity, you gave so that Care Net Peninsula could build a permanent place to serve vulnerable moms and babies in our community. After 38 years of serving well over 10,000 clients we no have a beautiful, welcoming, state-of-the-art clinic that is a reflection of your love and passion for the women and babies we serve.

My commitment to you is that we will do whatever we can to leverage our new facility to serve as many moms and save as many babies as possible Please continue to give generously to this mission and pray regularly for our clients, their babies, and our staff. 

Executive Director

Unplanned Pregnancies & Abortions In Our Community


According to the Virginia Department of Health, which is not correctly accounting for abortions by mail, the abortion rate on the Peninsula increased by 21% in 2022 – the most recent data available. 

In Virginia, there are virtually no limitations on abortion up to birth, and nationally, abortions have continued to increase.


total women served


abortion minded women served


confirmed babies saved




pregnancy tests


STI tests


clients were connected with a church mentor


mothers completed our LEAP parenting program


women received baby supplies

Sarita’s Story – In Her Own Words

“I was in such a comfortable place before I found out I was pregnant. I was 28 years old, raising my daughter and managing motherhood well while focusing on my career in the medical field. My work schedule aligned perfectly with her school schedule, and our day-to-day life was molded around the two of us so that we could be happy and content. I enjoyed the freedom I had. Life was good.

When I found out I was pregnant, it took a toll on me – mentally and physically. I was in a constant battle between myself and my baby. I didn’t know what to do, where to start, who to look to – who to rely on.

I went to Alcove Health because I was comfortable with them. I came here 9 years ago with my first child. I knew I could trust them.

I experienced a family at Alcove – a mother, a nurturer, and a team who healed me back to life. I felt uplifted and empowered. I knew Alcove was where I could leave my tears, and when I walked out those doors, my shoulders would no longer be heavy. I didn’t leave feeling like a patient. I left feeling like I was a daughter, loved and cared for by the whole team.

Since my first visit, I have become a better woman and mother. I love this team with every ounce of me, and I know that my time with them will live with me for the rest of my life. I can see that God sent them to save lives. They saved my life and my daughter Gabby’s life.”

Want to make a difference in the lives of women and babies like Sarita and Gabby? Make a gift below to serve more mom and save more babies on the Peninsula!

2023 Expenses & Revenue



members of our monthly giving community – one of the most sustainable ways to give to our mission.


and more raised for capital campaign funds to go towards building our new home on the Peninsula!


Bottles4Life Campaigns


Peninsula4Life Dinner



The CNP Staff & Board of Directors

Ryan Holloway

Executive Director

Dr. Jerrid Neeley, D.O.

Medical Director

Shantelle Giles

Clinic Director

Anne Sych

Development Director

Amanda Franks

Marketing Director

Timothy Marr

Operations Director

Sherri Pigue

Client Relations Manager

Kinta Dye, RN, BSN

Nurse Manager

Meg Williams, RN, BSN


Karla Laskowski, RN, BSN


Denise Espada, RN, BSN


Karen Reynolds

Client Advocate

Jenn Nicholson

Client Advocate

Archisha Roberson

Client Advocate

Emalee Yow

Development Coordinator

Rachel Gonzalez

Community Relations Coordinator

Joyce Stackhouse

Administrative Assistant (Admin)

Candra Smith

Administrative Assistant (Clinic)

Kalea Saenz

Video Content Creator

Garrett Maroon

Board Chair

Wayne Holcomb, Esq.

Board Vice-Chair

Pastor Shaun Brown

Board Secretary

Teresa Chalsma

Board Treasurer

Dyan Gurley

Board Member

Pastor Riley Brown

Board Member

Get to Know Emalee

She’s been one of the driving forces behind a successful event season for our ministry, and we thought it was time we finally introduce you to our Development Coordinator, Emalee.

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Get to Know Rachel!

Introducing Our New Community Relations Coordinator!

Over the years, God has been very gracious to our team by bringing the right people to the mission at just the right time, and we’re excited for you to meet our newest team member, Rachel González.

Rachel joined our ministry last spring as a development volunteer when she moved to the area after marrying her husband, Bobby, in March. Her vast skills and experience in donor relations made her an asset to our team, and in December, she came on board officially as our new Community Relations Coordinator.

As the Community Relations Coordinator, Rachel will assist Anne and the Development team with our Defenders4Life monthly giving program and donor care. She’s a face you’ll quickly get used to seeing, and we know you’ll love her just as much as we do!

You’ll enjoy hearing about Rachel’s unique background as you get to know her. She grew up a Pastor’s kid, one of four daughters to be exact, and as her faith grew, so did her desire to protect the unborn.

She spent several years living on Prince Edward Island in Canada for ministry purposes, and, while there, volunteered at a local pregnancy center. She is no stranger to taking a stand for life by walking for life in her previous hometown and marching for life in DC.

When she’s not at CNP, you might find Rachel occasionally working as a wedding planner but most certainly out enjoying life. She and her husband Bobby love traveling (she’s visited 43 out of 50 states so far), being outdoors, game nights, movies, mini golf, bowling, singing, and so much more!

So drop by sometime, say hey to our newest team member, and welcome her to the CNP Family!

February 19, 2024

Get to Know Emalee

She’s been one of the driving forces behind a successful event season for our ministry, and we thought it was time we finally introduce you to our Development Coordinator, Emalee.

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2023 Year-End Letter from Our Executive Director

A Year-End Letter from Our Executive Director

I spent a lot of time talking about buildings this year. That’s because, for the first time in CNP’s 38-year history we own our own home. And it’s beautiful. It proclaims the love, hope and compassion that YOU have for vulnerable women and babies in our community. Praise God for his provision through your generosity!

But, our new building is just a ministry tool. Its value doesn’t come from the city assessor, it comes from God. It comes from using 11101 Warwick Boulevard to serve moms and save babies in our community. Here are a few examples that give it value from this past year:

These women, like so many others, found help and hope at Care Net Peninsula. Your unwavering generosity provides a safe and caring environment for women facing unplanned pregnancies, offering them the chance to explore their options and make truly informed decisions.

Another brave women shared her journey with us:

Your year-end gift to Care Net Peninsula will empower local women like Mariana to choose life for their unborn children and draw closer to Jesus. Your partnership ensures that we can continue to offer counseling, medical support, and essential resources to pregnant women and their babies.

One more woman, full of gratitude, summed up her experience with our ministry this way:

Your continued support is vital to the success of our mission. With your generosity, we can reach even more women and families in need, providing them with hope, love, and resources that require to choose life, transform their futures, and experience the boundless love of Christ.

Please join us in making a difference in the lives of women and families facing crisis pregnancies.

To contribute right now to our mission, please make a gift t the button below. Every dollar makes a difference, and your support is deeply appreciated. 

Together, we can continue to be that place of miracles and transformation for countless women and families in need. When you make a year-end gift to Care Net Peninsula, you are providing the help and hope that women need to choose life for their baby. Please pray and consider making a gift today. 

Thank you so much for your incredibly generous support. This past year was an important year for Care Net Peninsula, but there’s still work to be done. Please join us in praying for God to use our ministry in a profound way to serve more women and babies than ever in 2024.

I pray that you and your family have a wonderful Christmas season celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Merry Christmas,

P.S. Your giving makes the stories you read in this letter possible. Will you consider a year-end gift to Care Net Peninsula to save even more babies from abortion in 2024? Thank you for your generosity.

Read More News Updates

Get to Know Emalee

She’s been one of the driving forces behind a successful event season for our ministry, and we thought it was time we finally introduce you to our Development Coordinator, Emalee.

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Giving Tuesday 2023

Today is the Day!

Giving Tuesday 2023

Today, on Giving Tuesday, will you join us in providing the gift of LIFE to hundreds of pre-born babies across the Peninsula?

For $70 you can provide ONE DAY of ultrasounds to a women facing unplanned pregnancies and wondering what to do next. An ultrasound opens a window to the womb where a woman can see her baby for the first time – where she can see her baby’s heart beating and body wiggling around.

An ultrasound shows that what she tries to hide away in her mind, that her baby isn’t real yet, is false. An ultrasound shows her that there is LIFE growing inside of her womb. 

A 2020 study from Care Net National states that 75% of the women they polled considering abortion chose LIFE after seeing an ultrasound. 

For $70, you could help FIVE women see the truth!

Will you join us by providing a day (or more) of ultrasounds and providing the women we serve with the help and hope they need to choose LIFE

Thank you for joining us in the fight for life on the Peninsula!

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Get to Know Emalee

She’s been one of the driving forces behind a successful event season for our ministry, and we thought it was time we finally introduce you to our Development Coordinator, Emalee.

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Save the Date: Giving Tuesday 2023

Giving Tuesday 2023 Care Net Peninsula
Giving Tuesday 2023 Care Net Peninsula

Save the Date: 

Giving Tuesday 2023

As we prepare for Thanksgiving, we want to express our deepest gratitude for your unwavering support of Care Net Peninsula. Your generosity and dedication to serve moms and save babies across our community allow us to provide hundreds of local women each year with the help and hope they need to choose LIFE for their babies. 

This Giving Tuesday, we invite you to join us in taking a stand for life by giving a life-saving gift by providing ONE DAY of ultrasounds to our clinic to serve the women wondering what to do next when facing an unplanned pregnancy.


That is the cost of five ultrasounds – five opportunities to glimpse into the womb where a woman and her partner can see their pre-born baby for the first time!!

So mark your calendars for Tuesday, November 28th, and together, we can continue to provide FREE ultrasounds to women when they need them most!

Why is an ultrasound so important? A 2020 study revealed that 75% of the women considering abortion choose life after viewing an ultrasound. 

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Get to Know Emalee

She’s been one of the driving forces behind a successful event season for our ministry, and we thought it was time we finally introduce you to our Development Coordinator, Emalee.

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