Bringing Hope to the Women We Serve
For four years after college, I was a missionary in the Dominican Republic. It was life-changing, and there are still days I’m convinced the mountains of the DR are my most natural habitat.
The experience informed how I think about culture, religion, and politics: those problems every society faces that I try to solve in my head on a morning run.
In the DR, as in most of Latin America and the Caribbean, abortion is illegal and culturally unacceptable. Nothing grieves my heart more than when immigrants feel emboldened by our culture of death to kill their own children. Tragically, this is happening more often. We will serve twice as many Hispanic women considering abortion this year than any previous year.
The great news is that God has gifted our team with multiple bilingual staff and volunteers and our Hispanic clients are 40% more likely than our average client to change their mind and choose life for their baby.
Please pray with me that we would stop exporting our abortion views to other cultures. Pray that our team would be well-equipped to handle clients from any background or language. As always, thank you for your partnership with our ministry.

“God has been extremely good to me” – Camela told her church family at World Outreach Worship Center. She had mustered up the courage to share her testimony on Sanctity of Human Life Sunday.
Camela’s reaction to the news was a plea to God –
“The thought of abortion came to me, so I went online looking for help. I found Alcove Health and said, ‘Wow! It’s a free clinic!’ and I made an appointment. Upon arriving at my appointment, I realized it was a Christian clinic, and right then and there, I said, ‘Oh, this is not going to work for me.’ But I still went in.“
God was bringing Camela the help and hope she needed, and at that moment, the Holy Spirit was working in her heart to combat the lies in her head about why it wouldn’t work to bring this new life into her life.
“When I met with Nurse Kinta, I told her what I wanted to do. She hugged me and said, ‘No, you’re not going to do that’. Then, on the ultrasound screen, she showed me my little baby. And I said to myself, ‘This is a life inside of me. God, I can’t do it.’
I had given up everything when I found out I was pregnant; I had given up on myself. Care Net Peninsula came into my life, and they brought my hope back. They brought me a mentor, and this is where my spiritual mother came into my life”.
That spiritual mother was Pastor Terrie Council, of WOWC, whom Camela met through our Spiritual Mentorship Program.
“She has been a tower of strength for me and was only supposed to be with me for six weeks. But here we are, almost a year later, as she holds my precious little angel. I was raised in a Godly home by a Pastor and teacher; I knew God. But sometimes, we lose our way. This tremendous woman of God came into my life and mentored me, shared with me, and guided me, never letting me make excuses for myself.
God showed Pastor Terrie something in me that I didn’t even see in myself. She has been there for me when I needed it most and is like a mom to me. God is good. I’ll never leave, and I’ll always be in his sanctuary.”
Because of your support and partnership, we can meet our clients’ physical, mental, and spiritual needs. When a woman comes to us about her unplanned pregnancy, she is presented with an opportunity during that visit to connect with a local Christian woman. This mentor steps into her life and walks alongside her spiritually, showing how great our God is, even in the most challenging of seasons.
Make a Gift Today to Serve Women Like Camela

Save the Date for Giving Tuesday 2024
Click to read our latest ministry update and how TWO failed abortion attempts could equal life for a baby girl.

Why Early Medical Services Are Critical For Pregnant Women
When a woman is facing an unplanned pregnancy and needs to talk through her options, she typically has three choices: the abortion pill online, an abortion clinic, or Care Net Peninsula’s free medical clinic —Alcove Health.

172 Lives Saved this Year, Thanks to You!
Click to read our latest ministry update and how you are impacting the fight for life on the Peninsula!

Get to Know Emalee
She’s been one of the driving forces behind a successful event season for our ministry, and we thought it was time we finally introduce you to our Development Coordinator, Emalee.