The Battle to Protect the Unborn

The Battle to Protect the Unborn

We all have questions as we await the Supreme Court’s decision in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health case. Recently, Colleen Holcomb, a local attorney and member of the Care Net family, wrote a blog post that details the situation from a pro-life legal perspective. It provides some history, insights, and a look ahead at what comes next for abortion across the country and here in Virginia. 

As pro-life Americans, in many ways, we are living in the days we have been praying for: the day the news declares that Roe v. Wade is dead!

Although it is not yet official, a leaked draft confirmed to be authentic indicates that a majority of the Supreme Court has voted to overturn Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey. These two cases have supported the Supreme Court’s claim that the U.S. Constitution contains a right to abortion.

Indeed this is great news! But, tragically, the battle to protect the unborn is far from over.

The legal situation surrounding abortion is confusing even for Constitutional legal scholars. The following is just a brief overview of the history of federal abortion law, a description of the current legal landscape, and actions pro-life Americans can take to keep defending innocent life.

The Age of Roe v. Wade

In its 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, the Supreme Court claimed that the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution contains a “right to privacy” and that this right to privacy guarantees a right to have an abortion.

Because of this determination, the Court established a policy (which is not the Court’s job) dictating what kinds of regulations states were allowed to impose on abortion during each of the three trimesters of pregnancy. Roe prohibited the states from placing restrictions on abortion during the first trimester.

The Supreme Court expanded protection for abortion in the 1992 decision Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey. In Casey, the Court left in place the Roe Court’s claim of a constitutional right to abortion but rejected the trimester framework. The Court in Casey held that any state restriction on abortion before “fetal viability,” meaning the time the baby could live outside the mother’s womb, must not pose an “undue burden” on a woman seeking termination of her pregnancy. This decision and its intentionally vague language empowered the abortion industry to successfully challenge most regulations on abortion at any stage of pregnancy.

The End of Roe v. Wade

On May 2, 2022, Politico published a leaked draft opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. In Dobbs, the Supreme Court considered the constitutionality of a Mississippi law that prohibits abortion after fifteen weeks, the gestational age that current scientific data indicates that an unborn child can feel pain.

The draft opinion indicates that most of the Justices have voted to overturn Roe and Casey, and the idea is music to pro-life ears!

Writing for the majority, Justice Samuel Alito finally acknowledged:

“Roe was egregiously wrong from the start. Its reasoning was exceptionally weak, and the decision has had damaging consequences. And far from bringing about a national settlement of the abortion issue, Roe and Casey have enflamed debate and deepened division.”

So, Roe and Casey have been overturned, but does that mean abortion is now illegal?

Sadly, no. Through the Dobbs decision, the Supreme Court has determined that the Constitution does NOT contain a right to abortion. So, no federal “law of the land” requires states to allow abortion. But similarly, there is no federal law requiring states to protect unborn life. Therefore, in the absence of a federal right to or prohibition of abortion, the legality of abortion falls to the states, as it was before Roe. 

Justice Alito explained in his draft opinion why it is more constitutionally appropriate for abortion policy to be determined by the states: 

We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled. It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives.

Justice Alito then quotes the late, imminently pro-life Justice Scalia’s words from his dissenting opinion in Casey:   

The permissibility of abortion, and the limitations upon it, are to be resolved like most important questions in our democracy: by citizens trying to persuade one another and then voting.

Immediately following the leak, pro-abortion leaders in the Senate attempted to pass a law that would have enshrined Roe in federal law by establishing a federal right to abortion at all stages of pregnancy, even to the moment of birth.

The Senate currently has a pro-abortion majority, so if the law had been brought to the Senate floor for a vote, the law would have passed. But thankfully, Senate procedural rules require a sixty-vote threshold to invoke “cloture,” meaning to end discussion of any proposed legislation and move to a final vote. Praise be to God; enough Senators opposed the legislation to keep it from moving to a vote.

Federal Legislators on both sides of the aisle are advocating abortion legislation to protect life and to require abortion. So, we need pro-life Americans to stay engaged!

Here are just some pending pro-life federal bills to watch and encourage your Congressional leaders to support:   

    • Born Alive Protection Survivors Act – This act would create a federal requirement that medical personnel must act to save the life of any child born alive after an attempted abortion.
    • Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act This would create a federal prohibition on abortion after the specific time science has indicated a child can feel pain in the womb. Some versions of this bill reference 20 weeks, but scientific advances since the bill’s introduction, have now indicated that children in the womb can feel pain at 15 weeks.
    • Women’s Right to Know Act This act creates a federal requirement that abortion providers must inform women seeking an abortion of their child’s gestational age, fetal development, and the risks associated with the procedure. 
    • SAVE Mom and Babies Act – This would prevent abortion drugs from being distributed through the mail or via telehealth and prevent the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) from approving new abortion-inducing drugs. 
    • Heartbeat Bill – This bill would establish a federal prohibition on abortion once a fetal heartbeat is detected or around six weeks of gestational age. 

What Does This Mean for Virginia?

Twenty-six states have existing laws on their books or pending legislation ready to pass once the Dobbs decision becomes official that will ban abortion either entirely or within the first few weeks of pregnancy. Sadly, Virginia is not one of them. Virginia law currently allows abortion through the first and second trimesters of pregnancy.

In recent years, Virginians passed several laws to protect women and empower them to choose life, but when a pro-abortion majority took control of the General Assembly in 2020, they eliminated these protections.

However, a pro-life majority regained control of Virginia’s House of Delegates in 2021, and the pro-abortion majority holds the Virginia Senate by just one vote. If pro-life Virginians can build on those gains in 2023, we have an opportunity to save lives. Governor Glenn Youngkin has stated that he will support a twenty-week ban on abortion.

What Can You Do to Defend Life in This Season?

Now is an exciting time to engage in conversation about life. According to recent polling:

    • 56% of Americans support the decision in Dobbs
    • 71% oppose abortion after the first trimester
    • 58% oppose taxpayer funding for abortion
    • 65% would support a candidate who supports abortion limits

Despite what the media tells us, abortion is not popular with a majority of Americans.

Now is the time for pro-life Americans like yourself to get involved in the discussion, voice your support for life, continue to pray, fast, march, vote, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, continue to partner with organizations like Care Net Peninsula to support the mothers and fathers facing unplanned pregnancies. Let everyone know that we are not just pro-birth but pro-abundant life! 

Colleen Holcomb, J.D., Guest Author

June 13, 2022

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Meet Our New Development Coordinator

We are excited to introduce you to our newest team member, Katelyn Carpenter. Katelyn joins us as our Development Coordinator, and she is someone you will get very used to seeing and talking to as the year goes on.

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Critical Year-End Ministry Update

Tragically, 15 children in Virginia died from Covid-19. But since March 2020, 300 times that number of babies died from abortion . . . on the Peninsula. That’s over 4,000 preborn lives taken from our community in less than 3 years. But it would have been more.

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33 Women

33 Women
33 Women

33 Women

An Update from Our Client Relations Manager

I knew there were women. But I wanted to know how many women. So, I looked through our files. The number is 33. Throughout 2021, 33 women entered our clinic doors either determined to abort their babies or strongly considering the abortion option.

Now to be clear, there were a lot more women who entered our doors also planning to abort. But what makes these 33 women significant is what they learned during their appointments at Alcove Health Women’s Clinic.

Through our medical services, each of these women found that either they weren’t pregnant (meaning their pregnancy test at home was either invalid or there was an error in the use/reading of the test) or they did not have a viable pregnancy (meaning there was no heartbeat).

These 33 were considering, if not planning, to leave our clinic and contact an abortion provider. And they didn’t even have a pregnancy to abort.

Here at Alcove Health Women’s Clinic, you help us serve moms and save babies. For these 33 moms, you served them so – rather than fast-tracking it to an abortion clinic or mail-to-home abortion provider – they slowed down and got the information they needed to make a wise and safe choice.

Now you may be thinking, so what? No babies would’ve been harmed in these abortions. Why is this blog-worthy material?

Two reasons.

First, because God protected these women and He is always blog-worthy. We can all celebrate that.

For these 33, the medical services they received here at Alcove Health Women’s Clinic were a safeguard – over their bodies, their hearts, and their futures. You see, an abortion – even one on a baby that doesn’t exist or isn’t alive – is still an abortion to the woman. God – in His goodness – sheltered each of these women from the life-long impact of thinking she had an abortion. So they did not suffer physical complications, or post-abortion symptoms, or relational difficulties, or spiritual heartache. All because these 33 individual women were given an opportunity to learn the truth before they took any action.

You can see God’s hand of protection all over these women’s stories.

Ten years from now, these 33 will not be contacting us asking for post-abortion recovery. For these women, you – our supporters – didn’t save babies, but you sure did serve women. God provided a way for them to know truth. And that one truth will affect them their entire lives.

Secondly, this is note-worthy because we know that you may be the first contact a woman has when she is considering an abortion. Be it a friend, a church member, a co-worker, or a family member.

We want you to know that even the woman who is 100% confident she will only consider an abortion still cannot have 100% confidence that she even knows what’s going on inside her body – or if she’s even pregnant – until she visits Alcove Health to get the important information our services provide. For free.

As our community of support, you are also the voice in our community. Perhaps you will meet a woman determined to abort. Remind her we’re here for her to provide the same services that served these 33.

Remind her of these 33 women. She could be one of them.

Read More News Updates

Meet Our New Development Coordinator

We are excited to introduce you to our newest team member, Katelyn Carpenter. Katelyn joins us as our Development Coordinator, and she is someone you will get very used to seeing and talking to as the year goes on.

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2021 Impact Report


2021 Impact Report

Despite paradigm-shifting changes to the abortion industry, Care Net Peninsula is leading in the fight for life.

“It’s simple, receive the abortion pill in 1-3 days after a quick video visit.” This ad from Carafem was illegal in 2020. Now national At-Home Abortion companies aggressively market to women on the Peninsula and across the country. In fact, the pill is responsible for over half of the 800,000+ babies killed by abortion each year.

What exactly is an At-Home Abortion? It’s when a ‘pregnant person’ answers a few questions on a video call, and a company mails her the abortion pill for about $200. No ultrasound. No leaving home. She passes the baby in her toilet. It’s horrific. It’s also a threat to the future of our ministry and the women and babies we serve together.

But the Care Net Family is ready for the fight. For the first time, you gave over $1 million. We launched STI testing to reach more women in person. We leveled up (again) our digital communication, and our online leads TRIPLED! That means more women than ever learned about our services. Your investment paid off. We served 630 clients in 2021-our most ever. 391 babies were born. 143 women–and 4 men–were connected to a church mentor. 19 women made a confession of faith in the clinic. To God be the glory!

Thank you so much for your faithful giving, advocating, volunteering, and praying. We are well-equipped for the next chapter in the fight for life on the Peninsula, and that would not be true without YOU.

Pray for wisdom as we adapt and grow aggressively to serve as many moms and save as many babies as God would bring to us.

Ryan Holloway, Executive Director

Is This Data Still Accurate?

At-Home Abortions were made permanently legal by the FDA in 2021. Now, national companies are lining up to sell Peninsula women mail-order abortion pills after a ‘quick video visit.’

This means even more competition in the fight for life on the Peninsula. It also calls into question the validity of abortion stats provided by the VDH via local abortion facilities. For now, we’ll continue to report the available data.

2021 Clinic Stats

“Don’t do this” – The words that would change Tiffany’s life forever rang through her mind, as she sat in the parking lot of Planned Parenthood. Just a few weeks prior, Tiffany had received a positive pregnancy test, shattering her dreams of a “traditional” wedding with her fiancé and an uncomplicated first year of marriage. Add to that the pressures from multiple loved ones to “just get an abortion,” and Tiffany felt cornered with the temptation to take what felt like the easy way out.

But instead of listening to these voices, Tiffany said “yes” to God’s voice, and, as a result, she lost many relationships including her engagement. Scared and unsure she could parent a child alone, Tiffany came to our clinic and received the help she needed to care for her unborn baby. Her extraordinary courage caught our attention. So, our team nominated Tiffany to Care Net National, who in partnership with Regent University, awarded Tiffany a 4 year, full-tuition scholarship. Praise God!

Now Tiffany wants to use her story to help other women say “yes” to life in a culture shouting the opposite. She wants everyone to know that God used what seemed like a catastrophe in her life to give her the biggest blessings she could ever imagine: a beautiful little girl and a future filled with promise.

Read more about Tiffany here.


2021 Expenses

staff members

Ryan Holloway

Executive Director

Dr. Elizabeth Lunsford

Medical Director

Shantelle Giles

Clinic Director

Anne Sych

Development Director

Linda Mesibov

Operations Manager

Meg Williams, RN, BSN

Nurse Manager

Kinta Dye, RN, BSN

Nurse Manager

Karla Laskowski, RN, BSN

Staff Nurse

Sherri Pigue

Client Relations Manager

Sheri Coker

Advocacy Manager

Karen Reynolds

Client Advocate

Sylvia Pottle

Client Advocate

Maggie Jervey

Community Relations Manager

Amanda Franks

Media Specialist

Joyce Stackhouse

Administrative Assistant

board members

Garrett Maroon


Wayne Holcomb, J.D.


Pastor Shaun Brown


Dyan Gurley

Board Member

Teresa Chalsma

Board Member

Dr. Jerrid Neeley

Board Member

Carrie Cecil

Board Member

Make a Gift Today to Provide Help and Hope to Local Women on the Peninsula.

Meet Our New Development Coordinator

We are excited to introduce you to our newest team member, Katelyn Carpenter. Katelyn joins us as our Development Coordinator, and she is someone you will get very used to seeing and talking to as the year goes on.

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Critical Year-End Ministry Update

Tragically, 15 children in Virginia died from Covid-19. But since March 2020, 300 times that number of babies died from abortion . . . on the Peninsula. That’s over 4,000 preborn lives taken from our community in less than 3 years. But it would have been more.

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Meet Carrie Cecil

Meet Carrie Cecil
Meet Carrie Cecil

Meet Our Board of Directors

Carrie Cecil

At the beginning of the year, we welcomed Carrie Cecil to our Board of Directors.  

Born and raised on the Peninsula, Carrie met her husband while attending Thomas Nelson Community College. Together they have three small children, whom Carrie spends her days nurturing and schooling. They are members of Reformation Christian Fellowship in Newport News, where Carrie first heard of Care Net Peninsula through a Bottles4Life Campaign the church was hosting.  

God began cultivating a passion in Carrie’s heart for moms in need during her own pregnancies where she suffered from Hyperemesis Gravidarum. It was during that time she came to understand firsthand how a pregnancy, planned or unplanned, is often accompanied by fear and suffering.  

“Care Net Peninsula provides hope and help to the fearful and the suffering moms in our community and I am proud to be part of this ministry!” 

We are excited to have Carrie as part of the Care Net Family and look forward to serving alongside her in the years to come and seeing how God is going to use her within the ministry. And watch out . . . she has a blackbelt in Tae Kwan Do!!  

March 31, 2022

Meet Our New Development Coordinator

We are excited to introduce you to our newest team member, Katelyn Carpenter. Katelyn joins us as our Development Coordinator, and she is someone you will get very used to seeing and talking to as the year goes on.

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Meet Teresa Chalsma

Teresa Chalsma
Teresa Chalsma

Meet Our Board of Directors

Teresa Chalsma

At the end of 2021, we welcomed long-time Care Net Family member, Teresa Chalsma, onto our Board of Directors.  

Teresa, alongside her husband Brian, has been a faithful supporter of the ministry since 2010. During that time, she has worn many hats in our ministry, and we have loved serving alongside her.  

As a Client Intake Volunteer (CIV), Teresa was able to see first-hand the work being done in our clinic each week. She played a vital role in aiding our clinic team during her shift and ensured clients were provided a warm and welcoming atmosphere.  

Her ability to connect with others and passion to share about the mission and work of our ministry made Teresa the first choice when setting up our Executive Leadership Team for our Peninsula4Life Dinners. In 2020 she took up the charge to chair the team and assisted us in navigating a fundraising dinner through a global pandemic.  

Aside from being “boots on the ground” within the ministry, Teresa, along with her partners at The Roofing Company, generously sponsor our events each year to help ensure all funds raised go directly back into our clinic.  

“I started volunteering and supporting Care Net Peninsula because I felt it was a positive way to serve moms and save babies. I love that all the services are free to women. The staff at the clinic is phenomenal!” 

Teresa holds a bachelor’s degree from Radford University in business and marketing – we look forward to seeing how God can use her skills and knowledge in those areas in the years to come.  

In her free time, Teresa enjoys being with her family. She has been married to her husband Brian for 31 years, and together they share 3 daughters. Teresa and Brian enjoy traveling in their RV, including a yearly trip with their entire family. The Chalsma family are members of Lifehouse Church and spend their time supporting not only local missions like Care Net, but they love to help spread the Gospel through mission trips abroad.  

We know this new season and new role within Care Net for Teresa will continue to bless our moms and babies and help to spread the message of help and hope to so many women across the community who need it.  


Teresa Chalsma and Family

March 14, 2022

Meet Our New Development Coordinator

We are excited to introduce you to our newest team member, Katelyn Carpenter. Katelyn joins us as our Development Coordinator, and she is someone you will get very used to seeing and talking to as the year goes on.

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Meet Dyan Gurley

Meet Our Board of Directors

Dyan Gurley

Last year we added another wonderful community leader and long-time ministry supporter, Dyan Gurley, to our Board of Directors. God has been using her to spread his Word and stand for life on Peninsula for some time now and we are thankful to have her as part of the Care Net Family. 

Dyan is a Certified Encouragement Consultant, Licensed Minister, and founder of Alabaster Women Ministries in Newport News. She has a passion for mentoring women of all ages, showing them grace and the love of Christ. Dyan is the wife of a military veteran and a proud Mom and Grandmom, who loves spending time with her family. In her free time, she enjoys sewing, crocheting, baking, and reading. 

Already over the course of the year that Dyan has been on our Board of Directors, she has helped to bridge connections to local churches in our community that were unfamiliar with the work of Care Net Peninsula and our clinic – to spread the message of our ministry that we are here to provide the help and hope local women need to choose life for their babies. We look forward to serving alongside Dyan and are grateful for the many ways she serves our ministry and our moms and babies. 

February 17, 2022

Meet Our New Development Coordinator

We are excited to introduce you to our newest team member, Katelyn Carpenter. Katelyn joins us as our Development Coordinator, and she is someone you will get very used to seeing and talking to as the year goes on.

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Leesa Conley to Chair Care Net Peninsula’s 36th Annual Walk4Life


Local businesswoman Leesa Conley to serve as chair at this year’s annual Walk4Life Community Event to take place on April 30th, 2022 at Newport News Park.

Newport News, VA January 20, 2022 – This April 30th over 1,000 community members will gather at Newport News Park for the 36th annual Walk4Life benefitting Alcove Health, the Peninsula’s only no-cost women’s pregnancy health center. This annual event brings together local businesses, churches, and individuals to raise awareness and funds for the pregnancy clinic’s medical services and resources.

The 2022 Walk will be chaired by local businesswoman Leesa Conley, Retirement Services Officer at Old Point Trust. Leesa’s passion for the unborn, devoted history with Care Net, and deep community relationships make her the ideal chairperson for this impactful community event.

“My father was the bi-product of a woman in the 50’s who decided to choose life for her unborn baby. Her decision to choose life for my father has birthed in me a deep passion and love for the ministry of Care Net Peninsula. I am honored to be able to carry on the legacy and chair the 2022 Walk4life.”

Registration opens at 8:30 am and the event will begin at 9:30 am at shelters 19 & 20 and will include a community walk through Newport News Park, music by “The Hunts”, family activities, and refreshments. For more information or to donate online, please visit

About Care Net Peninsula Care Net Peninsula, founded in 1986 as Peninsula Crisis Pregnancy Center, is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that provides no-costs services to women experiencing unplanned pregnancy. Care Net Peninsula operates a medical clinic in Newport News offering options counseling, ultrasounds, parenting support and more.

February 9, 2022

Meet Our New Development Coordinator

We are excited to introduce you to our newest team member, Katelyn Carpenter. Katelyn joins us as our Development Coordinator, and she is someone you will get very used to seeing and talking to as the year goes on.

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Meet Pastor Shaun Brown

2022 Board of Directors Shaun Brown

Meet Our Board of Directors

Pastor Shaun Brown

Throughout the year you get to know our team and interact with us in different ways, but a side of that team you don’t get a glimpse of very often is our Board of Directors. These are faithful men and women from our community who have given a piece of their time to the ministry to help us continue to flourish and grow.

We want to take some time this year to introduce you to each of them and say thank you for the work they’re doing behind the scenes.

Pastor Shaun Brown and his family have been a part of the Care Net Family for over a decade, and we were thrilled to have him join the Board of Directors this past year.

“I am truly humbled and excited to be a new board member of Care Net, and excited to see what God has in store for the future of this ministry.”  – Pastor Shaun

Pastor Shaun is the Senior Pastor of Coastal Church in Yorktown and has faithfully led his congregation for over 20 years now. He received his bachelor’s degree from Moody Bible Institute and his Master of Divinity from the Reformed Theological Seminary. He has a passion for serving his community and leading people to the Gospel. 

We have been blessed by Pastor Shaun and his congregation’s commitment to speak for the unborn over the years by having Coastal as one of our church partners. Through the congregation, we have built some beautiful relationships with donors, volunteers, and even staff members over the years. Coastal has even been gracious enough to host and help out with our Drive-In4Life and Pop-Up Church4Life the last two years.  

It has already been a wonderful year with Pastor Shaun on board and we can’t wait to see how God continues to use him in his new role in the ministry.   

February 3, 2022

Meet Our New Development Coordinator

We are excited to introduce you to our newest team member, Katelyn Carpenter. Katelyn joins us as our Development Coordinator, and she is someone you will get very used to seeing and talking to as the year goes on.

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Joy from Pain

Joy from Pain

When I was a little girl, age 5, my mother had an abortion. There were medical reasons, but the effects of that decision were life-long for her and for my father as well as for myself and likely my other siblings. That moment stopped time for me, and what my parents thought would be the best answer for their situation ended up being a destructive decision that immediately brought remorse for the loss of a child who would’ve been my little brother.

Many struggles came from that painful decision. Most importantly, God used this terrible decision to help my mother make sure I understood that she was carrying a BABY that was taken from the world too soon and that that would never be an option again.

Fast forward 15 years, and my boyfriend and I discovered we were pregnant. We both loved the Lord but were in a promiscuous relationship together and those choices resulted in a pregnancy. There was no doubt that we were keeping our child even though some people pressured us to seek an abortion. We prayed that God would use our daughter to love others well and give us opportunities to share the Gospel with our story.

We have never regretted our decision, and 28 years later we have four children who love Jesus. We know and believe that God worked despite our sin through our repentance for our good and His glory. He is faithful in every situation. The daughter we chose to keep has made us grandparents twice over now, and we are so blessed.

January 14, 2022

The Care Net Peninsula Family is built up of so many amazing individuals. You encourage us with the ways you fight abortion in our community and work to provide help and hope to local women so they choose life for their babies. You each have a unique story of how God brought you to this moment to take up this charge and we would love to hear it. 

If you would like to share your story with the Care Net Family send an email to

Meet Our New Development Coordinator

We are excited to introduce you to our newest team member, Katelyn Carpenter. Katelyn joins us as our Development Coordinator, and she is someone you will get very used to seeing and talking to as the year goes on.

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Local Women Find They Don’t Need Abortion to Secure Their Futures – They Need YOU!

Local Women Find They Don't Need Abortion to Secure Their Futures - They Need YOU!

The front end is easy to see.  

You believe in life. It’s sacred. It’s undeniably alive. So you protect it. You speak up, you give money to Care Net Peninsula, and you pray that pregnant women won’t default to abortion. 

And that is what happens – women do choose life. 

Women bring us their unplanned pregnancies – unsure of what to do; full of the fear that their unplanned pregnancies will give birth to unplanned babies. With the culture screaming in their ears it’s hard to imagine anything other than an inevitable end – unplanned babies will ruin their lives. 

But then women find Care Net Peninsula and get the help and hope they need. 

And then they choose life. 

But in the back of your mind, you wonder. Then what? 

If you’ve supported Care Net Peninsula’s mission to serve moms and save babies, you may hit a wall when you try to envision what happens after her pregnancy decision. After the birth of the baby. As the reality of that choice weighs fully – with a new life sleeping in the next room. 

Pro-abortion advocates weave a pretty dismal story – a woman’s success and happiness hinges on her opportunity to abort her child. Without abortion, how will women survive? 

But here at Care Net we are not story-writers. We’re story-tellers. We tell true stories. Stories that you – our donors – help our clients create.  

We are privileged to see the women you help – months and years after they choose life for their babies. Incredible, successful, happy women. Doing life. Raising their children. Working hard. Proud, powerful women who defy the loud lie that abortion saves women.  

Women like Kapria . . .

“I was confused, sad, and at rock bottom” Kapria remembers the weariness of trying to make a pregnancy decision.  “I had to do something. I needed to be reminded in some way, somehow of Jesus being my anchor.” 

So she turned to Care Net’s clinic, Alcove Health – questions and all. 

She walked through our doors with confusing emotions of doubt and fear. Questions were flooding her mind – Will I be a great mom?,” Who will help me? She even wondered, Is God going to hear me?” 

After meeting with her advocate, Sheri, the confusion started to clear. She allowed the truth to overrule the lies and calm her fears.  

She was “confident and awakened.” She knew God wanted her to keep her child.  

Kapria says her pregnancy was “stressful, hard work, encouraging, and transformational.”  

Draw that picture in your mind. Kapria was not dragged kicking and screaming – fighting the pregnancy decision all the way to the delivery room. No, she found the truth and allowed it to change her. Her life was changed through her pregnancy. 

Wearing not-yet-two-month-old Baby Emmanuel swaddled in front of her, she told her own story at Care Net Peninsula’s Walk 4 Life this year. Far from that day she first walked into our clinic, she told a different story. With her own voice.  

With a mind full of gratitude and a heart full of love, Kapria spoke of her life. “I love my son. I love my children. I’m so very much grateful.”

“Thank you for reminding me that through God, all things are possible,” Kapria said. 

Abortion proponents would say her life is ruined. She’s lost her power, her voice, and her ability to have a successful, happy life. After all, they say, women need abortion to secure their futures. 

But women like Kapria – real women with their true stories – show us otherwise. Their lives stand in contrast to the idea that women need abortions. Women like Kapria choose their babies and themselves; their babies’ futures and their own futures. 

At Care Net Peninsula, our services start with a moment – that first call to our clinic.

And then there are more moments – that first connection with an advocate, that first peek at the ultrasound screen, that first conversation with one of our Registered Nurses.  

Every single life-changing event starts with one moment. 

But these moments turn into lifetimes. Lifetimes not doomed to failure because a woman chose to protect her unborn child. Women not living lives full of regret about what could have been – if only they aborted. 

No, we find women fully aware that they saved themselves when they saved their babies. 

When you’re part of the Care Net family, you empower women to understand the truth. You help women see a real future – one that does not need to include an abortion procedure.  

You see, the abortion industry may need women, but women do not need an abortion. Women live successful lives with their babies. 

When you give to Care Net Peninsula, you become part of every one of these life-changing moments. Your generous support – providing pregnant women with the help and hope they need to choose life – turns these moments into successful lifetimes. For babies and moms. 

Read More News Updates

Meet Our New Development Coordinator

We are excited to introduce you to our newest team member, Katelyn Carpenter. Katelyn joins us as our Development Coordinator, and she is someone you will get very used to seeing and talking to as the year goes on.

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Critical Year-End Ministry Update

Tragically, 15 children in Virginia died from Covid-19. But since March 2020, 300 times that number of babies died from abortion . . . on the Peninsula. That’s over 4,000 preborn lives taken from our community in less than 3 years. But it would have been more.

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