Natasha’s Story


When I found out I was pregnant . . .  My life was very crazy, Unfortunately, I had just got out of a verbal and physical abusive relationship with my husband. I had just moved into my new home with my 5-month-old daughter. And two months later I was pregnant again. So when I found out I was pregnant again I was depressed and told myself I was not keeping the baby no matter what. Before I found out I was pregnant with my Son I was already depressed and dealing with PTSD and trying to stay strong and take care of my daughter.

When I found out I was pregnant, I felt . . . When I found out I was pregnant I felt lower than before. I was so scared and disappointed in myself. So many feelings and emotions and thoughts ran through my head.

I came to Care Net because . . . I have a healthy family worked that at the time I was seeing every week. She told me about Care Net. At first, I was going to Care Net for advice about abortion. Because once I found out about the baby abortion was my only option. In my head, abortion would set me free from all of this. All these feelings and emotions.

When I came to Care Net they . . . When I came to Care Net they talk to me and told me my options. They listen to me and helped me to think clear and stop thinking with fear. They help me to realize its not the end of the world. They made me feel like I wasn’t alone And they would be there for me. Chrissey is who I talked to that day and really talk to me and listened. She has supported me the whole pregnancy Checking up on me. Just making it clear I am not alone. She’s really helped me stay positive. I needed somebody to talk to more than anything. And Chrissey gave me that. I hope she knows how much it means to me.

Since coming to Care Net . . . Since coming to Care Net I am more positive about what I want in life. I realized that people do care about you and there is support out there for you. You’re never alone even when you feel like you are. These past few months I am more ready for my son than ever because of Care Net. I am excited about his arrival more than ever. I regret the day I wanted to get an abortion. I can’t wait for my daughter and me to meet him. My daughter is going to be a great big sis and I know I will continue to be a great mom.

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Ultrasound Ribbon Cutting

ultrasound ribbon cutting

Saturday, March 3 was a great day of celebration in our clinic as the Knights of Columbus cut the ribbon on the second ultrasound they have donated to the ministry in the past five years. Twelve parishes worked together to raise funds — matched by the national level Knights — necessary to purchase the $30,000 sonogram machine. New Covenant Church raised $1,500 over a weekend to donate the exam table. Our expanded clinic now has double the capacity to serve women in need! Thank you, generous community!

What Is An Options Counseling Session?

But there’s one service that seems to many of our donors as, well, mysterious. We use words like “safe space” and “lovingkindness” when we discuss our services, but what exactly is this thing we call an “Options Counseling Session?”

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