Hope For A Lifetime: 5 Years and Counting

Four times she tested, why?

“I did not want to believe the results”, Rylinn recalled.

So, she took test after test, hoping the results were wrong. But every pregnancy test came back the same: positive.

“I was terrified when I discovered I was pregnant.” She was only 23 years old at the time.

“I was not in the best place,” she admitted. “I did not feel prepared enough for a child.”

“I had a dream job bringing in a decent income, yet, I still felt like I could not afford to bring a child into the world.”

And then there were Rylinn’s plans for her own life – what would those plans look like now? “I was nervous, scared, and anxious about what my future would be like with a child in it. I was indecisive of what to do: whether to keep this child or consider other options.”

But one thing Rylinn was sure of – she needed help.

“I happened to stumble across Alcove Health Women’s Clinic,” she said.

That stumble led Rylinn to the help and hope she needed.

Rylinn recalled that she “received so much more” than what she expected when she first walked through Alcove Health’s doors. “I spoke with the staff, who were all so helpful and kind”

 “The clinic team helped me explore my options for my pregnancy and gave me the prenatal vitamins I would need. All at no cost,” Rylinn said. “The staff knew of my apprehensiveness with the pregnancy and the rough time I was having and went out of their way to comfort me with kind words and pray for me.”

 “I’ll never forget it!”

And now, five years later, Rylinn’s little girl, Shai is here – breathing, smiling, and laughing with her grateful mom.Why? Because the pregnancy that terrified Rylinn five years ago is now a 5-year-old little girl. Shai is growing, playing, spending time with her family, and learning new things every day.

In 2018, donors gave to Care Net Peninsula so that Rylinn and other women would receive help when they needed it the most. They gave because the understood the urgency and fear that accompanies an unexpected pregnancy. They gave in faith that their generosity would serve moms and save babies.

And it did!

If you gave back in 2018; you are part of Rylinn and Shai’s story.

Your giving to Care Net Peninsula did far more than just support a trip to our pregnancy center.

Your generosity – then and now – supports all the trips that come after that first trip to our clinic. There are also trips to parks, churches, museums, and family reunions – every trip that living children make. School events, weddings, and babies growing up to have families of their own. All because, in the moment a woman is making a pregnancy decision, you decide to give her the support she needs.

That’s the significance of your giving. The right support at the right time makes every future moment possible. And moments become lifetimes, just like Shai’s.

Sherri Pigue, Client Advocate

Friday, November 17, 2023

Finding Help and Hope In The Arms of the CNP Family

Finding Help & Hope In the Arms of the Care Net Peninsula Family

When I think about courage, my instinct is to conjure up images of heroes like William Wallace or Rocky Balboa. But is there a clearer picture of courage than women like GaBria, who chose life for her baby despite incredibly difficult circumstances?
Our clients often face pressure to abort from the father, their parents, their friends, the culture, and even themselves. But God, in his goodness and mercy, gives some the unbelievable courage to stand against it all and choose life for their baby.
In this context, our role (yours and mine) is to equip these heroes for what lies ahead. At the clinic, we do this in many ways:         
• Options Counseling      
• Confirmation Ultrasounds      
• Pregnancy Tests      
• STI Tests      
• Parenting Support      
• Spiritual Mentorship      
• Post-Abortion Support
When a client chooses life, we stand ready to help her navigate the path forward. For GaBria, we were thrilled to walk with her through her pregnancy and to meet her beautiful son Ai’Luan. But her courageous spirit didn’t stop there. In May, at our Walk4Life, she walked onto a stage, baby in tow, and shared with 1,200 people about her experience with our ministry.Please pray that all our clients would have courage like GaBria. And that we serve and equip every woman God sends our way.       
For Life,
Executive Director
Life was challenging for 24-year-oldGaBria. Raising a one-year-old daughter while living with her mother was not the life she planned. Recently recovering from a car accident and in the process of trying to get her own apartment, life was hard enough. Adding another child into her already shaky world would be too much to handle. “When I looked at that positive pregnancy test, I was overwhelmed, frantic, and in complete disbelief.” Abortion was the only way GaBria saw out of this situation.”
GaBria found Alcove Health online and made an appointment. “I made the appointment thinking of and wanting to talk about abortion.” At Alcove, GaBria found a safe place to process her feelings surrounding her pregnancy – information about abortion and her concerns about raising multiple children as a single mother.
At Alcove, GaBria encountered much more than a listening ear. She received resources and partners that couple help her if she chose to carry her baby. From parenting classes to help with material needs, GaBria grasped onto hope as she considered options she never knew she had. “I decided I could do this, and I was going to have my son.”
Beyond practical resources, GaBria encountered a caring team that walked with her throughout her pregnancy. She experienced the love of God through the warmth and affirmation she received from her client advocate, Sylvia.  “That day I made the decision to carry my baby, I told Sylvia that I would not be doing this alone. That she would be going with me through the whole pregnancy.” And she did!
Nurse Meg also served on GaBria’s care team, providing her with prenatal education, diagnostic testing, and an ultrasound.  “The whole team was so kind. Meg made me laugh and feel so comfortable, she knew so much about ultrasounds. It made such a difference.”
GaBria found the support she needed in the Alcove team.  “From the smiling face of Candra at the front desk to advocate Jenn, Alcove was just what I needed. I received support, answers to my questions, education, and, most of all, non-judgemental kindness. The parenting classes helped me prepare for my little man while having a 1-year-old daughter, and I received lots of practical baby items too.”
And she continued,  “My pregnancy was not easy. My car broke down, there were medical concerns about my baby’s development, and when I needed someone to talk to, I knew I had someone to turn to for advice and direction. Sometimes it was simply knowing someone was praying for me. Other times it was a kind word or a resource I could turn to for help. I knew I was not alone, and I had somewhere to turn.”
Born five weeks early at 4 pounds 11 ounces, baby Ai’Luan arrived healthy into the arms of a family that is so grateful for his life. Every day is not always easy for GaBria, but it is joyful.  “Today, I am in my own home with both of my children, my life is more positive, and I have so much support. I am thankful to Alcove for the love, kindness, resources, and practical help that helped make it all possible.”
GaBria continues to receive support and material needs from her Alcove family. What a joy it is that God uses us to serve GaBria and these precious little ones.
Help women like GaBria by make a gift today!

Friday, August 11, 2023

2021 Fall Newsletter

Fall 2021 Newsletter

As a physician, I am constantly asking the question, “WHY?” Why does this patient have pelvic pain? Why is this baby growing smaller in the womb than it should be? Why has this cancer developed?

I also like to evaluate my personal motivations with this same “WHY?” question. As an OB/GYN, why am I pro-life? In the midst of a busy medical practice and raising a family, why do I serve as the volunteer medical director after a 24-hour shift of delivering babies? When so many OB/GYNs in my field consider abortions to be no more than removing unwanted “products of conception,” why is my heart so grieved when I hear about these procedures?

    • God has given me a calling to help bring LIFE into the world. Life starts in the womb, and I believe in the sanctity and personhood of life along all parts of the journey.
    • I have seen the products of conception” on the ultrasound screen return as a healthy baby in the arms of grateful parents (biological and adopted) to be loved and nurtured to full maturity.

    • I have seen the tears of women who have made decisions based in fear that cannot be undone . . . memories that can haunt them for years.

    • I see the true love and concern in the tone, facial expressions, and actions of the Care Net staff as they spend quality time caring for the clients in front of them, treating each one as an individual.

    • I love hearing the testimonies of redemption as we see children born into situations the world would deem hopeless, but our God redeems and restores.

    • I know that Care Net provides exceptional medical, spiritual, emotional, and truly holistic care to women, that is lacking in many medical settings due to time constraints and other factors.

    • I know that clients are being given the opportunity to receive accurate and complete information about their pregnancy without fear of coercion or cost.

    • I personally review every single ultrasound image and I know that the medical team are highly trained experts in Nursing and in Ultrasonography.

    • I know that clients receive medical screenings, pregnancy tests, prenatal vitamins, medical and spiritual counseling, community support referrals, and follow-up care instructions to optimize their health.

    • I know the ministry is backed by believers and churches who stand ready, willing, and equipped to mentor and support these new parents to care for their children.

I passionately support Care Net, as I know that innumerable lives have been saved by the decisions women made through receiving accurate and complete information about their pregnancy. Why? Because just as the ultrasound brings light into a dark womb, so we reflect the light of Christ into a dark world to bring spiritual and physical life, one soul at a time.

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A Debut 30 Years In The Making

30 Years In The Making

A Debut 30 Years In The Making

It has been a year of growth for our ministry; we’re seeing a rise in appointment requests and an increase in abortion-minded women. We have had to grow our team to meet these new demands, and we would like to introduce you to our newest team member, Sylvia Pottle. 

We welcomed Sylvia in June when she came on board as a Client Advocate. She immediately started training and started this fall off able to counsel women on her own. It’s not an easy task, and our advocates and nurses are prepped to handle any situation they may find themselves in. We are all proud of Sylvia for what she has accomplished. 

Our team is made up of women, who like our clients, all have their own unique stories.  

Sylvia joined our team after years in the marketing world – she holds a Bachelor’s in Business with a minor in Marketing, and a Master’s in Education with a concentration in adult learning and training.  

God used a specific moment in her life to place a desire in her heart to protect the unborn and to serve women in need. That moment came 30 years ago when she found herself as a teenager sitting in a Crisis Pregnancy Center expecting her first child. Since then, Sylvia has devoted time and resources to serving local centers. Her heart is to support the women and babies that come through Crisis Pregnancy Centers, including ours.  

Sylvia and her husband John reside in Williamsburg and attend Christ Fellowship Church. Together they share three adult children and children-in-law and five grandbabies … with a sixth due very soon! When Sylvia is not at work or with her family, you can surely find her gardening, reading, or hiking.  

We are grateful that thirty years after that first visit to a pregnancy center, Sylvia has found herself yet again in one – but this time ministering to young moms like her looking for someone to listen and be there for them. She has blessed so many already and we continue to pray for her time with each and every one of the women she meets. 

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¡Conoce a Karla!

¡Conoce a Karla!

As the needs of the women in our community continue to grow, we must do the same. One area where that growth takes place is in our clinic team. We’re excited to finally introduce you to our newest nurse, Karla Laskowski, RN, BSN.  

Karla has been part of our team for a little over six months now, joining us as a volunteer nurse and Spanish translator, a combo we didn’t have in our clinic and one that brought great comfort to our Spanish-speaking clients. We knew immediately we needed her on our team in a more permanent role, and the feeling was mutual.  

Our nurses each bring unique skills and knowledge to our team, and Karla is no different. Her passion for helping others, mixed with military life, has allowed her to care for many across different areas of medicine. She has trained in Audiology, Communicable Diseases, has worked in areas such as Telemetry, Dialysis, Medical Surgery, Home Health, Hospice, Case Manager, Public Health, Home Health Clinics, and as a charge nurse for an Urgent Care/ED.  

We’re proud to say she just finished her extensive training in Limited Diagnostic Imaging for Obstetrics Patients in Oregon and is one step closer to seeing clients on her own. Next up, she will be working alongside our Nurse Managers and Medical Director to finish some in-house training.  

God started preparing Karla for this role early on. She was born and raised in Costa Rica, alongside her quad siblings (yes, she is a quadruplet!!) and her two younger sisters. They were raised by a single mother whom Karla credits as being one of the strongest, fiercest, and most loving people she knows. Her mother’s faith and love for God were her family’s anchors through life’s struggles growing up. We see those same qualities in Karla every day, in and outside of the ultrasound room. 

While living in Honduras, Karla volunteered as a nurse translator and a new mom’s education facilitator at a local medical clinic for the uninsured. She has served as a nurse translator for two mission teams in Nicaragua.  

Karla and her husband have been married for almost twenty years now, and together they have one child. The military brought them to the Peninsula where they have settled in and found a faith community at Manna Church. Karla loves to spend her free time with her family and friends, exploring campgrounds in their new RV, or hunting for deals at local thrift stores, antique stores, and flea markets.

I asked Karla what drew her to Care Net and her response was: “The Care Net family’s strong love for unborn babies, their moms, and families. Their kingdom focus and strong faith to reach and love new moms in our communities.” 

We’re thankful for the people God keeps bringing to us and love seeing how he uses each of their gifts to protect the unborn and to care for their families. 

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Meet Karen

Meet Karen

We have been holding on to this gem for a bit now – please give a big welcome to one of our newest Client Advocates, Karen Reynolds.

Karen joined our team early this Spring and jumped right into training and is now ready to see abortion-minded clients. One of the unique gifts that Karen brings to our ministry is that she previously worked as a Survivor Advocate and Case Manager for Transitions Family Violence Services Emergency Housing Program, so she is used to meeting women during some of the most difficult seasons in their lives and ministering to them through it.

In fact, Karen has a long history of ministry work, serving as a Food Bank Administrator and Operator, as well as an Outreach Coordinator for local churches. She holds degrees in Human Services, Business Administration, and Early Childhood Development from Saint Leo University and Thomas Nelson Community College, skills and knowledge that will be put to good use in this ministry. 

Karen has been married to her husband for over 27 years, and together they lived the Navy life for 20 years before settling down in Virginia. She is the proud Mom of 3 sons, 1 daughter, and 1 daughter in love, and is a member of Hope Church in Newport News.

We’re so grateful to have Karen on our team and are looking forward to the many ways God will use her in our ministry.

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Welcome Back, Sheri!

Welcome Back, Sheri!

Meet our new(ish) Client Advocate, Sheri Coker!

We first met Sheri back in 2015 when she began volunteering with us doing client intake. She was later trained as a Client Advocate. In 2017 Sheri began volunteering at a local safe house for traffick victims where she led Bible studies and helped women with financial literacy. Aside from her volunteer work, she has spent most of the past twenty years homeschooling her three daughters.

Prior to raising her girls and ministering to women, Sheri was employed as a financial analyst. She has been married to John for 26 years. They enjoy a weekly movie and ice cream date night and the occasional 5K to 10K race. Sheri is excited to be engaged in Kingdom work and the daily opportunities to see the love and compassion of Christ extended to women in need.

We’re excited to have Sheri here daily and can’t wait to see how God uses her in our ministry. Please be in prayer for her as she serves the moms who come to our clinic.

Meet Our Girl Steph!

Meet Our Girl Steph!

We thought it was about time we introduce you to our newest Client Advocate, Stephanie Meitz. She comes from a background in education and has served in her local congregation in several capacities for over 24 years. She is married to Joel, has 2 daughters, and loves her rescue kitties. Stephanie enjoys being a part of a team that exemplifies God’s amazing love and desire for the well-being of the women on the Peninsula.

We love having Stephanie on our team and are thankful for the work she has been doing to help serve moms and save babies on the Peninsula. She is truly a blessing to every client she meets.

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Meet Our New Executive Director

Meet Our New Executive Director

After leading Care Net Peninsula for nearly six years, Kimberly Logsdon is stepping down this Spring. The Board of Directors performed much ‘due diligence’ in evaluating candidates and is delighted that Ryan Holloway answered God’s call to serve in this role. Ryan is the first male Executive Director in the ministry’s 33-year history.

Born and raised on the Peninsula, Ryan brings an MBA from Regent University, service on the mission field, and successful executive experience at multiple non-profits. Kimberly recently interviewed him over coffee.

Tell us about yourself. I have been married to Caroline for 11 years. We met at James Madison University. We have four children, James (8), Penny (5), Claire (2), and are currently expecting a baby. We are very involved at Coastal Community Church. It’s a big part of our life.

You’ve been an exec at a national health charity and a global ministry, but you started vocational life in the Dominican Republic. What did you do there? My wife and I served as full-time missionaries for Students International, which creates ministry sites to help local impoverished communities in a variety of ways. Then students from across the U.S. can come alongside on shorter missions, working beside the staff. I started a microfinance site and my wife led the social work ministry. I helped small entrepreneurs in the community (mostly women) start businesses out of their impoverished and broken homes.

How did that experience prepare you for this mission field? I arrived with this Word document business plan to start the ministry and was walking down a street with the document in my hand, this plan, and thinking in shock “How am I ever going to get this to work in the real world?!” But I had a good leader and good ‘river banks’ of encouragement to make it happen. I had to learn many different things, from Spanish to accounting to fill in the blank. I learned how to figure things out as I go and how to implement good ideas in positive ways. Those lessons have dramatically impacted the way I lead, my understanding of how nonprofits work, my ability to fundraise, all those things.

More significantly, it was a window into the lives of moms working hard to survive amid severely challenging difficulties.

Ryan starts at Care Net Peninsula on April 15, 2019

Welcome Carla!

Welcome Carla!

As demand for services grows, so does our need for trained RN-Sonographers. This bright face belongs to our newest Nurse Manager, Carla Branson.

Carla joins our team after years of working as a Labor and Delivery nurse for a local hospital. She welcomes the change to the day shift, and we welcome her expertise and knowledge. We know many clients will be blessed by their conversations with her. Carla has already completed all of her training, including an extensive week-long out-of-state training with Care Net national, and is ready to dive into seeing clients! 

When she’s not working, Carla enjoys spending time with her husband and three children. 

Join us in welcoming Carla to our team!

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