Four times she tested, why?

“I did not want to believe the results”, Rylinn recalled.

So, she took test after test, hoping the results were wrong. But every pregnancy test came back the same: positive.

“I was terrified when I discovered I was pregnant.” She was only 23 years old at the time.

“I was not in the best place,” she admitted. “I did not feel prepared enough for a child.”

“I had a dream job bringing in a decent income, yet, I still felt like I could not afford to bring a child into the world.”

And then there were Rylinn’s plans for her own life – what would those plans look like now? “I was nervous, scared, and anxious about what my future would be like with a child in it. I was indecisive of what to do: whether to keep this child or consider other options.”

But one thing Rylinn was sure of – she needed help.

“I happened to stumble across Alcove Health Women’s Clinic,” she said.

That stumble led Rylinn to the help and hope she needed.

Rylinn recalled that she “received so much more” than what she expected when she first walked through Alcove Health’s doors. “I spoke with the staff, who were all so helpful and kind”

 “The clinic team helped me explore my options for my pregnancy and gave me the prenatal vitamins I would need. All at no cost,” Rylinn said. “The staff knew of my apprehensiveness with the pregnancy and the rough time I was having and went out of their way to comfort me with kind words and pray for me.”

 “I’ll never forget it!”

And now, five years later, Rylinn’s little girl, Shai is here – breathing, smiling, and laughing with her grateful mom.Why? Because the pregnancy that terrified Rylinn five years ago is now a 5-year-old little girl. Shai is growing, playing, spending time with her family, and learning new things every day.

In 2018, donors gave to Care Net Peninsula so that Rylinn and other women would receive help when they needed it the most. They gave because the understood the urgency and fear that accompanies an unexpected pregnancy. They gave in faith that their generosity would serve moms and save babies.

And it did!

If you gave back in 2018; you are part of Rylinn and Shai’s story.

Your giving to Care Net Peninsula did far more than just support a trip to our pregnancy center.

Your generosity – then and now – supports all the trips that come after that first trip to our clinic. There are also trips to parks, churches, museums, and family reunions – every trip that living children make. School events, weddings, and babies growing up to have families of their own. All because, in the moment a woman is making a pregnancy decision, you decide to give her the support she needs.

That’s the significance of your giving. The right support at the right time makes every future moment possible. And moments become lifetimes, just like Shai’s.

Sherri Pigue, Client Advocate

Friday, November 17, 2023

Get to Know Emalee

She’s been one of the driving forces behind a successful event season for our ministry, and we thought it was time we finally introduce you to our Development Coordinator, Emalee.

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