Have You Met Maggie?

Have You Met Maggie?

Hey Friends, meet Maggie McNeely! She is a face you will get very acquainted with and we are THRILLED to finally introduce you to her if you haven’t had the chance to meet her yet.

Maggie has been a long time friend of the ministry and a little over a year ago started volunteering as a Client Intake Volunteer. While serving in the clinic she noticed God was at work in her heart and put a desire there to want to do more and minister to the women and families on the Peninsula. So, when the Community Relations Manager position opened up in December she knew that was a HUGE answer to her prayer about what was next.

Since graduating from Christopher Newport University in 2013, Maggie has worked in campus ministry with Cru for the last 6 years, and even though her time with them has come to an end, she is still looking forward to being able to mentor to student women while developing and nourishing new relationships with Care Net friends in the community. If you’re looking for her in her free time, you can catch her taking long walks to the river with her pup, Willow, and playing guitar and volleyball every chance she gets. (We haven’t figured out if she can do both at the same time).

We know she is just as excited as we are to have her join our family and she is eager to get out there and meet you and bring our community together to help serve moms and save babies.

Meet Our New Executive Director

Meet Our New Executive Director

After leading Care Net Peninsula for nearly six years, Kimberly Logsdon is stepping down this Spring. The Board of Directors performed much ‘due diligence’ in evaluating candidates and is delighted that Ryan Holloway answered God’s call to serve in this role. Ryan is the first male Executive Director in the ministry’s 33-year history.

Born and raised on the Peninsula, Ryan brings an MBA from Regent University, service on the mission field, and successful executive experience at multiple non-profits. Kimberly recently interviewed him over coffee.

Tell us about yourself. I have been married to Caroline for 11 years. We met at James Madison University. We have four children, James (8), Penny (5), Claire (2), and are currently expecting a baby. We are very involved at Coastal Community Church. It’s a big part of our life.

You’ve been an exec at a national health charity and a global ministry, but you started vocational life in the Dominican Republic. What did you do there? My wife and I served as full-time missionaries for Students International, which creates ministry sites to help local impoverished communities in a variety of ways. Then students from across the U.S. can come alongside on shorter missions, working beside the staff. I started a microfinance site and my wife led the social work ministry. I helped small entrepreneurs in the community (mostly women) start businesses out of their impoverished and broken homes.

How did that experience prepare you for this mission field? I arrived with this Word document business plan to start the ministry and was walking down a street with the document in my hand, this plan, and thinking in shock “How am I ever going to get this to work in the real world?!” But I had a good leader and good ‘river banks’ of encouragement to make it happen. I had to learn many different things, from Spanish to accounting to fill in the blank. I learned how to figure things out as I go and how to implement good ideas in positive ways. Those lessons have dramatically impacted the way I lead, my understanding of how nonprofits work, my ability to fundraise, all those things.

More significantly, it was a window into the lives of moms working hard to survive amid severely challenging difficulties.

Ryan starts at Care Net Peninsula on April 15, 2019

Executive Friend-Raising

Executive Friend-Raising

Meet Our New Development Director!

In the 1800’s, American barns were costly and required more labor to build than a typical family could provide. Barn raising enlisted members of the community (unpaid) to help build neighbors’ barns. Neighbors recruited others because the favor would eventually return to each participant.

We are thrilled to introduce our new Development Director, Anne Sych (rhymes with ‘stitch’). Anne’s role is similar to barn raising. Her job is to raise friends to collectively build and resource our pregnancy help mission. Anne has lived on the Peninsula for over 20 years and brings that many years of skill and experience in public relations, marketing strategy, event planning, and internet analytics (important to increasingly connect with all of us through our smart phones). She has been an ‘unpaid’ friend of our ministry for long time (helping ‘build the barn’ here) and she is now called by God to be on staff. Welcome, Anne!

Fun Facts About Anne:

  • Loves decorating and stages homes for fun
  • Born in England and named after Princess Anne
  • Lives in a 100-year-old house
  • Can fold anything back into it’s original package


Building a Community

building a community

Connecting with the amazing people who support our work is important to us. We are happy to introduce Lauren, our new Community Relations Manager! Lauren loves learning what makes people tick, so we bet you will enjoy getting to know her as she gets to know you.

Fun Facts About Lauren:

  • Served ministries in Fiji and Australia
  • She Will soon get her motorcycle license
  • Loves being a Hokie and misses the mountains

Our New Media Specialist

Our New Media Specialist

Amanda is the graphic designer behind some of our latest marketing materials and last year’s Christmas card, among so much more! For the past year, she has donated not only her design skills to our ministry but served weekly as a Client Intake Volunteer in our clinic. We are delighted to announce that Amanda has joined our team as our Media Specialist. 

She holds a B.S. in Graphic Design from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh and has worked as a freelance designer focusing on branding from small to large organizations, and is passionate about spreading the Gospel through her work. Amanda, her husband Nick, and their bulldog Mags reside in Hampton and are members of Grace Baptist Chapel. ALSO – they’re expecting their first child this Spring!! 

Join us in welcoming Amanda to her new role! 

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