2019 Walk4Life Update
Your generosity and fundraising is providing free services to moms on the Peninsula in impossibly difficult situations. Please keep them in your prayers!
Christ Fellowship Church of Wmbg. $10,935
The Young Family $8,937
Kimberly and Co-Laborers $8,937
Hampton Christian Academy $7,921
Community Bible Church $6,470
Peninsula Community Chapel $5,787
Laufer Insurance Solutions $5,045
LightHouse Team $4,807
Grace Family Fellowship $4,645
Seaford Baptist Church $4,610
Mark Lee $5,217
Kelley Crawford $4,805
Becky Richmond$4,117
Caroline Driscoll $3,530
Charlie Littlefield $3,000
Carly Taylor $2,855
Consuelo Pyatt $2,610
Ryan Holloway $2,450
Mark Geary $2,410
Samuel Young $2,371
Videographer: Eric Reebel

Save the Date for Giving Tuesday 2024
Click to read our latest ministry update and how TWO failed abortion attempts could equal life for a baby girl.

Why Early Medical Services Are Critical For Pregnant Women
When a woman is facing an unplanned pregnancy and needs to talk through her options, she typically has three choices: the abortion pill online, an abortion clinic, or Care Net Peninsula’s free medical clinic —Alcove Health.

172 Lives Saved this Year, Thanks to You!
Click to read our latest ministry update and how you are impacting the fight for life on the Peninsula!

Get to Know Emalee
She’s been one of the driving forces behind a successful event season for our ministry, and we thought it was time we finally introduce you to our Development Coordinator, Emalee.