Meet Our Girl Steph!

Meet Our Girl Steph!

We thought it was about time we introduce you to our newest Client Advocate, Stephanie Meitz. She comes from a background in education and has served in her local congregation in several capacities for over 24 years. She is married to Joel, has 2 daughters, and loves her rescue kitties. Stephanie enjoys being a part of a team that exemplifies God’s amazing love and desire for the well-being of the women on the Peninsula.

We love having Stephanie on our team and are thankful for the work she has been doing to help serve moms and save babies on the Peninsula. She is truly a blessing to every client she meets.

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Defenders4Life: Katherine Parker

Defenders4Life: Katherine

Abortion is in the news nearly every day. In 2016 it escalated with videos that exposed corrupt practices taking place at Planned Parenthood. Then earlier this year, Virginia’s governor made controversial statements supporting late-term abortion. Now several states have passed new abortion laws in the past 6 months, with more states on the way. As both sides battle on legal and cultural fronts, it all begs the question “What do I do about it?”

I recently sat down with Katherine Parker, a local realtor, mother of 4, and long-time voice for the unborn on the Peninsula, to ask her about this question.
Ryan Holloway,
Executive Director, Care Net Peninsula

Do you follow abortion in the news? I follow to stay informed, but I don’t immerse myself in it and get completely bogged down. It’s all very sad and it’s heartbreaking, but there is hope that God will bring good from it.

With 24/7 news & social media, it’s easy to grow numb to it all. how do you take positive steps to make an impact on an issue that’s so important to you? I would say my biggest ministry is to my own family. As my kids get older, and new laws are passed, I’m talking to them about it and pouring into them so they can see the light and truth in this issue. That’s also why we’re involved, as a family, in Care Net Peninsula. That’s why I do things like the Walk4Life with them.

Abortion advocates accuse pro-lifers of only caring about politics and not the lives of mothers and their children. Are they right? I think they might be right to an extent, but it’s not the norm. And that’s why we need to rally around women in our community who are struggling with an unplanned pregnancy. Care Net sets the standard for this and our local churches can learn a lot from the practical ways you help. These mothers can come in and receive maternity clothes, diapers, baby clothes, and have other needs met, and the staff continues to follow up with them long after the babies are born. These women are living the reality that they are loved and there’s a place that they can go for help, comfort, and encouragement on this difficult road.

When the New York abortion laws were passed, people called to ask you what to do about it. what did you tell them?  Instantly my answer was Care Net. Care Net does such a good job of stripping the politics away and focuses on people. I think that’s the beauty of it. Care Net pours into these men, women, and babies and shows them, unconditional love. Practically, you can be a life defender by giving monthly to Care Net Peninsula. Plus you can go to the banquet or the Walk4Life. You can help get your church involved.

Ready to take action? Give online today.

Board of Directors Update

Board of Director's Update

At Care Net Peninsula, we are beyond grateful for the selfless men and women who make up our Board of Directors. They represent various groups and professions in our community and bring a variety of knowledge and talent to the leadership of this ministry. As we enter this next season, we have had to say goodbye to two long-serving members, Mark Lee (President) and Rob Johnson, Esq. (Treasurer). Both men faithfully served on our board for multiple years and terms, and helped grow Care Net Peninsula to what you see today. We are sad their time on our Board has come to an end, but we are thankful for the years they labored alongside us to help bring practical help and hope in Jesus to women on the Peninsula.

We look forward to the new Board of Directors members God will bring our way and we are pleased to introduce you to one of them, Garrett Maroon. Garrett is the leader of a local real estate team, The Maroon Group, and the CEO of LaunchPad Business Coaching. He graduated from Christopher Newport University and has been a long-time partner with the ministry. He is married to his better half, Rachel, and they have two young children. He and his family are active members of Reformation Christian Fellowship in Newport News. Garrett joined the board because he believes there has never been a more important time to stand up and fight for life!

Picture Above: Garrett and his family

Care Net Peninsula Board of Directors:

    • Barry Hellman, Jr., MD, President
    • Kathy O’Connell, MD, Vice President
    • Garrett Maroon, Secretary
    • Bobbie Lewis, Board Member
    • James Temple, Board Member

Rena’s Story

Rena's Story

I remember well the night I decided to tell my mom my big secret. We had an hour car ride ahead of us and I was determined to finally spill the hurt that had been tearing my heart apart for five years. I spent the whole hour re-positioning (and sweating profusely) trying to form the words on my mouth.


I got pregnant. It was not planned. I was afraid and I believed the lie that abortion was a quick fix and would be the answer to all my problems. I would be able to go on living my life, but I was deceived. My life quickly began to spiral. I was depressed and self-destructive and filled with shame. I continued to believe the lies: “You don’t have a right to be sad. You chose this. You are alone. People would reject you if they knew what you did. You are unworthy of God’s forgiveness.”

I waited until we were in the driveway and I still couldn’t form the words. In God’s mercy, my mom just knew and she comforted me and told me that she loved me. A few days later, she referred me to a Bible study that she knew for women who had experienced the trauma of abortion. I felt like I had been drowning for so long and this was my precious gulp of fresh air.

Surrendering the Secret shattered the lies that had imprisoned my heart for so long. I was not alone. I found a group of women who understood what I was going through, who had no place of judgment or condemnation. I found a place where I could share my story. I was granted the space to be sad, where I could grieve my tremendous loss. Most importantly, I met with God through His Word and like a tender parent, He comforted me and told me that He loved me, unabashedly loved me.

Since then, I married a godly man and have since had beautiful babies. I have shared my story with women in my church about complete freedom in Christ. I have had the opportunity to lead this incredible study at Care Net with the gift of meeting other women whose lives are transformed by this study. I have shared my story with strangers who are hurting…the same story that couldn’t even form on my lips now flows shamelessly because of this recovery group.

For my fellow sisters who have experienced abortion, I know your heartache. I urge you: be a part of this Bible study. Let God’s light flood into those dark hidden places. “His light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” Believe the truth: You are loved. You are forgiven. You are not alone.

Read More Client Stories

Critical Year-End Ministry Update

Tragically, 15 children in Virginia died from Covid-19. But since March 2020, 300 times that number of babies died from abortion . . . on the Peninsula. That’s over 4,000 preborn lives taken from our community in less than 3 years. But it would have been more.

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33 Women

33 Women

Considering abortion or know someone who is? It’s important for many reasons to get a free ultrasound first. Find out more today.

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Press Release

Press Release

Care Net Peninsula Names Ryan Holloway Executive Director

Newport News, Virginia, Release: April 15, 2019. For Immediate Release.

Care Net Peninsula, a community-funded medical clinic helping underserved women navigate pregnancy decisions and challenges, announced today that the Board of Directors has appointed Ryan Holloway (MBA) as its new Executive Director.

With his successful experience in the field of marketing and donor development, Mr. Holloway has served with International Cooperating Ministries (ICM) in Hampton since 2015, most recently as its Director of Marketing and Communication.

Dr. Kathy O’Connell MD, Vice-President of Care Net Peninsula’s Board of Directors has been quoted as saying, “Ryan is a proven senior executive with a strong track record for achieving results. He has done an outstanding job transforming ICM’s brand using industry-leading, customer-centric strategies. We are delighted that Ryan joins our team to continue the momentum of excellence and transformational change we have already gained for our surrounding communities.”

Prior to his leadership role at ICM, Mr. Holloway formerly served as Director of Development for the American Heart Association, where he raised over $1,000,000 locally for the fight against heart disease and stroke. After being recognized as 2012 Rookie of the Year in the Mid-Atlantic Affiliate, Mr. Holloway led five new fundraising events in Hampton Roads to Top 10 national benchmarks for American Heart Association. He recruited and managed C-suite executives to multiple successful chairmanship campaigns. From 2008 to 2012, Mr. Holloway worked in the Dominican Republic with Students International, where he founded a microcredit lending program in impoverished rural communities. He raised funding for start-up capital and operational expenses. His business plan was used to replicate the successful program in other countries. Born and raised on the Virginia Peninsula, Mr. Holloway graduated from James Madison University with a B.A. in Economics and Political Science and holds an MBA from Regent University.

About Care Net Peninsula:

Care Net Peninsula is a non-profit on a mission to provide practical help and hope in Jesus to women facing pregnancy decisions on the Peninsula. A 501(c)3 charitable organization, Care Net Peninsula operates an entirely community-funded pregnancy medical clinic which provides no-charge services such as pregnancy tests, pregnancy confirmation by ultrasound, community referrals, parenting enrichment, and material assistance. Established since 1986, the clinic served nearly 600 women and was voted The City of Newport News Human Rights Commission’s Non-Profit of the Year in 2018. To learn more about Care Net Peninsula please visit

Contact info: Name: Anne Sych

Organization: Care Net Peninsula

Company URL:

Address: 11747 Jefferson Ave, Suite 2D, Newport News VA 23606

Phone: 757-591-0303

PDF Version: Download

A Message from our Outgoing Executive Director

A Message From Our Outgoing Executive Director

Anyone walking with Jesus for a bit discovers that He is happy to interrupt your plans! God did so to me six years ago after I reluctantly drove to a Peninsula coffee shop to meet with Care Net Board Directors about possibly leading their pregnancy centers. The rest is history. My tenure for a fifth of this ministry’s legacy is a great privilege of my life.

Now God has newly interrupted my plans. Once again, I find myself in a coffee shop, this time across from a vibrant leader who is impressive in his qualifications, confidence of purpose, sense of humor, and humble spirit.

What God has done with your prayers and support in the years between is remarkable. The demand for our services by women in unexpected pregnancies has burgeoned; thousands of families have been touched. These women are effusive in their gratitude and give highest ratings for our safe place that didn’t judge them as they processed options. As we pursued excellence and growth and built a network of referral partners, our cities started taking notice. We stand on a threshold, in a culture of abortion, as a community-funded gem of a resource that changes lives and is needed more than ever. We are entering a new era.

So it surprised me a little when God whispered it was time to step aside. With grace upon grace, the Lord helped me fight for the unborn and their parents while fighting in my husband’s battle with cancer. I fought for those we serve while I fought to regain my footing as a widow without her faithful mate. The Holy Spirit is now clear that I am invited into a season of rest and restoration. I will seek God’s face in prayer until He reveals my next assignment.

What a joy you all are! I will be right beside you as we stand behind Ryan and his team and watch God pour out His life to the fullest through this noble work!

Meet Our New Executive Director

Meet Our New Executive Director

After leading Care Net Peninsula for nearly six years, Kimberly Logsdon is stepping down this Spring. The Board of Directors performed much ‘due diligence’ in evaluating candidates and is delighted that Ryan Holloway answered God’s call to serve in this role. Ryan is the first male Executive Director in the ministry’s 33-year history.

Born and raised on the Peninsula, Ryan brings an MBA from Regent University, service on the mission field, and successful executive experience at multiple non-profits. Kimberly recently interviewed him over coffee.

Tell us about yourself. I have been married to Caroline for 11 years. We met at James Madison University. We have four children, James (8), Penny (5), Claire (2), and are currently expecting a baby. We are very involved at Coastal Community Church. It’s a big part of our life.

You’ve been an exec at a national health charity and a global ministry, but you started vocational life in the Dominican Republic. What did you do there? My wife and I served as full-time missionaries for Students International, which creates ministry sites to help local impoverished communities in a variety of ways. Then students from across the U.S. can come alongside on shorter missions, working beside the staff. I started a microfinance site and my wife led the social work ministry. I helped small entrepreneurs in the community (mostly women) start businesses out of their impoverished and broken homes.

How did that experience prepare you for this mission field? I arrived with this Word document business plan to start the ministry and was walking down a street with the document in my hand, this plan, and thinking in shock “How am I ever going to get this to work in the real world?!” But I had a good leader and good ‘river banks’ of encouragement to make it happen. I had to learn many different things, from Spanish to accounting to fill in the blank. I learned how to figure things out as I go and how to implement good ideas in positive ways. Those lessons have dramatically impacted the way I lead, my understanding of how nonprofits work, my ability to fundraise, all those things.

More significantly, it was a window into the lives of moms working hard to survive amid severely challenging difficulties.

Ryan starts at Care Net Peninsula on April 15, 2019

Executive Friend-Raising

Executive Friend-Raising

Meet Our New Development Director!

In the 1800’s, American barns were costly and required more labor to build than a typical family could provide. Barn raising enlisted members of the community (unpaid) to help build neighbors’ barns. Neighbors recruited others because the favor would eventually return to each participant.

We are thrilled to introduce our new Development Director, Anne Sych (rhymes with ‘stitch’). Anne’s role is similar to barn raising. Her job is to raise friends to collectively build and resource our pregnancy help mission. Anne has lived on the Peninsula for over 20 years and brings that many years of skill and experience in public relations, marketing strategy, event planning, and internet analytics (important to increasingly connect with all of us through our smart phones). She has been an ‘unpaid’ friend of our ministry for long time (helping ‘build the barn’ here) and she is now called by God to be on staff. Welcome, Anne!

Fun Facts About Anne:

  • Loves decorating and stages homes for fun
  • Born in England and named after Princess Anne
  • Lives in a 100-year-old house
  • Can fold anything back into it’s original package


A Word from our Development Director

A Word From Our Development Director

Those of you who have followed Care Net Peninsula for the past 32 years know that, like any organization, change has and will continue to happen. Change often takes us out of our ‘comfort zones’, but when we are focused on honoring the Lord, it makes all of the difference.

As the Development Director for almost 5 years at Care Net, it has been a blessing to see all the amazing growth the Lord has produced.

We have gone from offering life-saving sonograms 2.5 days a week with one nurse and one ultrasound machine to 5 days a week with 2 full-time nurses and 2 ultrasound machines! The number of women we have served has more than doubled during my time here. Best of all, many women made decisions to let their babies live.

It is bittersweet for me to move on from this role. I am leaving to stay at home full-time with my 2-year-old son. My heart will always remain here and I look forward to seeing where the Lord takes Care Net in the coming years. I remain committed to the mission to bring practical help and hope in Jesus to women facing pregnancy decisions on the Virginia Peninsula. In fact, having the opportunity to see how the ‘engine runs’ has excited me more to continue my personal partnership in this fight for Life.

The sacrifices you make — as donors, volunteers, and community members — so that we can offer these services to the community are precious to us and the Lord. This ministry would not exist without you. I have been truly blown away by your generosity to achieve the incredible accomplishments that have been made here in the past 5 years. God bless you!

Building a Community

building a community

Connecting with the amazing people who support our work is important to us. We are happy to introduce Lauren, our new Community Relations Manager! Lauren loves learning what makes people tick, so we bet you will enjoy getting to know her as she gets to know you.

Fun Facts About Lauren:

  • Served ministries in Fiji and Australia
  • She Will soon get her motorcycle license
  • Loves being a Hokie and misses the mountains