Hope For A Lifetime: 5 Years and Counting

Four times she tested, why?

“I did not want to believe the results”, Rylinn recalled.

So, she took test after test, hoping the results were wrong. But every pregnancy test came back the same: positive.

“I was terrified when I discovered I was pregnant.” She was only 23 years old at the time.

“I was not in the best place,” she admitted. “I did not feel prepared enough for a child.”

“I had a dream job bringing in a decent income, yet, I still felt like I could not afford to bring a child into the world.”

And then there were Rylinn’s plans for her own life – what would those plans look like now? “I was nervous, scared, and anxious about what my future would be like with a child in it. I was indecisive of what to do: whether to keep this child or consider other options.”

But one thing Rylinn was sure of – she needed help.

“I happened to stumble across Alcove Health Women’s Clinic,” she said.

That stumble led Rylinn to the help and hope she needed.

Rylinn recalled that she “received so much more” than what she expected when she first walked through Alcove Health’s doors. “I spoke with the staff, who were all so helpful and kind”

 “The clinic team helped me explore my options for my pregnancy and gave me the prenatal vitamins I would need. All at no cost,” Rylinn said. “The staff knew of my apprehensiveness with the pregnancy and the rough time I was having and went out of their way to comfort me with kind words and pray for me.”

 “I’ll never forget it!”

And now, five years later, Rylinn’s little girl, Shai is here – breathing, smiling, and laughing with her grateful mom.Why? Because the pregnancy that terrified Rylinn five years ago is now a 5-year-old little girl. Shai is growing, playing, spending time with her family, and learning new things every day.

In 2018, donors gave to Care Net Peninsula so that Rylinn and other women would receive help when they needed it the most. They gave because the understood the urgency and fear that accompanies an unexpected pregnancy. They gave in faith that their generosity would serve moms and save babies.

And it did!

If you gave back in 2018; you are part of Rylinn and Shai’s story.

Your giving to Care Net Peninsula did far more than just support a trip to our pregnancy center.

Your generosity – then and now – supports all the trips that come after that first trip to our clinic. There are also trips to parks, churches, museums, and family reunions – every trip that living children make. School events, weddings, and babies growing up to have families of their own. All because, in the moment a woman is making a pregnancy decision, you decide to give her the support she needs.

That’s the significance of your giving. The right support at the right time makes every future moment possible. And moments become lifetimes, just like Shai’s.

Sherri Pigue, Client Advocate

Friday, November 17, 2023

Get to Know Emalee

She’s been one of the driving forces behind a successful event season for our ministry, and we thought it was time we finally introduce you to our Development Coordinator, Emalee.

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Finding Help and Hope In The Arms of the CNP Family

Finding Help & Hope In the Arms of the Care Net Peninsula Family

When I think about courage, my instinct is to conjure up images of heroes like William Wallace or Rocky Balboa. But is there a clearer picture of courage than women like GaBria, who chose life for her baby despite incredibly difficult circumstances?
Our clients often face pressure to abort from the father, their parents, their friends, the culture, and even themselves. But God, in his goodness and mercy, gives some the unbelievable courage to stand against it all and choose life for their baby.
In this context, our role (yours and mine) is to equip these heroes for what lies ahead. At the clinic, we do this in many ways:         
• Options Counseling      
• Confirmation Ultrasounds      
• Pregnancy Tests      
• STI Tests      
• Parenting Support      
• Spiritual Mentorship      
• Post-Abortion Support
When a client chooses life, we stand ready to help her navigate the path forward. For GaBria, we were thrilled to walk with her through her pregnancy and to meet her beautiful son Ai’Luan. But her courageous spirit didn’t stop there. In May, at our Walk4Life, she walked onto a stage, baby in tow, and shared with 1,200 people about her experience with our ministry.Please pray that all our clients would have courage like GaBria. And that we serve and equip every woman God sends our way.       
For Life,
Executive Director
Life was challenging for 24-year-oldGaBria. Raising a one-year-old daughter while living with her mother was not the life she planned. Recently recovering from a car accident and in the process of trying to get her own apartment, life was hard enough. Adding another child into her already shaky world would be too much to handle. “When I looked at that positive pregnancy test, I was overwhelmed, frantic, and in complete disbelief.” Abortion was the only way GaBria saw out of this situation.”
GaBria found Alcove Health online and made an appointment. “I made the appointment thinking of and wanting to talk about abortion.” At Alcove, GaBria found a safe place to process her feelings surrounding her pregnancy – information about abortion and her concerns about raising multiple children as a single mother.
At Alcove, GaBria encountered much more than a listening ear. She received resources and partners that couple help her if she chose to carry her baby. From parenting classes to help with material needs, GaBria grasped onto hope as she considered options she never knew she had. “I decided I could do this, and I was going to have my son.”
Beyond practical resources, GaBria encountered a caring team that walked with her throughout her pregnancy. She experienced the love of God through the warmth and affirmation she received from her client advocate, Sylvia.  “That day I made the decision to carry my baby, I told Sylvia that I would not be doing this alone. That she would be going with me through the whole pregnancy.” And she did!
Nurse Meg also served on GaBria’s care team, providing her with prenatal education, diagnostic testing, and an ultrasound.  “The whole team was so kind. Meg made me laugh and feel so comfortable, she knew so much about ultrasounds. It made such a difference.”
GaBria found the support she needed in the Alcove team.  “From the smiling face of Candra at the front desk to advocate Jenn, Alcove was just what I needed. I received support, answers to my questions, education, and, most of all, non-judgemental kindness. The parenting classes helped me prepare for my little man while having a 1-year-old daughter, and I received lots of practical baby items too.”
And she continued,  “My pregnancy was not easy. My car broke down, there were medical concerns about my baby’s development, and when I needed someone to talk to, I knew I had someone to turn to for advice and direction. Sometimes it was simply knowing someone was praying for me. Other times it was a kind word or a resource I could turn to for help. I knew I was not alone, and I had somewhere to turn.”
Born five weeks early at 4 pounds 11 ounces, baby Ai’Luan arrived healthy into the arms of a family that is so grateful for his life. Every day is not always easy for GaBria, but it is joyful.  “Today, I am in my own home with both of my children, my life is more positive, and I have so much support. I am thankful to Alcove for the love, kindness, resources, and practical help that helped make it all possible.”
GaBria continues to receive support and material needs from her Alcove family. What a joy it is that God uses us to serve GaBria and these precious little ones.
Help women like GaBria by make a gift today!

Friday, August 11, 2023

Get to Know Emalee

She’s been one of the driving forces behind a successful event season for our ministry, and we thought it was time we finally introduce you to our Development Coordinator, Emalee.

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Critical Year-End Ministry Update

Critical Year-End Ministry Update from Care Net Peninsula

Tragically, 15 children in Virginia died from Covid-19. But since March 2020, 300 times that number of babies died from abortion . . . on the Peninsula. That’s over 4,000 preborn lives taken from our community in less than 3 years. But it would have been more.

We made a commitment in 2020 to double down on our efforts to save babies from abortion. For starters, we never closed. Then we doubled our clinic ad budget, expanded our hours, and added new services. We created hundreds of blogs, videos, and social media posts to reach more local women.

There were real barriers. Governor Northam passed new abortion laws and Covid lockdowns led to the meteoric rise of the at-home abortion pill. Google filtered us out of some search results and added a pro-abortion label to our videos.

But, by God’s grace, our efforts–and your investment–paid off. Since March 2020 we served a record number of women and saved 268 babies from abortion.

As a member of the Care Net Peninsula Family, you fueled historic growth for our ministry. We could not be more grateful for your commitment to serving moms and saving babies on the Peninsula. I am writing to thank you, and to ask you to help us do even more.

It’s been a historic year in the national fight for life. Overturning Roe was monumental. Thousands of lives have already been saved from abortion. But here in Virginia, abortion is still legal up to birth. We’re not sure what the political climate will be in 2023 and beyond, but thanks to you, we’re equipped to serve all the women God sends our way.

That’s because in June we made a big move. We bought 11101 Warwick Boulevard, the future home of our ministry. We own the building and we’ve nearly completed the $600,000 capital campaign to fund the renovation. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! We’re on track to start construction on February 1st.

We have been laser-focused on the Building4Life campaign and it’s left a gap of about $50,000 in our operating budget. Would you consider a year-end gift of $50, $100, $500, or whatever amount God puts on your heart?

You all have been incredibly generous to Care Net Peninsula this year, but this is a unique season for us financially. If you’re able to allocate some of your year-end giving to Care Net Peninsula, it will help us close this funding gap.

Your gift means we can continue to provide services like life-affirming counseling to women planning to have an abortion. Ultrasounds help women see the truth about their pregnancies. Our LEAP and church mentorship programs provide ongoing training to expectant moms.  We offer all this and more for free thanks to partners like you!

I pray that this Christmas season be a time of joyful celebration with your family of the birth of Jesus Christ. Thank you again for your generous giving to Care Net Peninsula in 2022. As we look ahead to a new chapter in our ministry, please pray that God’s truth and love would guide us in our work.

Merry Christmas,

P.S. Thank you for your incredible generosity in 2022. We’ve nearly funded the campaign for our new building, but that’s left a gap of about $50,000 in our operating budget. Would you consider a year-end gift to close this critical gap in our funding?

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Get to Know Emalee

She’s been one of the driving forces behind a successful event season for our ministry, and we thought it was time we finally introduce you to our Development Coordinator, Emalee.

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Does He Really Matter In The Pregnancy Decision?​

Does He Really Matter In The Pregnancy Decision?

An Update from Our Client Relations Manager

Far away from the news, the political arena, and the social media posts, things are different.

The visible and loud demand attention: the protesting voices heard through megaphones, the “Her Body, Her Choice” mantras on social media, and the sound bites from politicians. But here, in Care Net Peninsula’s medical clinic, there is none of that – it’s just her (and hopefully, the father of her baby).

You know, in the quiet. When the cameras are off and when the crowd is gone. When she speaks for herself, without the public pressure to defend her womanhood by not needing a man.

The loud opinions may have mattered once; they may have even been her own. But right now, no one is as loud as he is – no slogan, no politician, no activist.

You may be scratching your head. You might be wondering – What gives me the right to counter decades of systematic messaging that indicates the opposite?

Well, women.

Here at Care Net Peninsula, we have been listening to women for decades. Our clients know what they should say – how they should think – how empowered they should feel.

My body, my choice. No man needed – or wanted. But now pregnant, that sentiment falls flat. She wants more from him – for him to step up to the table beside her. To listen and to speak. After all, she didn’t get pregnant alone.

The men – the fathers of our clients’ babies – are as varied as the women we serve. Intricately connected though – in that they almost always matter to the mothers of their babies. What they think matters. What they say matters. What they don’t say matters.

Some men are unsure – they don’t know what they want. Many of our women feel the same. Some men overtly want her to choose an abortion, and some explicitly want her to choose life. Some men are silent; years of “Her body, her choice” has created quiet men. They like to call themselves “silent but supportive,” though we know silence and support rarely exist together. Silent but supportive partners create lonely women, burdened to make a decision without his help.

So why even bring this up? What are you to do with this information? Well, a few things.

More than ever, be on your guard against smart-sounding sound bites that just aren’t true. Sure, there have been women who’ve wanted total autonomy. They didn’t want the input of their friends, boyfriends, husbands, or exes. But these women have been in the minority, they are not the majority – despite what the loud voices of our culture would have you believe.

For many of our clients, he is in her head – either vocally or silently. He’s still there and he carries a lot of weight either way.

Secondly, know that’s why it is so important that he is included in the services she receives in our clinic. He is always welcome to come with her to her medical appointment – as long as she wants him included.

    • Do you mean he can come into the consult room to discuss pregnancy options, his feelings, and his concerns? To hear about the support our donors and our community partners provide? Yes, with her consent.
    • Do you mean he can come into the ultrasound room, to observe with his own eyes the life that is growing inside her? You bet, with her consent.
    • Do you mean he can hear medically accurate information about the different types of abortion procedures? Definitely, with her consent.

Here in the clinic, we have more than a “he can come” response. We encourage our clients – as they are trying to make decisions about their pregnancies – to bring the fathers of their babies with them when they come for their appointments. Even during COVID, when restrictions were tight for the sake of safety, our directors went against the norm by continuing to allow women – as they were making pregnancy decisions – to bring the babies’ fathers with them. He was too important to leave out; her wants and needs for his input were too important to disregard.

He’s that important to her and the entire decision-making process – so he’s important to us, too.

His thoughts matter to her and play into her final decision about what she will do with the pregnancy. And while women may make voting decisions based on collective persuasion, they make pregnancy decisions usually in pairs. That’s why our clinic is a safe space for her to process her pregnancy and understand her options while including him; a safe space for her to receive important medical services and accurate information, with him by her side.

And a safe space for both of them – to learn the truth, to hear and be heard, to leave knowing about the life she is carrying inside her – that living, valuable, life. When people know the truth, they aren’t so drawn to the false narrative of the day.

And listen, the world may not believe in God, as if dismissing Him dismisses His truths. But God’s truths are still true – they would be even if no one believed them. So, when God says He created male and female – with the ability to multiply – it was not accidental that two people were involved. When she says he matters, she is speaking from the heart God created inside her. Babies involve two parents. It’s the way God created it to be.

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Get to Know Emalee

She’s been one of the driving forces behind a successful event season for our ministry, and we thought it was time we finally introduce you to our Development Coordinator, Emalee.

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33 Women

33 Women
33 Women

33 Women

An Update from Our Client Relations Manager

I knew there were women. But I wanted to know how many women. So, I looked through our files. The number is 33. Throughout 2021, 33 women entered our clinic doors either determined to abort their babies or strongly considering the abortion option.

Now to be clear, there were a lot more women who entered our doors also planning to abort. But what makes these 33 women significant is what they learned during their appointments at Alcove Health Women’s Clinic.

Through our medical services, each of these women found that either they weren’t pregnant (meaning their pregnancy test at home was either invalid or there was an error in the use/reading of the test) or they did not have a viable pregnancy (meaning there was no heartbeat).

These 33 were considering, if not planning, to leave our clinic and contact an abortion provider. And they didn’t even have a pregnancy to abort.

Here at Alcove Health Women’s Clinic, you help us serve moms and save babies. For these 33 moms, you served them so – rather than fast-tracking it to an abortion clinic or mail-to-home abortion provider – they slowed down and got the information they needed to make a wise and safe choice.

Now you may be thinking, so what? No babies would’ve been harmed in these abortions. Why is this blog-worthy material?

Two reasons.

First, because God protected these women and He is always blog-worthy. We can all celebrate that.

For these 33, the medical services they received here at Alcove Health Women’s Clinic were a safeguard – over their bodies, their hearts, and their futures. You see, an abortion – even one on a baby that doesn’t exist or isn’t alive – is still an abortion to the woman. God – in His goodness – sheltered each of these women from the life-long impact of thinking she had an abortion. So they did not suffer physical complications, or post-abortion symptoms, or relational difficulties, or spiritual heartache. All because these 33 individual women were given an opportunity to learn the truth before they took any action.

You can see God’s hand of protection all over these women’s stories.

Ten years from now, these 33 will not be contacting us asking for post-abortion recovery. For these women, you – our supporters – didn’t save babies, but you sure did serve women. God provided a way for them to know truth. And that one truth will affect them their entire lives.

Secondly, this is note-worthy because we know that you may be the first contact a woman has when she is considering an abortion. Be it a friend, a church member, a co-worker, or a family member.

We want you to know that even the woman who is 100% confident she will only consider an abortion still cannot have 100% confidence that she even knows what’s going on inside her body – or if she’s even pregnant – until she visits Alcove Health to get the important information our services provide. For free.

As our community of support, you are also the voice in our community. Perhaps you will meet a woman determined to abort. Remind her we’re here for her to provide the same services that served these 33.

Remind her of these 33 women. She could be one of them.

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Get to Know Emalee

She’s been one of the driving forces behind a successful event season for our ministry, and we thought it was time we finally introduce you to our Development Coordinator, Emalee.

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Local Women Find They Don’t Need Abortion to Secure Their Futures – They Need YOU!

Local Women Find They Don't Need Abortion to Secure Their Futures - They Need YOU!

The front end is easy to see.  

You believe in life. It’s sacred. It’s undeniably alive. So you protect it. You speak up, you give money to Care Net Peninsula, and you pray that pregnant women won’t default to abortion. 

And that is what happens – women do choose life. 

Women bring us their unplanned pregnancies – unsure of what to do; full of the fear that their unplanned pregnancies will give birth to unplanned babies. With the culture screaming in their ears it’s hard to imagine anything other than an inevitable end – unplanned babies will ruin their lives. 

But then women find Care Net Peninsula and get the help and hope they need. 

And then they choose life. 

But in the back of your mind, you wonder. Then what? 

If you’ve supported Care Net Peninsula’s mission to serve moms and save babies, you may hit a wall when you try to envision what happens after her pregnancy decision. After the birth of the baby. As the reality of that choice weighs fully – with a new life sleeping in the next room. 

Pro-abortion advocates weave a pretty dismal story – a woman’s success and happiness hinges on her opportunity to abort her child. Without abortion, how will women survive? 

But here at Care Net we are not story-writers. We’re story-tellers. We tell true stories. Stories that you – our donors – help our clients create.  

We are privileged to see the women you help – months and years after they choose life for their babies. Incredible, successful, happy women. Doing life. Raising their children. Working hard. Proud, powerful women who defy the loud lie that abortion saves women.  

Women like Kapria . . .

“I was confused, sad, and at rock bottom” Kapria remembers the weariness of trying to make a pregnancy decision.  “I had to do something. I needed to be reminded in some way, somehow of Jesus being my anchor.” 

So she turned to Care Net’s clinic, Alcove Health – questions and all. 

She walked through our doors with confusing emotions of doubt and fear. Questions were flooding her mind – Will I be a great mom?,” Who will help me? She even wondered, Is God going to hear me?” 

After meeting with her advocate, Sheri, the confusion started to clear. She allowed the truth to overrule the lies and calm her fears.  

She was “confident and awakened.” She knew God wanted her to keep her child.  

Kapria says her pregnancy was “stressful, hard work, encouraging, and transformational.”  

Draw that picture in your mind. Kapria was not dragged kicking and screaming – fighting the pregnancy decision all the way to the delivery room. No, she found the truth and allowed it to change her. Her life was changed through her pregnancy. 

Wearing not-yet-two-month-old Baby Emmanuel swaddled in front of her, she told her own story at Care Net Peninsula’s Walk 4 Life this year. Far from that day she first walked into our clinic, she told a different story. With her own voice.  

With a mind full of gratitude and a heart full of love, Kapria spoke of her life. “I love my son. I love my children. I’m so very much grateful.”

“Thank you for reminding me that through God, all things are possible,” Kapria said. 

Abortion proponents would say her life is ruined. She’s lost her power, her voice, and her ability to have a successful, happy life. After all, they say, women need abortion to secure their futures. 

But women like Kapria – real women with their true stories – show us otherwise. Their lives stand in contrast to the idea that women need abortions. Women like Kapria choose their babies and themselves; their babies’ futures and their own futures. 

At Care Net Peninsula, our services start with a moment – that first call to our clinic.

And then there are more moments – that first connection with an advocate, that first peek at the ultrasound screen, that first conversation with one of our Registered Nurses.  

Every single life-changing event starts with one moment. 

But these moments turn into lifetimes. Lifetimes not doomed to failure because a woman chose to protect her unborn child. Women not living lives full of regret about what could have been – if only they aborted. 

No, we find women fully aware that they saved themselves when they saved their babies. 

When you’re part of the Care Net family, you empower women to understand the truth. You help women see a real future – one that does not need to include an abortion procedure.  

You see, the abortion industry may need women, but women do not need an abortion. Women live successful lives with their babies. 

When you give to Care Net Peninsula, you become part of every one of these life-changing moments. Your generous support – providing pregnant women with the help and hope they need to choose life – turns these moments into successful lifetimes. For babies and moms. 

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Get to Know Emalee

She’s been one of the driving forces behind a successful event season for our ministry, and we thought it was time we finally introduce you to our Development Coordinator, Emalee.

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Local Single Mom Awarded University Scholarship

Local Single Mom Awarded University Scholarship

Newport News Resident Nominated by Care Net Peninsula

NEWPORT NEWS, VA – Tiffany Cusick received a four-year, full-tuition scholarship to Regent University during an emotional awards ceremony at the Care Net National Conference in San Antonio, TX on August 26, 2021. Cusick, 22, plans to study theology and Christian Ministry, beginning in the Fall of 2022.

“When I first went to Care Net I was afraid and unsure,” Cusick remembers from her early visits to Care Net Peninsula. “I am super thankful to have found Care Net.”

Cusick expressed gratitude for the scholarship and the free pregnancy-related services she received through Care Net Peninsula, thanking the women on staff: “Their confidence in me has really given me the courage to step out in faith and pursue this and I do believe the Lord has put those women, along with this opportunity, in my life.”

Originally from Gloucester, MA, Cusick moved to Newport News as a young teen. She graduated from Woodside High School in 2016. Now a mom to a 2-month baby girl, Cusick hopes to work in ministry, serving women and children, upon completion of her college degree.

Erin Forsythe, Care Net’s Vice President of Strategic Programs, and Kathleen Patterson, Director of the Doctorate of Strategic Leadership Program at Regent University and Care Net board member, presented the scholarship to Cusick on August 26th in front of pregnancy center leaders from across North America. She is the 10th client of a Care Net affiliated pregnancy center to receive the scholarship from Regent.

Sheri Coker, Advocacy Manager with Care Net Peninsula, nominated Cusick for the scholarship, stating, “In a culture where many view themselves as victims in their circumstances, Tiffany stands out. She works hard without complaining.”

“We know that as a single mom this is a rare opportunity for her to gain the academic knowledge to succeed in both business and ministry,” Coker adds. “We also believe it would set an example for her daughter, that you can accomplish great things in life when you set your mind to it. We believe Tiffany will change the world around her.”

During Cusick’s pregnancy, she experienced compassion, help, and hope at Care Net Peninsula, where she received a free pregnancy test and ultrasound, ongoing consultations with client advocates and nurses, parenting classes, and more. “These women have become my friends,” Cusick said in her application, “They have really been just such a positive impact on me. And even now I know that if I needed something I could call and they would do everything in their power to help me.”

Since opening in 1986, Care Net Peninsula has been the first call for thousands of local women facing unplanned pregnancies. Services include options consultations, pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, parenting support, and more. Through these services and ongoing support, pregnant women receive the help and hope they need at a time when many feel scared and alone. All of Care Net Peninsula’s services are provided at no cost, thanks to the generosity of donors in the community.

Care Net Peninsula is among more than 1,200 pregnancy centers in North America that are affiliated with Care Net. Through a competitive selection process, the Regent Scholarship has been awarded to a Care Net affiliated pregnancy center client for the last eight years. Ursula Penn, the first scholarship recipient to graduate from Regent, matriculated on May 6, 2016. Another scholarship recipient, Lizzie Burton, matriculated in May 2020.

Watch Tiffany receiving her scholarship.

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Get to Know Emalee

She’s been one of the driving forces behind a successful event season for our ministry, and we thought it was time we finally introduce you to our Development Coordinator, Emalee.

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The Most Important Question of All

The Most Important Question of All

March 2021 Update from Our Community Relations Manager

Danielle* came to our clinic alone.  Pregnant with her first child, she was confused and conflicted over the wide range of emotions she was feeling.  Her boyfriend had told her he would support whatever decision she might make, but he also let her know he would prefer she abort.  She was disappointed in his reaction.  While the pregnancy was not something she had wanted or planned, she had hoped he might express more concern over the difficulty of her dilemma.

Danielle had grown up in church and she held a deep conviction that abortion was wrong.  As her advocate shared information about abortion, those moral objections began to surface.  Her advocate then helped her visualize what support she might have if she were to carry this child.  Much to her surprise, Danielle was able to think of multiple people in her life who had already expressed a desire to come alongside her.  As the fog began to lift, Danielle was able to reconcile her own personal belief system with the decision that was before her.

Her advocate then shifted the conversation to the most important question of all.  Was Danielle right with God?  She wasn’t sure.  Her advocate asked permission to share the gospel and she consented.  Danielle then prayed to receive Christ.  Her advocate was also able to offer Danielle a spiritual mentor from a local church who could help Danielle grow in her relationship with the Lord. Praise God for his faithfulness and that Danielle chose life for her baby and life eternal with Jesus.

* Name changed for privacy, story written by one of our advocates

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January 2021 Update from Our Community Relations Manager

Occasionally after a client comes in for an appointment, we ask if she’d consider filling out a testimony survey. Often these are the “mind-changed” clients. Women who came to see us who were planning on having an abortion, but after talking with an advocate, chose life for their baby. 

When Sarah* came in to pick up her Bundle4babies bag a couple of months ago, she turned in her form. She stated:

“I just came in to see how far along I was and confirm I was pregnant. It was the first place I found on google. I planned to get an abortion. I’m glad I didn’t . . . I never expected to be praying with someone. To be honest, it gave me anxiety a little because that’s when I first considered keeping my baby . . . I wouldn’t have the courage to bring my little *Emmy into this world. My situation hasn’t improved a lot but my perspective on it changed.” 

Because of your donations, we are able to reach the most vulnerable through our digital advertising and through the prayers said with our advocates. Praise God for moving in the heart of this mom so she would choose to save her child. Even in the darkest of times, His light shines. 

* Names changed to protect client’s identity

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The Provision of Time

The provision of Time

November 2020 Update from Our Community Relations Manager

An abortion-vulnerable client came in a couple of weeks ago. When our nurse, Meg, reached out to her a few days after her initial appointment, she found her really upset. The client had even made an appointment at the abortion clinic the next day. Meg and Sherri (one of our client advocates) talked to her on the phone and worked the schedule out so she could come in THAT night.

She came to the appointment – late but grateful. She talked about the battle in her mind – very spiritual and emotional. She talked specifically about how “cold” the people were on the phone with her at the abortion clinic – “not like here,” (at Alcove Health) she said. She even made comments about how they wanted to make sure she brought the money she would need to start the appt at the abortion clinic. She talked about the difference in our clinic.

All that to say this – our clients often make “back-up plans.” As a staff, we are so grateful for the provision of time that our donors give us to make space and sit down and talk with women. For this woman, this literally allowed us to meet with the woman again before she went to the abortion clinic. She didn’t go to the abortion clinic the next day. She needed a safe place at the right time and we – because of our donors – were able to provide it. Praise the Lord!!

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