Year-End Update: Cadie’s Story

Thank you for your support this year. Every prayer, every gift, every moment you stood with us—made a difference, allowing us to save more babies from abortion in 2024 than any year in our history. We wanted to share a recent story with you from one of our Client Advocates:

“The other week I met with a return client, Cadie.

She had just found out she was pregnant after suffering a devastating loss earlier in the year and was grappling with health concerns and financial struggles, causing her to believe abortion was the best option at the moment. Cadie knew our clinic was a safe space for her to process what she was going through and to seek help.

In the counseling room, we were able to discuss Cadie’s current situation and how she was feeling about it all, and I was able to explain to her what her options were and how they would each impact her life. Throughout the conversation, there were moments where the Gospel was shared, and that day, two lives were saved. Cadie not only chose life for her unborn baby, she also chose eternal life in Jesus Christ.”

Cadie’s story may have turned out differently if it hadn’t been for your support this year. As we look to 2025, our goal is to expand our clinic hours so that more women like Cadie can receive the help and hope they need to choose life for their baby and to hear the Gospel.
I pray that you and your family have a wonderful Christmas season celebrating the birth of of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

What Is An Options Counseling Session?

But there’s one service that seems to many of our donors as, well, mysterious. We use words like “safe space” and “lovingkindness” when we discuss our services, but what exactly is this thing we call an “Options Counseling Session?”

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2024 Year-End Update from Our Executive Director

I want to start by saying thank you. Your support this year has helped save lives. In fact, we saved more babies from abortion in 2024 than any year in our history. Every prayer, every gift, every moment you’ve stood with us —it’s all made a difference.

But as we look toward the future, there is an urgent need.

We’re excited to announce a crucial change that will make an even bigger impact in the lives of women facing unplanned pregnancies. We’re expanding our clinic hours. Why? Because every minute matters.

We want to be there first—before women turn to abortion.

The sad reality is, when a woman is scared and feeling alone, she’s only a virtual visit away from aborting her baby at home by the abortion pill. But with your help, we’re going to change that. We’re opening our doors wider, faster, and more often (i.e. nights and weekends) – so we can meet her needs the same day or the next day after she calls us. 

The abortionists offer death in 1-3 days.
Care Net Peninsula offers life in 0-1 day.

Let me tell you a story …

Meet Jordyn

When Jordyn walked into our center, she was overwhelmed. With 4 children already, she found herself pregnant again and terrified what the father would say when he found out.

But by God’s grace, Jordyn heard about us just in time.

Because of our quick response and flexible hours, we were able to see her the very next day. That changed everything. Jordyn received the support, counseling, and care she needed to choose life for her baby, whom she now calls her greatest blessing.

Jordyn recently told us,

“I really felt heard and not judged. My situation was already complicated and these ladies listened. I’m glad I kept an open mind and decided to lean on these wonderful women.”

This is what your generosity makes possible. And it’s why we need you now more than ever. 

By expanding our hours and being available at critical moments, we can reach more women like Jordyn, offering them the love and practical support they need—before they feel like abortion is their only option.

Will you help us?

Your year-end gift today will ensure that more women can get help—faster. Every $50 you give will provide life-affirming counseling and ultrasounds to women considering abortion. 

As the end of the year approaches, your donation can be the difference between life and death for an unborn child.

Give Today! Because every minute matters.

We’re so grateful for your partnership and prayers as we prepare to save even more lives in 2025.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

What Is An Options Counseling Session?

But there’s one service that seems to many of our donors as, well, mysterious. We use words like “safe space” and “lovingkindness” when we discuss our services, but what exactly is this thing we call an “Options Counseling Session?”

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Save the Date for Giving Tuesday 2024

Save the Date For

Giving Tuesday 2024

As we prepare for Thanksgiving, we’re so thankful for the community around us. Your generosity and dedication to the mission and work of Care Net Peninsula have allowed us to provide hundreds of local women each year with the help and hope they need to choose LIFE for their babies.

Giving Tuesday is right around the corner, and we invite you this year to join us in taking a stand for life by providing the women we serve with ONE free options-counseling session. 


While our team of nurses discuss the medical implications and physical risks of abortion, our team of advocates – through the options counseling session – discuss the emotional, relational, and spiritual implications of abortion.  

But who better to tell you about these sessions than our advocates themselves. Listen to Jenn, one of our Senior Client Advocates, as she shares what she loves about these sessions.

So mark your calendars for Tuesday, December 3, and together, we can continue to provide women with FREE options counseling sessions so they receive the help and hope they need when it matters most.

Monday, November 25, 2024

What Is An Options Counseling Session?

But there’s one service that seems to many of our donors as, well, mysterious. We use words like “safe space” and “lovingkindness” when we discuss our services, but what exactly is this thing we call an “Options Counseling Session?”

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2022 Summer Newsletter

Summer 2022 Newsletter

Recently a friend of mine shared a personal story of how abortion impacted her. A relative was facing an unplanned pregnancy, and she had the opportunity to counsel her about what to do.

Her relative shared she was planning to have an abortion because she wasn’t ready to be a mom. However, she also shared that she wasn’t sure if that was the right choice and that her faith was part of the decision. 

My friend listened and then encouraged her to keep the baby and to consider adoption if she wasn’t ready to be a mom. She noted the potential for guilt and anxiety if she went through with a decision she had doubts about. She also counseled her to consider her faith and what the Bible says about babies in the womb.

Her relative ended up choosing to keep the baby. My friend threw her a baby shower, invited her to church, and offered to continue to help however she could.

Here’s how the media would report about my friend:

Fake Therapist Targets Vulnerable Woman With Misinformation


Forced-Birth Activist Claims Abortion Causes Mental Disorders

Biased and outright false critiques of pregnancy centers have been around for a long time. The difference right now is that the critics are holding the microphone.

Normally, I would dismiss it as noise and plow ahead. After all, I look to Christ for validation, not NBC News.

But the sheer volume of recent critiques paired with the crafty, nice-sounding ways they’re presented is enough for me to pause to respond to the most common myths you might be hearing.

I pray that every member of the Care Net Family: you, me, volunteers, and staff would remain steadfast and “not grow weary of doing good, for in due season will reap, if we do not give up.”

MYTH #1:

Overturning Roe ended abortion in Virginia

Overturning Roe will save thousands of babies this year, but not here in Virginia. The Supreme Court did not end abortion in America. Instead, they returned the decision to the states. In Virginia, abortion is still legal until the 25th week of pregnancy with almost NO restrictions. 

MYTH #2:

"Crisis Pregnancy Centers mislead and deceive patients seeking abortion care."

This tweet from Senator Elizabeth Warren is not true. Nowhere on our website or in our marketing do we make false claims about the services we provide. We do not perform or refer for abortion; we state this clearly and unequivocally when clients ask about our services. Additionally, in 2019 Google started including a disclaimer with all of our ads that says, “does not provide abortions“.

We are proud to provide counseling to women seeking abortions. You can counsel effectively and honestly about something without encouraging it. Anyone who’s had “The Talk” with their teenager has had such a conversation. 

We are so effective at this that even the abortion clinic down the street refers clients to us who aren’t sure if they want an abortion.

MYTH #3:

"Crisis Pregnancy Centers exist solely to intercept and dissuade pregnant people from making fully informed decisions about their healthcare such as the choice to obtain an abortion."

This myth is a direct quote from a letter written by the New York Attorney General to Google’s CEO urging them to erase us from all search results. In reality, our licensed, registered nurses provide pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, and factual abortion information to clients at NO COST to them.

The women we serve voluntarily seek our counsel because they view the decision to abort their baby as complex: impacting them physically, emotionally, relationally, and spiritually.

This myth relies on the premise that sharing information that may reveal the humanity of unborn children (like an ultrasound) or any conversation that implies a moral component to an abortion decision is peddling misinformation. At Care Net Peninsula, we reject that premise!

It was pro-abortion legislators in Virginia who, in 2020, voted to eliminate the ultrasound requirement and 24-hour waiting period that gave pregnant women the time and information they needed to “make a fully informed decision about their healthcare.”

MYTH #4:

Crisis Pregnancy Centers' staff are not licensed, medical professionals.

FALSE! A licensed OB/GYN oversees clinic operations as our Medical Director. In addition, our Registered Nurses are trained to perform limited ultrasounds to confirm pregnancies.

Dr. Jerrid Neeley, DO, OB/GYN

Medical Director

Kinta Dye, RN, BSN

Nurse Manager

Meg Williams, RN, BSN

Nurse Manager

Karla Laskowski, RN, BSN

Staff Nurse

Patty Shuster, RN

volunteer nurse

MYTH #5:

Government money is used to help fund CPCs

Care Net Peninsula does not receive funding from the government. We even decline the Medicaid payments we’re entitled to for the medical services we provide to clients.

All our funding is from local individuals and churches who stand with us to provide help and hope to local women and babies in our community. 

Read More News Updates

2024 Year-End Update from Our Executive Director

I want to start by saying thank you. Your support this year has helped save lives. In fact, we saved more babies from abortion in 2024 than any year in our history. Every prayer, every gift, every moment you’ve stood with us —it’s all made a difference.

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What Is An Options Counseling Session?

But there’s one service that seems to many of our donors as, well, mysterious. We use words like “safe space” and “lovingkindness” when we discuss our services, but what exactly is this thing we call an “Options Counseling Session?”

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Executive Director Update: Some Good News!

Executive Director Update:
Some Good News!

Hey Care Net Family – Ryan here with an update for you! I have some exciting news to share, but I want to give a shameless plug before I do.

About every month, I send an update out to our Defender4Life community. The idea is that our Defenders4Life are our regular investors in our ministry. So, we want to give them a behind-the-scenes look at what is going on here at Care Net Peninsula and our clinic – the good, the bad, and the ugly. These updates let you know how we use your investment and learn about prayer needs.

With so much going on since Roe’s overturning, updates have been going out to a much broader audience. If you have liked receiving those updates and are interested in what is happening behind the scenes here at CNP, I encourage you to pray about becoming part of the Defender4Life community.

Monthly givers are a critical funding source for our ministry, and this community serves as a great way to stay in touch with what is happening behind the scenes.

So with that – here is today’s update.

You’ve heard me share about the violence Pregnancy Centers are facing since the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Thankfully, we haven’t been hit yet! It seems all of this is in our rearview mirror, and we thank you for your prayers – but do ask that you keep praying for our safety and protection.

In addition, the more significant threat, in my opinion, was the number of politicians, including Senator Warner here in Virginia, writing and signing letters to Google’s CEO encouraging them to shut down pregnancy centers from the internet to eliminate us from search results entirely.

That is a big deal! If this were to happen, we would have a MAJOR problem on our hands.

To try to combat this, I have reached out to a few of you to see if there was a politician or someone you may know that I could connect with who might encourage Google not to do this, someone that would be willing to defend our rights to exist.

The Care Net Family came through … you connected me with Jason Miyares, the Attorney General of Virginia.

Mr. Miyares invited me to join a small gathering last week to discuss all that is happening. After this meeting, I was able to have some facetime with him to let him know just how important this issue is.

Not only did Mr. Miyares agree, he also agreed to defend the right for pregnancy centers to continue serving not just here on the Peninsula but across the country.

Mr. Miyares wrote his own letter to Google, and 14 other Attorney Generals signed on and sent this letter to Google yesterday – defending pregnancy centers and their ability to continue serving women in their communities.

On one level, does this really need to be defended?

But in fact – it does!

I was honored that Mr. Miyares would take our request seriously and that he took such swift and direct action.

To read the letter, click here. I thought it was powerful, it was well said, and it applies to our ministry and others outside the walls of pregnancy centers.

I don’t think any of us want Google to determine what is right or wrong for our community.

Praise God that this was an answer to prayer, but please continue to pray as this is an ongoing issue.

And one last little caveat, Care Net Peninsula has not gone any more political than we were before. We continue to serve moms and save babies, the same mission we’ve always had.

However, when politicians come after us, I see it as my responsibility to defend our ability to continue to serve in the community. And that is what we did here.

I was honored that Jason Miyares would take up our cause and fight with us. And I pray that he is successful and that we aren’t removed from the internet as Mark Warner called for us to be.

THANK YOU for your prayers. Please continue to join us in serving this ministry and our community.

Read More News Updates

2024 Year-End Update from Our Executive Director

I want to start by saying thank you. Your support this year has helped save lives. In fact, we saved more babies from abortion in 2024 than any year in our history. Every prayer, every gift, every moment you’ve stood with us —it’s all made a difference.

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What Is An Options Counseling Session?

But there’s one service that seems to many of our donors as, well, mysterious. We use words like “safe space” and “lovingkindness” when we discuss our services, but what exactly is this thing we call an “Options Counseling Session?”

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No Roe? Now What?

No Roe? Now What?

Did Overturning Roe End Abortion In Virginia?

Today is an extraordinary day in the fight for life of preborn babies.

In a 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Dobbs in Dobbs vs Jackson Women’s Health (5-4 decision in overturning Roe). The decision was broad in scope and overruled previous Supreme Court decisions that erroneously identified a constitutional right to abortion.

At Care Net Peninsula, we are thrilled to celebrate this monumental step toward life and justice for preborn babies. However, we want to clarify the ramifications of this decision for our community.

Overturning Roe will save thousands of babies this year, but not here in Virginia.

The Supreme Court did not end abortion in America. It returned the decision to the states. In Virginia, abortion is still legal up to the 25th week of pregnancy with almost no restrictions.

In fact, recent laws have made aborting a baby in our community easier than ever.

In 2020, Virginia State Legislature passed a bill removing virtually all protections for pre-born babies in our state. Then in 2021, President Biden signed an executive order allowing women to receive at-home chemical abortions up to 11 weeks without requiring an in-person appointment.

If we misunderstand the impact of overturning Roe in Virginia, we leave pregnant women and their babies without help and hope at a time when they need it most. That’s why it’s critical to stay informed and share with others about the true impact of these decisions.

No matter the political climate, Care Net Peninsula will continue to provide pregnant women in our community with a safe place to go for care.

Unfortunately, there is a second major concern resulting from this ruling. The domestic terrorist group Jane’s Revenge has declared war against pregnancy centers. They have already attacked and vandalized numerous facilities and publicly shared a ‘call to arms’ to escalate violence against crisis pregnancy centers nationwide.

We have increased security at our facility and taken numerous precautions to safeguard our staff, volunteers and clients. We’re also in regular communication with state and local law enforcement about the situation.

So, today we celebrate this incredible win for our movement, but ask for your continued prayer for pre-born babies in our community and for the safety of our staff, volunteers, and clients. Thank you for being part of the Care Net family.

Read More News Updates

2024 Year-End Update from Our Executive Director

I want to start by saying thank you. Your support this year has helped save lives. In fact, we saved more babies from abortion in 2024 than any year in our history. Every prayer, every gift, every moment you’ve stood with us —it’s all made a difference.

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What Is An Options Counseling Session?

But there’s one service that seems to many of our donors as, well, mysterious. We use words like “safe space” and “lovingkindness” when we discuss our services, but what exactly is this thing we call an “Options Counseling Session?”

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In A World Filled With Lies . . .

In A World Filled With Lies, Local Women Need The Truth!

Too often in our culture, narratives don’t reflect reality. This is true on both sides of the political aisle and within all our different subcultures. Sometimes the lies don’t matter much – “Wow, Santa came and ate all those cookies! — Definitely NOT Dad!!” Other times, lives are at stake. If I’ve learned anything in my time at Care Net, it’s that the abortion industry lies, and then lies about lying.

LIE: Abortion is an easy decision, like removing a mole.

Truth: The decision to have an abortion affects our clients physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually for years.

A clients’ decision often involves other people, especially the father. This is why she needs a safe place to go to process with the freedom to consider all aspects of her decision. It’s also why we’ve had our busiest year ever and have 99.5% 5-star reviews — we tell the truth.

At Home Abortions - Carafem

LIE: Care Net Peninsula is a fake clinic that manipulates women.

Truth: The Abortion Industry sells abortions, Care Net serves women for free.

This year, a national Abortion Pill Company started marketing At-Home Abortions to sell Peninsula women the abortion pill without ever leaving their homes. They also launched a Missed Period Pills brand to sell the exact same pill, only marketed to women who aren’t even sure they’re pregnant. Meanwhile, Care Net Peninsula offers counseling, STI testing, Ultrasounds, and more through highly trained staff, including 5 Registered Nurses. It’s hard for the ‘manipulative’ label to stick when all our services are offered with no strings attached and FOR FREE thanks to partners like you.

LIE: Women who choose life for their babies are doomed to a life of poverty and unfulfilled dreams.

Truth: We hear from former clients almost every day who are incredibly grateful they chose life for their babies. 

Jacqueline* was a Care Net client last year. She was planning to have an abortion but after a visit to our clinic chose life for her baby and re-dedicated her life to Christ. This summer she shared with excitement and gratitude that she’d been accepted into Nursing School and is. on track for her dream job. No Abortion Necessary!

*name changed

Even as lies persist, we serve the one TRUE God. When you invest in Care Net Peninsula, you provide a way for 600+ local women to hear the TRUTH that God loves and cares for them and for their babies. 

2022 will be a crucial year in the fight for life on the Peninsula. With national companies now selling At-Home Abortions up to 11 weeks, we must invest more than ever to reach clients and expand our services. 

Thank you so much for partnering with our ministry and on behalf of the whole CNP team we pray you have a very Merry Christmas. 

In Christ – Ryan

P.S. – The abortion industry lies to women about their pregnancies and about Care Net Peninsula. Will you consider a gift to this ministry to provide a safe place local women can go to–for free–to learn the truth about their babies? Thank you for your generous support! 

Click to View Digital Copy of Year-End Appeal

Read More News Updates

2024 Year-End Update from Our Executive Director

I want to start by saying thank you. Your support this year has helped save lives. In fact, we saved more babies from abortion in 2024 than any year in our history. Every prayer, every gift, every moment you’ve stood with us —it’s all made a difference.

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What Is An Options Counseling Session?

But there’s one service that seems to many of our donors as, well, mysterious. We use words like “safe space” and “lovingkindness” when we discuss our services, but what exactly is this thing we call an “Options Counseling Session?”

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Urgent Prayer Need

Urgent Prayer Needed

Dobbs vs Jackson Women’s Health

Hey Care Net Family, you may have heard about a very important case being heard by the Supreme Court this Wednesday, Dec. 1st – the case of Dobbs vs Jackson Women’s Health.

This case in itself will not end abortion. However, it could have a huge impact on abortion practices in our nation by taking abortion legislation out of the hands of the federal government and placing it into the hands of each state, allowing them the right to decide what they will permit. Many believe that this case could lead to the overturning of Roe vs Wade!

Read more about Dobbs vs Jackson Women’s Health here

Will you join with us to:

    • Pray. Gather your family, friends, and even church to pray for this historic case.
    • Pray that as the case is being heard that the Justices’ hearts will be softened to examine the truth about life and that justice will be served for the most vulnerable among us.
    • Pray for the lawyers that are boldly standing on the frontlines to fight on behalf of the unborn.
    • Pray that the Lord would raise up leaders in each of our states to stand for mothers and their children.
    • Pray for the Lord’s mercy and forgiveness in this nation for the shedding of innocent blood.


“If you faint when under pressure, you have need of courage. Go and rescue the perishing! Be their savior! Why would you stand back and watch them stagger to their death? And why would you say, “But it’s none of my business”? The one who knows you completely and judges your every motive is also the keeper of souls—and not just yours! He sees through your excuses and holds you responsible for failing to help those whose lives are threatened.” Proverbs 24:10-12

Read More News Updates

2024 Year-End Update from Our Executive Director

I want to start by saying thank you. Your support this year has helped save lives. In fact, we saved more babies from abortion in 2024 than any year in our history. Every prayer, every gift, every moment you’ve stood with us —it’s all made a difference.

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What Is An Options Counseling Session?

But there’s one service that seems to many of our donors as, well, mysterious. We use words like “safe space” and “lovingkindness” when we discuss our services, but what exactly is this thing we call an “Options Counseling Session?”

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In Memory of Dr. Hellman

In Memory Of Dr. Hellman

Dr. Barry Hellman went home to be with the Lord on Saturday, December 28th. He left a legacy of kindness and generosity with his family, colleagues and the local community. Barry served on the board of Care Net Peninsula since 2017 and began his term as the Board Chair in April 2019. Barry was passionate and dedicated to the work of Care Net to provide the help and hope local moms need to choose life for their babies.

To make a gift in honor of Barry click below and select “Memorial Gift” fund. We will notify Barry’s family for each gift made in his honor.

What Is An Options Counseling Session?

But there’s one service that seems to many of our donors as, well, mysterious. We use words like “safe space” and “lovingkindness” when we discuss our services, but what exactly is this thing we call an “Options Counseling Session?”

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Defenders4Life: Katherine Parker

Defenders4Life: Katherine

Abortion is in the news nearly every day. In 2016 it escalated with videos that exposed corrupt practices taking place at Planned Parenthood. Then earlier this year, Virginia’s governor made controversial statements supporting late-term abortion. Now several states have passed new abortion laws in the past 6 months, with more states on the way. As both sides battle on legal and cultural fronts, it all begs the question “What do I do about it?”

I recently sat down with Katherine Parker, a local realtor, mother of 4, and long-time voice for the unborn on the Peninsula, to ask her about this question.
Ryan Holloway,
Executive Director, Care Net Peninsula

Do you follow abortion in the news? I follow to stay informed, but I don’t immerse myself in it and get completely bogged down. It’s all very sad and it’s heartbreaking, but there is hope that God will bring good from it.

With 24/7 news & social media, it’s easy to grow numb to it all. how do you take positive steps to make an impact on an issue that’s so important to you? I would say my biggest ministry is to my own family. As my kids get older, and new laws are passed, I’m talking to them about it and pouring into them so they can see the light and truth in this issue. That’s also why we’re involved, as a family, in Care Net Peninsula. That’s why I do things like the Walk4Life with them.

Abortion advocates accuse pro-lifers of only caring about politics and not the lives of mothers and their children. Are they right? I think they might be right to an extent, but it’s not the norm. And that’s why we need to rally around women in our community who are struggling with an unplanned pregnancy. Care Net sets the standard for this and our local churches can learn a lot from the practical ways you help. These mothers can come in and receive maternity clothes, diapers, baby clothes, and have other needs met, and the staff continues to follow up with them long after the babies are born. These women are living the reality that they are loved and there’s a place that they can go for help, comfort, and encouragement on this difficult road.

When the New York abortion laws were passed, people called to ask you what to do about it. what did you tell them?  Instantly my answer was Care Net. Care Net does such a good job of stripping the politics away and focuses on people. I think that’s the beauty of it. Care Net pours into these men, women, and babies and shows them, unconditional love. Practically, you can be a life defender by giving monthly to Care Net Peninsula. Plus you can go to the banquet or the Walk4Life. You can help get your church involved.

Ready to take action? Give online today.

What Is An Options Counseling Session?

But there’s one service that seems to many of our donors as, well, mysterious. We use words like “safe space” and “lovingkindness” when we discuss our services, but what exactly is this thing we call an “Options Counseling Session?”

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