Serving Moms and Saving Babies
In A Post-Roe World
2022 Impact Report
Remember the end of a world in Super Mario? You’d defeat Bowser only to find Toad saying “Thank you Mario, but our princess is in another castle.” That’s a bit like the pregnancy center movement right now.
On June 24th, 2022, Roe was aborted! This was great news. The Dobbs decision meant the abortion question would be answered at the state level. In many states, thousands of babies have been saved as a result. But not here in Virginia. In fact, our state as a “purple state” has caused national players on both sides of this issue to label Virginia as a battleground state in post-Roe America. On to the next castle we go.
For Care Net Peninsula, our mission has not changed. We’re doing everything we can to save babies from abortion by caring for pregnant women in crisis. We served nearly 900 clients in 2022. To handle this growth, we purchased 11101 Warwick Boulevard, the future home of our ministry. We’re also constantly adapting to changes in the abortion pill market and trying to stay ahead of Google’s algorithm that filters us out of certain searches now.
Thank you so much for partnering with us in 2022, and please keep the women and babies we serve in your prayers.

Who Is The Abortion Minded Woman
She could be anyone! Your sister, friend, maybe even the woman sitting next to you in church. It’s easy, in our culture, to believe that abortion is the only way out of an unplanned pregnancy.

Unplanned Pregnancies and Abortions
• 3,016 unplanned pregnancies
• 1,435 abortions
*Most recent data available is 2021
According to the Virginia Department of Health, 22% of preborn babies on the Peninsula are aborted. In reality, it’s even higher! That’s because Virginia, like most states, only tracks facility-based abortions. Online abortion companies are mailing abortion pills (for abortions up to 11 weeks) to local women every day without accountability. These companies are strategically located in states that do not track abortion stats, so we have no way of knowing how many babies they’re killing in our community.

- Carafem, the largest online abortion provider, boasted a 50% increase in clients nationwide *
- Carafem spends $1000s every month marketing their pills in our community
- The abortion pill now accounts for over 50% of abortions in the United States
Your Impact in 2022

Pregnancy Tests


STI Tests

Church Mentors


Ashley, a client you served, and her daughter Ani, visiting Karen, a Client Advocate, and the clinic team.
Casey's Story
“IT FELT LIKE A CRUEL JOKE” – Casey saw those two pink lines and was once again overwhelmed with grief and bitterness.
Casey was married with two children, but then had two unplanned pregnancies. Both ended in abortion. Her decisions to abort weighed heavy on her heart in ways she hadn’t fully processed. And yet, here she was, pregnant again. These same lies from before were starting to take over. Would this pregnancy end the same way?
“After my second abortion, I was left feeling empty and unloved. My life was becoming a train wreck that caught fire and exploded. I struggled with anxiety and depression and allowed the wrong people into my life. I even convinced myself that my husband didn’t love me anymore, so I left. I turned to drugs and alcohol to escape from the pain.“
“One night, blinded and overwhelmed by grief, I was ready to end it all. If my daughter had not walked out to me when she did, snapping me back to reality, my children would have woken up and found me dead in the morning.”
It was only two weeks after this incident when those two pink lines appeared. Casey was working on mending her marriage and family, but she feared a new baby would hurt their progress. Then, she began to experience early pregnancy complications that reminded her vividly of her past abortion decisions and how quickly this could all be over with. But could she live with that decision for this a third time? Casey didn’t want to let another child down, so she made a call to Alcove Health.
“It wasn’t my first time at Alcove, but this time it was different. There was no hiding. They met me with open arms, and I felt like they genuinely wanted to help me. I met with Sylvia and Shantelle, who understood my situation and talked to me without judgment or ridicule. They gave me hope things would work out.”
“In a time where I felt so alone, scared, and just overwhelmingly sad, Alcove was a bright light of hope.”
“Alcove provided me programs, like LEAP (their parenting program) to help me get started. They connected me with a mentor group that helped keep me grounded and growing in The Word. I returned to my faith, sobered up, and gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. I will never forget that moment 6 months later when I was baptized with my children, family, and nebworn daughter there to witness.”
God is doing awesome work in Casey’s life . . . and you’re part of her story! Your support provides a safe place for women like Casey to process and learn the truth about abortion. And in a post-Roe world, the truth is more important than ever. For Casey, that meant her daughter was saved from a physical death and she herself from a spiritual death and into a new life with Christ – one that frees her of the guilt, shame, and regret she felt, and helps heal the wounds she carries.
Client Story Written By Amanda Franks

We're Building a Permanent Space to Serve Local Moms
In June 2022, we bought 11101 Warwick Boulevard. You gave over and above your regular giving to turn this 1970’s office building into the future home of our ministry. We’re at nearly 100% of our $600,000 Capitol Campaign goal and we hope to start construction in April 2023.
The care net team
Board of Directors
Garrett Maroon
Wayne Holcomb, Esq
Pastor Shaun Brown
Dyan Gurley
Board Member
Teresa Chalsma
Board Member
Pastor Riley Halliday
Board Member
Carrie Cecil
Board Member
Staff memberS
Ryan Holloway
Executive Director
Dr. Jerrid Neeley, D.O.
Medical Director
Shantelle Giles
Clinic Director
Anne Sych
Director of Development
Linda Mesibov
Operations Manager
Amanda Franks
Marketing Manager
Kinta Dye, RN, BSN
Nurse Manager
Meg Williams, RN, BSN
Nurse Manager
Karla Laskowski, RN, BSN
Patty Shuster, RN
Sherri Pigue
Client Relations Manager
Katelyn Carpenter
Development Coordinator
Sylvia Pottle
Advocacy Manager
Karen Reynolds
Client Advocate
Jenn Nicholson
Client Advocate
Candra Smith
Clinic Admin Assistant
Joyce Stackhouse
Administrative Assistant

Friday, May 5, 2023

Choosing Life: A Story of Hope and Courage
Click to read our latest ministry update from our clinic.

Year-End Update: Cadie’s Story
Cadie’s story may have turned out differently if it hadn’t been for your support this year.

2024 Year-End Update from Our Executive Director
I want to start by saying thank you. Your support this year has helped save lives. In fact, we saved more babies from abortion in 2024 than any year in our history. Every prayer, every gift, every moment you’ve stood with us —it’s all made a difference.

What Is An Options Counseling Session?
But there’s one service that seems to many of our donors as, well, mysterious. We use words like “safe space” and “lovingkindness” when we discuss our services, but what exactly is this thing we call an “Options Counseling Session?”