Stop the COVID-19 abortion boom. The women you serve through Care Net face a crisis on top of a crisis. That’s why we’ve stayed open every day since the pandemic began. In fact, the number of vulnerable clients contacting us has DOUBLED. Your Care in Crisis pledge ensures the fruit we’re seeing today continues throughout the COVID-19 Crisis and beyond.
But there’s more to the Care in Crisis story. Non-profits everywhere are bracing for a 40 percent decline in revenue. If that happens, we will have no choice but to make major cuts. This will have a devastating impact on the moms and babies you serve-right when they need us most.
The good news is, we’ve worked hard to be a good steward of your resources. We have a rainy day fund. We’re also going line-by-line through our budget to find savings wherever we can.
But to continue offering essential services—like options consulting, free ultrasounds, and maternity clothes—to local moms, we need those who are able to give to our Care in Crisis Campaign.
We’re asking for a special 4-month pledge of $25, $100, or $250 each month for 4 months.
“Care Net was there for me when I needed help the most. Now we need to be there for them.”

Natasha’s Story

When I found out I was pregnant I felt lower than before. I was so scared and disappointed in myself. So many feelings and emotions and thoughts ran through my head.

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Tierra’s Story

Since coming, I have built more confidence, I am happy to be a proud mom of my son and now baby girl thanks to Care Net Peninsula.

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Kyla’s Story

When I came to Care Net they welcomed me with open arms. They prayed over me and offered support with the loss of my boyfriend’s mom. The most comforting thing I received was a new Bible.

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No More Hiding

Why do I have little memory of the procedure itself? Why all of a sudden do I feel so sad? Years of stuffing the pain did not make it go away.

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