I’m A Christian and Want An Abortion
You may have thought you’d never have an unplanned pregnancy. You may have thought you’d never even get in a spot where you’d consider an abortion. You may now be facing both realities.
You may have thought you’d never have an unplanned pregnancy. You may have thought you’d never even get in a spot where you’d consider an abortion. You may now be facing both realities.
The overturning of Roe has caused new myths to pop up and old lies to resurface. Let’s examine two myths about deceptive clinic practices and eradicating critical intervention in particular circumstances.
In the midst of all the negative information surrounding pregnancy centers since the overturning of Roe, we have some GOOD NEWS to share!
We keep hearing how Pro-Life means you are only Pro-Birth – but we all know that is the furthest thing from the truth . . . especially for every member of the Care Net Family. So let’s unpack this myth a little more below:
It is noisy out there . . . let’s take a deeper dive together into some of the false claims going around about Pregnancy Centers, like Care Net Peninsula, to help you separate myth from fact.
Too often in our culture, narratives don’t reflect reality. This is true on both sides of the political aisle and within all our different subcultures. Sometimes the lies don’t matter much – “Wow, Santa came and ate all those cookies! — Definitely NOT Dad!!” Other times, lives are at stake. If I’ve learned anything in my time at Care Net, it’s that the abortion industry lies, and then lies about lying.
Her advocate then shifted the conversation to the most important question of all. Was Danielle right with God? She wasn’t sure.
Occasionally after a client comes in for an appointment, we ask if she’d consider filling out a testimony survey. Often these are the “mind-changed” clients. Women who came to see us who were planning on having an abortion, but after talking with an advocate, chose life for their baby.
As a staff, we are so grateful for the provision of time that our donors give us to make space and sit down and talk with women. For this woman, this literally allowed us to meet with the woman again before she went to the abortion clinic.
It brings to mind the well-known lyrics, “And even though we ain’t got money, I’m so in love with you honey”. It’s a well-known story. Couples living paycheck to paycheck for years, sometimes decades, finding pleasure in the simple things in life.
© 2025 All Rights Reserved | Care Net Peninsula
Care Net Peninsula is a 501(c)3 non-profit. We provide the help and hope local women need to choose life for their baby.