The overturning of Roe has caused new myths to pop up and old lies to resurface. Let's examine two myths about deceptive clinic practices and eradicating critical intervention in...
We keep hearing how Pro-Life means you are only Pro-Birth - but we all know that is the furthest thing from the truth . . . especially for every...
It is noisy out there . . . let's take a deeper dive together into some of the false claims going around about Pregnancy Centers, like Care Net Peninsula,...
2021 was our best year ever . . . thanks to your support. Check out all the things YOU made possible this year.
Throughout the year you get to know our team, but a side of that team you don’t get a glimpse of very often is our Board of Directors.
Throughout the year you get to know our team, but a side of that team you don’t get a glimpse of very often is our Board of Directors.
Last year we added another wonderful community leader and long-time ministry supporter, Dyan Gurley, to our Board of Directors. God has been using her to spread his Word and...
Pastor Shaun Brown and his family have been a part of the Care Net Family for over a decade, and we were thrilled to have him join the Board...
It has been a year of growth for our ministry; we're seeing a rise in appointment requests and an increase in abortion-minded women. We've had to grow to meet...
As the needs of the women in our community continue to grow, we must do the same. One area where that growth takes place is in our clinic team....
We have been holding on to this gem for a bit now - please give a big welcome to one of our newest Client Advocates, Karen Reynolds.
Providing help and hope through a difficult year to women across the Peninsula.
When you can't assemble together for your annual Walk4Life what do you do? Try something old school!
Hey Friends, meet Maggie McNeely! She is a face you will get very acquainted with and we are THRILLED to finally introduce you to her if you haven't had...
© 2025 All Rights Reserved | Care Net Peninsula
Care Net Peninsula is a 501(c)3 non-profit. We provide the help and hope local women need to choose life for their baby.