Tanisha and Daughter

Tanisha's Story

When I found out I was pregnant, I was 19 years old. My boyfriend and I had just gotten into a huge argument and I was staying house-to-house trying to get stable. I felt hurt when I found out I was pregnant. I didn’t have a place of my own so I was thinking “How can I bring someone else on this earth?” I felt sad because my child’s father and I were not on good terms. I thought “How can I tell him?” It was just a mixture of emotions going on.

I came to Care Net because this lady told me how she got help from them and how sweet they were. I wasn’t working at the time. I needed help. When I came to Care Net, they listened to my problems as if they were their own problems. My counselor prayed with me and gave me a better understanding about the Bible. Also, she made me feel kind of like I had known her for years and that I could tell her anything. Care Net makes you feel loved. Since coming to Care Net, I have matured and have stopped letting things get the best of me. I now have my daughter and I am trying to make things work with my child’s father.

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