“I came to Care Net for a quick, free pregnancy test,” Ashley recalls. “The abortion clinics I called required money upfront, and I didn’t have any.”

An appointment at Care Net changed several lives that day. “The staff were wonderful, caring, even loving. I listened politely, took their literature, even saw the ultrasound, but I left knowing what I would do next. Abortion was still my plan.”

But God had other plans for Ashley and her unborn son, Bryce. “I had an abortion when I was a teen,” she recalls, “and I swore I’d never do that again. But here I was.” She learned that Care Net offers options counseling, parenting resources, community referrals . . . even free post-abortion support for mothers who chose that path.

For weeks after that visit to Care Net, Ashley wrestled with her decision.  “They’d call, then I’d call. I finally came back to talk, and that’s the day I accepted Christ into my heart. And soon after I decided to keep my baby!”

Having a baby can be a beautiful experience. But for a woman facing an unexpected pregnancy, panic can overwhelm any joy — especially if she’s young, single, and afraid, like Ashley. 

With your help, vulnerable mothers will have hope this season. Your gift welcomes them to Care Net Peninsula, where they find comfort and resources to become a confident, loving, and happy mother.

provides a pregnancy test and initial consultation

covers an “options counseling session” (no abortion!)

provides a mother’s first glimpse at her baby on an ultrasound

for an ad that will reach 200 mothers with Care Net’s services

Thank you for making this season special for women like Ashley. Your gift offers them a joy-filled life this holiday season.

Ryan Holloway, Executive Director

“I’m so thankful I didn’t abort. My son is here for a reason”

At Care Net Peninsula, we believe that when women have the help and hope they need they choose life for their baby.

Meet Dyan Gurley

Last year we added another wonderful community leader and long-time ministry supporter, Dyan Gurley, to our Board of Directors. God has been using her to spread his Word and stand for life on Peninsula for some time now and we are thankful to have her as part of the Care Net Family.

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Meet Pastor Shaun Brown

Pastor Shaun Brown and his family have been a part of the Care Net Family for over a decade, and we were thrilled to have him join the Board of Directors this past year.

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Joy from Pain

When I was a little girl, age 5, my mother had an abortion. There were medical reasons, but the effects of that decision were life-long for her and for my father as well as for myself and likely my other siblings.

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