A Year-End Letter from Our Executive Director

I spent a lot of time talking about buildings this year. That’s because, for the first time in CNP’s 38-year history we own our own home. And it’s beautiful. It proclaims the love, hope and compassion that YOU have for vulnerable women and babies in our community. Praise God for his provision through your generosity!

But, our new building is just a ministry tool. Its value doesn’t come from the city assessor, it comes from God. It comes from using 11101 Warwick Boulevard to serve moms and save babies in our community. Here are a few examples that give it value from this past year:

These women, like so many others, found help and hope at Care Net Peninsula. Your unwavering generosity provides a safe and caring environment for women facing unplanned pregnancies, offering them the chance to explore their options and make truly informed decisions.

Another brave women shared her journey with us:

Your year-end gift to Care Net Peninsula will empower local women like Mariana to choose life for their unborn children and draw closer to Jesus. Your partnership ensures that we can continue to offer counseling, medical support, and essential resources to pregnant women and their babies.

One more woman, full of gratitude, summed up her experience with our ministry this way:

Your continued support is vital to the success of our mission. With your generosity, we can reach even more women and families in need, providing them with hope, love, and resources that require to choose life, transform their futures, and experience the boundless love of Christ.

Please join us in making a difference in the lives of women and families facing crisis pregnancies.

To contribute right now to our mission, please make a gift t the button below. Every dollar makes a difference, and your support is deeply appreciated. 

Together, we can continue to be that place of miracles and transformation for countless women and families in need. When you make a year-end gift to Care Net Peninsula, you are providing the help and hope that women need to choose life for their baby. Please pray and consider making a gift today. 

Thank you so much for your incredibly generous support. This past year was an important year for Care Net Peninsula, but there’s still work to be done. Please join us in praying for God to use our ministry in a profound way to serve more women and babies than ever in 2024.

I pray that you and your family have a wonderful Christmas season celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Merry Christmas,

P.S. Your giving makes the stories you read in this letter possible. Will you consider a year-end gift to Care Net Peninsula to save even more babies from abortion in 2024? Thank you for your generosity.

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