2020 Drive-In4Life Update
When you can’t assemble together for your annual Walk4Life what do you do? Try something old school!
I knew there were women. But I wanted to know how many women. So, I looked through our files. The number is 33. Throughout 2021, 33 women entered our clinic doors either determined to abort their babies or strongly considering the abortion option.
Now to be clear, there were a lot more women who entered our doors also planning to abort. But what makes these 33 women significant is what they learned during their appointments at Alcove Health Women’s Clinic.
Through our medical services, each of these women found that either they weren’t pregnant (meaning their pregnancy test at home was either invalid or there was an error in the use/reading of the test) or they did not have a viable pregnancy (meaning there was no heartbeat).
These 33 were considering, if not planning, to leave our clinic and contact an abortion provider. And they didn’t even have a pregnancy to abort.
Here at Alcove Health Women’s Clinic, you help us serve moms and save babies. For these 33 moms, you served them so – rather than fast-tracking it to an abortion clinic or mail-to-home abortion provider – they slowed down and got the information they needed to make a wise and safe choice.
Now you may be thinking, so what? No babies would’ve been harmed in these abortions. Why is this blog-worthy material?
Two reasons.
First, because God protected these women and He is always blog-worthy. We can all celebrate that.
For these 33, the medical services they received here at Alcove Health Women’s Clinic were a safeguard – over their bodies, their hearts, and their futures. You see, an abortion – even one on a baby that doesn’t exist or isn’t alive – is still an abortion to the woman. God – in His goodness – sheltered each of these women from the life-long impact of thinking she had an abortion. So they did not suffer physical complications, or post-abortion symptoms, or relational difficulties, or spiritual heartache. All because these 33 individual women were given an opportunity to learn the truth before they took any action.
You can see God’s hand of protection all over these women’s stories.
Ten years from now, these 33 will not be contacting us asking for post-abortion recovery. For these women, you – our supporters – didn’t save babies, but you sure did serve women. God provided a way for them to know truth. And that one truth will affect them their entire lives.
Secondly, this is note-worthy because we know that you may be the first contact a woman has when she is considering an abortion. Be it a friend, a church member, a co-worker, or a family member.
We want you to know that even the woman who is 100% confident she will only consider an abortion still cannot have 100% confidence that she even knows what’s going on inside her body – or if she’s even pregnant – until she visits Alcove Health to get the important information our services provide. For free.
As our community of support, you are also the voice in our community. Perhaps you will meet a woman determined to abort. Remind her we’re here for her to provide the same services that served these 33.
Remind her of these 33 women. She could be one of them.
Read More News Updates
When you can’t assemble together for your annual Walk4Life what do you do? Try something old school!
Where can you find the accurate information you need before you get an abortion? The answer – a place that will not benefit financially from any of your choices. Our clinic, Alcove Health Women’s Clinic, is that place. It’s a wise choice for a safe place.
Have you ever wondered what the abortion pill does and how it works? Well, the term is called, Medical Abortion and it’s used for under 10 weeks gestation, it’s actually a combination of two different medications, taken two days apart.
… a follow-up call with a client can be filled with joyous news or laden with the sadness that comes with the knowledge that a life will never be lived on earth.
© 2024 All Rights Reserved | Care Net Peninsula
Care Net Peninsula is a 501(c)3 non-profit. We provide the help and hope local women need to choose life for their baby.