Meet Jenn – Our New Client Advocate
The Care Net Peninsula family is growing, and we think you’ll love our newest addition, Jenn Nicholson.
Dobbs vs Jackson Women’s Health
Hey Care Net Family, you may have heard about a very important case being heard by the Supreme Court this Wednesday, Dec. 1st – the case of Dobbs vs Jackson Women’s Health.
This case in itself will not end abortion. However, it could have a huge impact on abortion practices in our nation by taking abortion legislation out of the hands of the federal government and placing it into the hands of each state, allowing them the right to decide what they will permit. Many believe that this case could lead to the overturning of Roe vs Wade!
Read more about Dobbs vs Jackson Women’s Health here
Will you join with us to:
“If you faint when under pressure, you have need of courage. Go and rescue the perishing! Be their savior! Why would you stand back and watch them stagger to their death? And why would you say, “But it’s none of my business”? The one who knows you completely and judges your every motive is also the keeper of souls—and not just yours! He sees through your excuses and holds you responsible for failing to help those whose lives are threatened.” Proverbs 24:10-12
Read More News Updates
The Care Net Peninsula family is growing, and we think you’ll love our newest addition, Jenn Nicholson.
Tragically, 15 children in Virginia died from Covid-19. But since March 2020, 300 times that number of babies died from abortion . . . on the Peninsula. That’s over 4,000 preborn lives taken from our community in less than 3 years. But it would have been more.
His thoughts matter to her and play into her final decision about what she will do with the pregnancy. And while women may make voting decisions based on collective persuasion, they make pregnancy decisions usually in pairs.
Together we can sort fact from fiction in a post-roe world.
© 2024 All Rights Reserved | Care Net Peninsula
Care Net Peninsula is a 501(c)3 non-profit. We provide the help and hope local women need to choose life for their baby.