Meet Karen
We have been holding on to this gem for a bit now – please give a big welcome to one of our newest Client Advocates, Karen Reynolds.
“Plan C is the idea that there is one final option in a three-step plan.”
Most women have heard of Plan B (sometimes called the “Morning After Pill”). It’s the emergency contraception pill taken within 72 hours of unprotected sex. You don’t want to be pregnant, so you take a pill to make sure you aren’t.
But Plan C? What’s that?
Plan C is the idea that there is one final option in a three-step plan. When birth control (Plan A) and emergency contraception (Plan B) fail to prevent a pregnancy, you need a Plan C.
Plan C reduces all your options into one final option – abortion pills to be taken at home, with the entire process completed there in your home.
But hold on, before we rush into an ABC plan that is supposed to be a “one-size-fits-all” plan, let’s consider the actual options that are available to us.
You deserve access to the full range of options because there isn’t just one final choice if your Plan A and your Plan B don’t go as planned. An unplanned pregnancy that exists, despite using birth control and taking a Plan B pill, has more than one final option.
What’s more, Plan C – without in-person access to a provider – makes some pretty risky assumptions. It assumes you are actually pregnant and in the early stages of pregnancy. It assumes you are not in the process of a miscarriage. It assumes your pregnancy isn’t ectopic.
You don’t need assumptions as part of your “Plan C”, you need accurate medical information so you can make the best decision for your reproductive health.
There’s a place you can receive medical services (like a pregnancy test and ultrasound), support, and a safe place right here in Newport News, Virginia. It’s called Alcove Health Women’s Clinic. What’s more, you can explore all of your options and get the medical services you need at no cost to you.
Don’t let anyone plan your life for you. Don’t settle for assumptions and a “good for all” single option. You deserve better.
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We have been holding on to this gem for a bit now – please give a big welcome to one of our newest Client Advocates, Karen Reynolds.
Providing help and hope through a difficult year to women across the Peninsula.
When you can’t assemble together for your annual Walk4Life what do you do? Try something old school!
Hey Friends, meet Maggie McNeely! She is a face you will get very acquainted with and we are THRILLED to finally introduce you to her if you haven’t had the chance to meet her yet.
© 2024 All Rights Reserved | Care Net Peninsula
Care Net Peninsula is a 501(c)3 non-profit. We provide the help and hope local women need to choose life for their baby.