Providing Help & Hope Through a Difficult Year

2020 Impact Report

“Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.”

Peter’s response to Jesus is my go-to during ‘dark nights of the soul’, theologians talk about. 2020 delivered plenty of those nights for many of us. Peter’s words have two implications. We have unending hope when our health, our culture, even when our whole world seems to be collapsing around us. It also means there’s a God-sized hole in the heart of man that can’t be filled in any other way. The women we serve are fed a steady stream of lies that abortion will fill that hole. It will not.  

Unfortunately, in 2020 those lies got a little louder. New abortion laws and Covid-19 combined to create the potential for an abortion BOOM. For example, a national abortion provider just launched new ads targeting women in our community by offering the abortion pill “discreetly mailed in 2-4 days” without ever leaving home. This was against the law just 12 months ago.

BUT THERE IS HOPE. As part of the Care Net Peninsula family, you helped share words of eternal life with 506 women on the Peninsula last year. Your faithful giving, your prayers, the cookies you dropped off for the staff when we remained open in the early days of the lockdown – those things speak life to me, to our ministry, and to the women and babies we served this year. 

You equipped Care Net to invest more than ever to reach vulnerable moms on the Peninsula. We never shut our doors. We added STI testing. We launched a digital learning platform to equip our clients for parenting. We’re doing whatever we can to ensure the Peninsula is a community where, no matter what, moms have the help and hope they need to choose life for their baby. 

Thank you so much for being part of the Care Net Family. 

Ryan Holloway, Executive Director


New abortion laws in Virginia eliminated the ultrasound requirement

The new laws also lowered the standards for where and by whom abortions could be performed

Under the guise of being a “study”, national abortion organizations started providing the abortion pill by mail

Unplanned Pregnancies and Abortions

• 3,016 unplanned pregnancies
• 1,435 abortions

2020 Clinic Stats

2020 Expenses

The Care Net Team

Board of Directors

Garrett Maroon


Wayne Holcomb, J.D.


Ms. Bobbie Lewis

Board Member

Heatherly Cabral

Board Member

Pastor Shaun Brown

Board Member

Dyan Gurley

Board Member

Jerrid Neeley, M.D.

Board Member

staff members

Ryan Holloway

Executive Director

Shantelle Giles

Clinic Director

Anne Sych

Director of Development

Gail Slocum

Director of Operations

Dr. Elizabeth Lunsford

Medical Director

Meg William, RN, BSN

Nurse Manager

Kinta Dye, RN, BSN

Nurse Manager

Carla Branson, RN, BSN


Sherri Pigue

Client Relations Manager

Meg William, RN, BSN

Nurse Manager

Sheri Coker

Senior Client Advocate

Karen Reynolds

Client Advocate

Amanda Franks

Media Specialist

Maggie Jervey

Community Relations Manager

Linda Mesibov

Adminsitrative Assistant

Make a Donation Today to Provide Help and Hope to Local Women on the Peninsula!

Prayer and Praises – February 2021

God is our shield. Meditate on that. He protects us from things that we don’t even see coming, holds himself between threats and dangers, and delivers us as armor does a soldier, from a place of death to a place of life, over and over again.

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Occasionally after a client comes in for an appointment, we ask if she’d consider filling out a testimony survey. Often these are the “mind-changed” clients. Women who came to see us who were planning on having an abortion, but after talking with an advocate, chose life for their baby.

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Prayer and Praises – January 2021

anuary is a month of memory in the prolife community. It can feel monumentally heavy as we remember how many years abortion has now been legalized in America. However, it is a month dedicated to the Sanctity of Human Life; the sacredness of God’s creation. It points to His holiness and kindness in making something so precious. It encourages hope and praise.

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The Provision of Time

As a staff, we are so grateful for the provision of time that our donors give us to make space and sit down and talk with women. For this woman, this literally allowed us to meet with the woman again before she went to the abortion clinic.

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