The provision of Time

November 2020 Update from Our Community Relations Manager

An abortion-vulnerable client came in a couple of weeks ago. When our nurse, Meg, reached out to her a few days after her initial appointment, she found her really upset. The client had even made an appointment at the abortion clinic the next day. Meg and Sherri (one of our client advocates) talked to her on the phone and worked the schedule out so she could come in THAT night.

She came to the appointment – late but grateful. She talked about the battle in her mind – very spiritual and emotional. She talked specifically about how “cold” the people were on the phone with her at the abortion clinic – “not like here,” (at Alcove Health) she said. She even made comments about how they wanted to make sure she brought the money she would need to start the appt at the abortion clinic. She talked about the difference in our clinic.

All that to say this – our clients often make “back-up plans.” As a staff, we are so grateful for the provision of time that our donors give us to make space and sit down and talk with women. For this woman, this literally allowed us to meet with the woman again before she went to the abortion clinic. She didn’t go to the abortion clinic the next day. She needed a safe place at the right time and we – because of our donors – were able to provide it. Praise the Lord!!

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