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You Are Providing for Moms Through Covid-19 and Beyond!

When you can’t assemble together for your annual Walk4Life what do you do? Our passionate community didn’t let a global pandemic stop us from raising awareness and funds to serve moms and save babies on the Peninsula. 
On June 13th we gathered together in the parking lot of Coastal Community Church for Care Net Peninsula’s first (and prayerfully only) Drive-In4Life. In our decorated cars we celebrated what God has done to continue to provide the needed funds to offer practical help and hope to women in crisis. And can you believe that we held our BIGGEST Spring fundraiser . . . EVER!! Raising over $150,000!! 
You did it!! We are so grateful for all of the hard work our fundraising walkers (we never changed the term . . . oops), teams and churches accomplished to provide care in crisis!

Top Teams

Christ Fellowship Church  of Wburg $13,600

Young Team $12,985

Bridgeport Church $9,560

First Church Port Warwick $5,700

Laufer Insurance Solutions $5,525

Peninsula Community Chapel $4,830

Holloways4Life $4,350

Seaford Baptist Church Life Matters Ministry $3,955

Community Bible Church $3,850

All Generations Church $2,965

Top Walkers

Ryan Holloway $4,350

Caroline Driscoll $3,525

Zipporah Young $3,450

Charlie Littlefield $3,100

Rhonda Laufer $3,000

Leah Alden $2,725

Cary Taylor $2,585

Chloe Figgers $2,250

Andrea Beck $2,175

Anna Alden $2,065


The Water Babies won BEST OVERALL CAR! 


The Cecil Family won MOST CREATIVE CAR!


The Alexander Family won MOST ON MESSAGE CAR!