The Abortion Pill

Have you ever wondered what the abortion pill does and how it works?

Well, the term is called, Medical Abortion and it’s used for under 10 weeks gestation, it’s actually a combination of two different medications, taken two days apart. The first medication is called RU 486, or Mifiprex. It blocks the hormone progesterone from getting to the embryo- causing disconnection from the uterine wall and the heartbeat stops. The second set of pills, called Cytotec or Misoprostol, is taken at home 48 hours later. It causes uterine cramping to expel the pregnancy. Often heavy cramping and bleeding occur and could last for up to 1-2 weeks.

IF for any reason, someone changes their mind after taking the first medication, but BEFORE taking the second medication, a reversal protocol could be possible. It’s best to begin the reversal protocol within 72 hours of taking the RU486 pill. High doses of progesterone are used to counteract the RU 486. There is a nationwide hotline number to call that will connect the woman with a medical provider to begin this treatment. The success rate is between 64-68%, meaning their pregnancies continued and they delivered their babies.

If you have taken the Abortion Pill and regret this decision – call the 24-hour hotline 877-558-0333 and they will connect you with a medical professional who can guide you towards reversing the effects of the abortion pill.

If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy and looking for help and answers, please contact our clinic at 757-591-8141

Tischell’s Story

When I found out I was pregnant I felt nervous, overwhelmed and bad … totally stuck in the moment and wanting time to stop so I could figure out what was going on. I felt like I was in a blur for a few weeks. Confused, that’s the best word to describe it. I came to Care Net Peninsula because I knew that I was pregnant and wanted to make sure that I had an opportunity to speak with someone about what was going on.

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Executive Friend-Raising

In the 1800’s, American barns were costly and required more labor to build than a typical family could provide. Barn raising enlisted members of the community (unpaid) to help build neighbors’ barns. Neighbors recruited others because the favor would eventually return to each participant.

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Compassion and Life

Dr. Elizabeth Lunsford is an obstetrician-gynecologist at Riverside Health who lives in Gloucester, Virginia. She received her medical degree from Eastern Virginia Medical School and serves as Medical Director for our pregnancy center. She explains in her own words why she volunteers her time and skills to the work of Care Net Peninsula.

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A Word from our Development Director

Those of you who have followed Care Net Peninsula for the past 32 years know that, like any organization, change has and will continue to happen. Change often takes us out of our ‘comfort zones’, but when we are focused on honoring the Lord, it makes all of the difference.

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