Prayer and Praises – August 2020
Without Jesus we have nothing. Without Jesus, there is no life, no hope, no savior, no future.
A Safe Space to Process Your Feelings
Going through any crisis can leave one frazzled and in need of reassurance. What if you add an unplanned pregnancy and a pandemic into the mix? Here at Alcove Health, we are meeting women daily who are living this reality.
Recently I met with Ava, a young mom contemplating an abortion to end her unplanned pregnancy. One of the first statements she made to me was:
“I was sitting in the parking lot at the abortion clinic crying so hard. I just knew that I didn’t belong there. It just didn’t feel right. So, I looked online and found Alcove Health.”
Shyly she sat down, quieted her nerves, and began to tell me that she is a single mom with two daughters who depend on her. Ava had just lost her second job when Covid-19 struck and has no family to help her, only a lifelong friend who is solely encouraging her to hang in there. Ava shared with me that she is desperate to do better than her mother did and be a good example for her girls. Berating herself for a “moment in time” her heartbreaking story continued. I was honored to listen and share these moments with her knowing God was present with us in the room.
Ava breathed a sigh of relief and said, “This feels so good, you know? Just having the chance to hear myself say this out loud and uninterrupted is the best gift. Thank You. I needed this more than you know.”
* Name changed to protect our client’s identity
Without Jesus we have nothing. Without Jesus, there is no life, no hope, no savior, no future.
Where can you find the accurate information you need before you get an abortion? The answer – a place that will not benefit financially from any of your choices. Our clinic, Alcove Health Women’s Clinic, is that place. It’s a wise choice for a safe place.
It is refreshing to remember how good our God is! This year’s Drive-In4Life was more successful than any Walk4Life to date!
Have you ever wondered what the abortion pill does and how it works? Well, the term is called, Medical Abortion and it’s used for under 10 weeks gestation, it’s actually a combination of two different medications, taken two days apart.
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Care Net Peninsula is a 501(c)3 non-profit. We provide the help and hope local women need to choose life for their baby.