The Best Gift

A Safe Space to Process Your Feelings

Going through any crisis can leave one frazzled and in need of reassurance. What if you add an unplanned pregnancy and a pandemic into the mix? Here at Alcove Health, we are meeting women daily who are living this reality.

Recently I met with Ava, a young mom contemplating an abortion to end her unplanned pregnancy. One of the first statements she made to me was:

“I was sitting in the parking lot at the abortion clinic crying so hard. I just knew that I didn’t belong there. It just didn’t feel right. So, I looked online and found Alcove Health.”

Shyly she sat down, quieted her nerves, and began to tell me that she is a single mom with two daughters who depend on her. Ava had just lost her second job when Covid-19 struck and has no family to help her, only a lifelong friend who is solely encouraging her to hang in there. Ava shared with me that she is desperate to do better than her mother did and be a good example for her girls. Berating herself for a “moment in time” her heartbreaking story continued. I was honored to listen and share these moments with her knowing God was present with us in the room.

A smile and many tissues later, I was able to tell her that she has already given her children a better life than she had. I told her that she is not alone. There is a community standing by you and rooting for you to have the future that you have fought so hard for.

Ava breathed a sigh of relief and said, “This feels so good, you know? Just having the chance to hear myself say this out loud and uninterrupted is the best gift. Thank You. I needed this more than you know.”

* Name changed to protect our client’s identity

Get to Know Emalee

She’s been one of the driving forces behind a successful event season for our ministry, and we thought it was time we finally introduce you to our Development Coordinator, Emalee.

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