Joy from Pain
When I was a little girl, age 5, my mother had an abortion. There were medical reasons, but the effects of that decision were life-long for her and for my father as well as for myself and likely my other siblings.
Christ Fellowship Church of Wmbg. $10,935
The Young Family $8,937
Kimberly and Co-Laborers $8,937
Hampton Christian Academy $7,921
Community Bible Church $6,470
Peninsula Community Chapel $5,787
Laufer Insurance Solutions $5,045
LightHouse Team $4,807
Grace Family Fellowship $4,645
Seaford Baptist Church $4,610
Mark Lee $5,217
Kelley Crawford $4,805
Becky Richmond$4,117
Caroline Driscoll $3,530
Charlie Littlefield $3,000
Carly Taylor $2,855
Consuelo Pyatt $2,610
Ryan Holloway $2,450
Mark Geary $2,410
Samuel Young $2,371
When I was a little girl, age 5, my mother had an abortion. There were medical reasons, but the effects of that decision were life-long for her and for my father as well as for myself and likely my other siblings.
You believe in life. It’s sacred. It’s undeniably alive. So you protect it. You speak up, you give money to Care Net Peninsula, and you pray that pregnant women won’t default to abortion. And that is what happens – women do choose life.
Too often in our culture, narratives don’t reflect reality. This is true on both sides of the political aisle and within all our different subcultures. Sometimes the lies don’t matter much – “Wow, Santa came and ate all those cookies! — Definitely NOT Dad!!” Other times, lives are at stake. If I’ve learned anything in my time at Care Net, it’s that the abortion industry lies, and then lies about lying.
You may have heard about a very important case being heard by the Supreme Court this Wednesday, Dec. 1st – the case of Dobbs vs Jackson Women’s Health.
© 2025 All Rights Reserved | Care Net Peninsula
Care Net Peninsula is a 501(c)3 non-profit. We provide the help and hope local women need to choose life for their baby.