Prayer and Praises – February 2022
One of the most important things we need is your prayer. Check out our monthly prayer and praises report to find out how you can pray for us.
Abortion is in the news nearly every day. In 2016 it escalated with videos that exposed corrupt practices taking place at Planned Parenthood. Then earlier this year, Virginia’s governor made controversial statements supporting late-term abortion. Now several states have passed new abortion laws in the past 6 months, with more states on the way. As both sides battle on legal and cultural fronts, it all begs the question “What do I do about it?”
I recently sat down with Katherine Parker, a local realtor, mother of 4, and long-time voice for the unborn on the Peninsula, to ask her about this question.
Ryan Holloway,
Executive Director, Care Net Peninsula
Do you follow abortion in the news? I follow to stay informed, but I don’t immerse myself in it and get completely bogged down. It’s all very sad and it’s heartbreaking, but there is hope that God will bring good from it.
With 24/7 news & social media, it’s easy to grow numb to it all. how do you take positive steps to make an impact on an issue that’s so important to you? I would say my biggest ministry is to my own family. As my kids get older, and new laws are passed, I’m talking to them about it and pouring into them so they can see the light and truth in this issue. That’s also why we’re involved, as a family, in Care Net Peninsula. That’s why I do things like the Walk4Life with them.
Abortion advocates accuse pro-lifers of only caring about politics and not the lives of mothers and their children. Are they right? I think they might be right to an extent, but it’s not the norm. And that’s why we need to rally around women in our community who are struggling with an unplanned pregnancy. Care Net sets the standard for this and our local churches can learn a lot from the practical ways you help. These mothers can come in and receive maternity clothes, diapers, baby clothes, and have other needs met, and the staff continues to follow up with them long after the babies are born. These women are living the reality that they are loved and there’s a place that they can go for help, comfort, and encouragement on this difficult road.
When the New York abortion laws were passed, people called to ask you what to do about it. what did you tell them? Instantly my answer was Care Net. Care Net does such a good job of stripping the politics away and focuses on people. I think that’s the beauty of it. Care Net pours into these men, women, and babies and shows them, unconditional love. Practically, you can be a life defender by giving monthly to Care Net Peninsula. Plus you can go to the banquet or the Walk4Life. You can help get your church involved.
Ready to take action? Give online today.
One of the most important things we need is your prayer. Check out our monthly prayer and praises report to find out how you can pray for us.
Last year we added another wonderful community leader and long-time ministry supporter, Dyan Gurley, to our Board of Directors. God has been using her to spread his Word and stand for life on Peninsula for some time now and we are thankful to have her as part of the Care Net Family.
Local businesswoman Leesa Conley to serve as chair at this year’s annual Walk4Life Community Event to take place on April 30th, 2022 at Newport News Park
Pastor Shaun Brown and his family have been a part of the Care Net Family for over a decade, and we were thrilled to have him join the Board of Directors this past year.
© 2025 All Rights Reserved | Care Net Peninsula
Care Net Peninsula is a 501(c)3 non-profit. We provide the help and hope local women need to choose life for their baby.