The Battle to Protect the Unborn
In many ways, we’re living in the days we’ve all been praying for, the day the news declares Roe v. Wade is dead! But the battle to protect the unborn is far from over.
At Care Net Peninsula, we are beyond grateful for the selfless men and women who make up our Board of Directors. They represent various groups and professions in our community and bring a variety of knowledge and talent to the leadership of this ministry. As we enter this next season, we have had to say goodbye to two long-serving members, Mark Lee (President) and Rob Johnson, Esq. (Treasurer). Both men faithfully served on our board for multiple years and terms, and helped grow Care Net Peninsula to what you see today. We are sad their time on our Board has come to an end, but we are thankful for the years they labored alongside us to help bring practical help and hope in Jesus to women on the Peninsula.
We look forward to the new Board of Directors members God will bring our way and we are pleased to introduce you to one of them, Garrett Maroon. Garrett is the leader of a local real estate team, The Maroon Group, and the CEO of LaunchPad Business Coaching. He graduated from Christopher Newport University and has been a long-time partner with the ministry. He is married to his better half, Rachel, and they have two young children. He and his family are active members of Reformation Christian Fellowship in Newport News. Garrett joined the board because he believes there has never been a more important time to stand up and fight for life!
Picture Above: Garrett and his family
Care Net Peninsula Board of Directors:
In many ways, we’re living in the days we’ve all been praying for, the day the news declares Roe v. Wade is dead! But the battle to protect the unborn is far from over.
Each of our donors has a beautiful story WHY God brought them to take up this charge to fight abortion in our community. Here is one.
Considering abortion or know someone who is? It’s important for many reasons to get a free ultrasound first. Find out more today.
2021 was our best year ever . . . thanks to your support. Check out all the things YOU made possible this year.
© 2025 All Rights Reserved | Care Net Peninsula
Care Net Peninsula is a 501(c)3 non-profit. We provide the help and hope local women need to choose life for their baby.