I Would Still Be Mourning Now


My life before finding out I was pregnant was hectic. I had a 13-year-old who had gotten into legal trouble because of mental health issues and an energetic 4-year-old. I was working part-time and going to school full-time. I lived with my children in my home and recently started a new relationship.

When I found out I was pregnant, I honestly felt miserable. I cried every moment of the day. My anxiety and depression got so much worse. I was an emotional time bomb. I felt numb. I hated myself. I disliked my partner. But honestly, I was just ashamed…like I had let myself down.

I came to Care Net because I wanted to confirm my pregnancy and hear all my choices, even though my main focus was to get an abortion and put this all behind me.

“. . . my main focus was to get an abortion and put this all behind me.”

The people at Care Net were really friendly, which shocked me. No one was judgmental and everyone made my experience wonderful. I worked with Ms. Shantelle and she was just what I needed to help me get through and provide me with avenues of support.

The services Care Net provided me were beyond helpful. My conversations with my counselor made me feel understood and I was able to process my pregnancy, instead of stay in denial and make a decision that I would still be mourning now. Words will never be able to express how much I appreciate Care Net’s support.

Laverne is a woman who received help and experienced transformation because of your support of Care Net Peninsula. She gave birth to a healthy baby boy in April 2016.

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